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Brown eyes
so sad

Snowy skies
that reflect

Too cold
too numb
to tell
 Feb 2015 Mike lowe
the winters
here in montauk
had frozen me
i am now
brittle bones
blood on my lips
lilac veins vivid
on my skin

i can no longer
count all these
dead nights for
my fingertips
have grown
a little numb

the exact way
the crystal stem
of the limpid glass
between yours
can never grasp
your heat

the very way
that sinful scarlet
liquid bead perch
on your full
crimson lips
unaware of its
good fortune

precisely the way
that beauty on the
other end of the
table veiled
burnt sienna
will cravingly gaze
into your worried eyes
but only one of
two hearts
will glow

the other will remain
and mine will always
"i’m more and more afraid
because i’m not like myself before.
i’m scared to see myself getting weaker.
without you, even the air around me is heavy."
(edited. thanks for the input! ♡)
 Feb 2015 Mike lowe
Sometimes we hurt in silence

Because we think that’s all we have

It’s a secret place

That only one can hack  

Where no one sees your shame

And everything seems safe

Such a silent enemy

Relentlessly awaiting in place

Things aren’t always said nor done in purpose ways

Some peculiar feelings just can’t be kept held

As tears begin to shed

Hoping someone could only understand

But silence is just there

In every step of the way

Withdrawing all positives

Pushing people away

As silence pursues at its best

But doesn’t account for the rest

When there’s people that care

And keep you standing straight

Of how they hold some faith

As you let it linger in vain

Sometimes we hurt in silence

Because we think that’s all we have

But we are our own enemy

That’s simply a way of life
 Feb 2015 Mike lowe
It burns when the tears come out, with a runny nose
And the sadness taking over my pale face

It's that feeling of emptiness
That dries my soul, leaves it weak with no colors of joy

The tinggleing around my body a fear thinking of tomorrow
and not seeing the daylight once more

Killing the family circle and wondering if it really broke
Imagine me not here at least not anymore
Here comes that feeling of emptiness making me feel that I dont belong

For how can it burn?

The feeling is too strong
As my eyes turn red and my tears are warm

They're too salty I think
But again they're washing the bitter away

It's that feeling of emptiness I can't make go away
I don't see it healing, for I imagine me not here

At least not anymore

So see, it does burn and leaves nothing to solve
but ashes of memories that will fade away

As that feeling of emptiness was here to stay
 Feb 2015 Mike lowe
How hard do I have to shut my eyes for the tears not to come out?
Is that not the solution?
For the pain drowning me inside

Why does it hurt if it's only water I drop?
Why do I cry if I have my eyes shut?

Maybe I screamed, maybe I said what I did not mean,
But I gave you something from me

Why, did you not want it?
What was it that you didn't like?

But, you know what?
I will try not to care
I will let it all out

I will open my eyes
And shower the ground
I will not drown for what you answered back

Clear crystal water drops so bitter and dry
to the taste of the my mouth

A gift from my heart
The gift of a life
And you, you ignored it gave it your back

It's great, you've only injured me hard
And don't worry about me
Shall I not worry about this

I will comfort my ego
And forget that my eyes could've ever shed a tear
She's dressing up like an angel,
with wings on the corners of her eyes
and a halo around her neck.
Glitter-glossed lips to lock in a smile,
tightly winding a dress around her hips;
she's dressing to forget.
There's nothing good about a girl who is sad.

And she's got a tremble in her fingertips,
her pulse pressing against her skin
as she stares at the creature in the mirror.
Two dull eyes with a sad silver lining,
and a broken blush upon her cheeks;
she's seeing things that aren't her.
There's nothing good about a girl who is sad.

And she exhales tired sighs,
with failed wishes and last minute hopes,
letting it all die away with the rest of herself.
Because her mother never taught her love,
and her father never showed her what's right;
only leaving her to fall into the dangers of the world.
*There's nothing good about a girl who is sad.
If I were a *******.
 Feb 2015 Mike lowe
chrissy c a
I remember the first day I saw you,
This was just a year ago,
I remember it oh so clearly.

I couldn't sleep the night before,
We were in the same place.
Under the same sky.

I told my friends the next morning,
"Gosh, I've never sweated this much."
They giggled,
and thought I was kidding,
But I did not lie.

I stared into the distance,
There you were.
Wow, I thought.
You were real.
Gone, were our laptops.
The sight of you behind the screens.
And the ambience of our lowly lit rooms.
You were just within arms reach.

I hid behind my friends,
As we walked in a line.
"Shh, stay down," they whispered as we got closer.
I giggled, my head feeling light,
Is this how falling in love felt like?

Your jaw dropped as you saw me,
I felt like a little girl as you came running towards me,
Took me in your arms and spun me,
"I thought you were at your friends for the weekend!
How did I not see this coming?!"

This bittersweet memory just broke me,
A year later none of us saw this separation coming.
I don't know how to end this. It hurts to remember
 Feb 2015 Mike lowe
I poured everything
I had into you and you were  
Still empty.
 Feb 2015 Mike lowe
 Feb 2015 Mike lowe
The midnight sonata
invites the chill wind
To come and dance with the piano
key. So gentle and sweet
It whispers schmaltzy cries
With the uptempto beat comes
a tapping feet.The stillness of
the night makes the  spirit alive
How enchanting is the stars
gleaming in your eyes
I can see myself floating
under the celestial sky
Dreaming in a serene wonder
of your warm embrace,
I woke up in a chorus of
tranquil space.*

 Feb 2015 Mike lowe
Our love
 Feb 2015 Mike lowe
My hands running through your hair,
I feel each strand between my fingers.
Your hands intertwined with mine,
We hold on tight and never let go.
Your arms surrounding my body,
I am protected from this wretched world.
In a world that does not accept us,
We find peace within each other.
Our love is all that matters.
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