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 Jul 2020 mery
Our souls at night.
They whisper in secret tongues of our midnight love affair.
Echoing desires.
Moaning to be heard.  
Yearning for satisfaction.
For relief,
For love,
For only your love.
 Jul 2020 mery
I-sun Marami
There's a girl
Behind the windows
Waiting for the Moon
So she may smell it
As she is blind
 Jul 2020 mery
 Jul 2020 mery
The sun always shines after a dark night.
 Jul 2020 mery
Savio Fonseca
At Nights, I take My Loneliness
and Add to it, a Tear or Two.
Throw in some Emptiness.
Mix them up, till I'm Blue.
Keep them under Cover.
Near to My Broken Dreams.
Then sail My Boat of Sorrow,
on Waves of the Silver Streams.
I could always feel it happening,
when Loneliness was Around.
My Feet which were once steady,
kept sinking in the Ground.
 Jul 2020 mery
 Jul 2020 mery
i've searched near and far for you,
i've found very few.

you come at night,
sometimes you even give me a fright.

sometimes in the middle of the day,
when i'm trying to keep my peace at bay.

you've never helped me;
yet i still need you
because you help me breathe.
 Jul 2020 mery
 Jul 2020 mery
cry yourself to sleep
and tell yourself it will be better in the morning
 Jul 2020 mery
Late-night poem
 Jul 2020 mery
I went to see the starry sky
It's dazzling gleam was a delight
But as I went to tell my friends
the starry night came to an end
I wrote this impulsively when feeling overwhelmed and I haven't changed a thing about it because I wanted to capture those exact feelings.
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