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 Feb 2015 Mike lowe
The urge to kiss you is like an inflating balloon
That is about to burst.
I'm staring into your eyes searching for a sign
That you want me too.
The tension between us is a rubber band
About to snap.
You lean in towards me and I cannot breath.
Kiss me now
Or I'll change my mind and turn away.
I'm scared
To feel what you and I could be.
 Feb 2015 Mike lowe
Let's make some memories so I can spill the ink of my brimming thoughts to the world of poetry*

 Feb 2015 Mike lowe
 Feb 2015 Mike lowe
i've been listening to the same song over and over again,
biting my nails and pulling on my cuticles,
taking the razor out, twirling it between my fingers
i've been sad again,
drying my tears with an old sweatshirt,
telling everybody that i'm okay,
throwing up after each meal


i've been smiling again,
running my hands through his hair, doing spontaneous things,
knowing time will heal all wounds
i've been eating again, little by little
things aren't clear
but even if i try
things will get better again
 Feb 2015 Mike lowe
Go with God?
But *who
is God to me?
Would you have me walk
side by side with a stranger?

Walk with the Lord?
I run and I run free,
spirit and its not holy.
Besides he doesn't Walk with me

The Lord is my shepherd?
But I'm no sheep.
I belong to no flock
I long to be heard
so I stand independently.

Go to God?
I did in my time of need
but his churches gates
were closed to me,
shunned on steps seeking sanctuary
and yet it gave me the clarity
I needed to move on in life.
In seeking solace
I found growth
in the solitary, ironically.

I found a certain kind
of serenity wash over me
in rejection
an epiphany even.

That I Can't trust in God
cause I no longer
believe in He
who I cannot see,
who I can no
longer hear speak.

And it's not a matter
of right or wrong
my faith has taken me
down a different path.
Where I need to learn
to put trust in the fallacy
of human beings
of people,
of you and me.

And maybe just maybe...
that was his plan all along.
 Feb 2015 Mike lowe
You* shoulda been the one to see me cry.

Maybe that way I wouldn't have to live a *lie.
When you think of all those emotions you bottle up on behalf of others out of your own cowardice and consideration.
 Feb 2015 Mike lowe
Mile Conde
I want to love you.
I want to get to know every spot of your skin.
Trace the outlines of your body.
Brush my fingertips on your soft lips.
Bite it.
Leave a mark behind, so everyone knows
You are mine.
Caress your silky hair.
Be the one to take care
Of you.
Of your heart.
I want to hold your hand
And kiss your knuckles
One by one.
Until there's no emotion showing in your eyes
But love
And happiness
And trust.
I wanna know what love is
And I want you to show me.
I wanna feel what love is.
And I know you can show me.
You bury all your problems,
beneath sunflower beds
and your back porch.
Cause the sun will take your sadness,
and drown it with its warmth.
And you'll sweep off the front steps,
shake out the welcome mat,
hoping he'll come inside.
And perhaps he will stay awhile,
and hold you through the night.
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