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 Dec 2017 a mcvicar
One and Only
I thought I could take it
and so I endured.
I thought I could make it
and so I went on.
Dismissing each thought
each farewell suggestion.
Little did I know
I was not that strong.

I've been good and I've been behaved.
I haven't had an idea like that for even more than days.
But somehow recently, I have been thinking,
planning once more,
my life which is fleeting.

I don't know why it's hard to tell others,
hard to tell those who you love and vice versa,
They tried asking when they seem to catch me,
but it doesn't seem that they take me seriously.
I'm just that extrovert who's had a bad day.
Doubtful it seems for me to wish myself away.
Some people have it worse and say I can't complain,
but this time it's different,
cause maybe you can handle it but this is my pain.

Stop calling me dumb,
Stop calling me intimidating,
Stop calling me walang hiya
please, stop calling me big,
It's not exactly a compliment,
so please stop saying it.
I thought you understood me
though maybe I'm at fault here,
for I could never show my feelings
as clear as my streaming tears.
I don't know how I can do this.. Most people seem to be fine leaving me alone.
 Dec 2017 a mcvicar
I don't know how to tell my parents I'm struggling.
Because one minute I'm a giggling
12 year old,
sleeping over at friends houses,
laughing at nothing,
eating junk food
and watching horror movies,
the next minute I'm a bumbling
17 year old,
and someone has pulled the plug out of my bath,
I'm cold and shaking,
alone in a cylinder cube that's spinning and spinning
and spinning out of control,
I can't move my arms because of the speed,
it's throwing me in directions I never knew existed
until now,
as I'm cascading down a waterfall,
plummeting to the ends of the earth,
I scream for mercy at a God I don't know,
and wish I attended church once a week,
prayed to a religion I don't believe,
just to feel comfort wrap their arms around me,
but still, amidst the wreckage
and the bendy, broken bones
and my calloused feet from running around in my head all day,
I pull myself up,
shake my head and watch as my tears fall
from my face, just like the dust from my hair,
and I take a bath,
and I continue.
Even though I ache and I cry,
and I feel I could die,
I soldier on throughout the wind and the rain,
and as the hail falls forth from the skies,
and pandora's box opens
I scream:
"Yes! I made it!"
because I had gotten up that morning and attended my morning classes,
even though I have shapes and welts where the hail had hit,
I still laugh like I'm
12 years old again.
I bandage my wounds,
and watch as they scar,
and although I hide them,
and slander and name call them,
I kiss them now and again to
make sure they heal.
Because I can't be sure when someone will
kiss me to make me recover,
so I kiss myself to sleep every night,
and tell myself I'm worthy of it.
Just so I can wake up and smile.

To a world that's spinning out of my control.
Reach for help,
we will reach back.
 Dec 2017 a mcvicar
 Dec 2017 a mcvicar
I am your puppet.
You pull my strings.
Make me dance,
for it's you I please.
I am your puppet.

Thing is, I'm not.

You treat me like a toy
and it needs to stop.
You act like I'm on the bottom
and you're at the top.
I am not your puppet,
I am not your game.
That's it.
You will not play with me today.
 Dec 2017 a mcvicar
There comes a time
When all things seem unreal
Even the kindest soul
Looks drenched in darkness
And you and me just don't exist
Upon nightfall of each day
Staring at the starless sky
The fear of losing you
Turns my life's rainbow grey
It is my only wish to be with you
Regardless of how far or near
The distance may be
You are always close
Close, just like the beats of my heart
Drawing closer, being my part
One step at a time
And I tip toed into your gentle arms
Never before, this feeling came about
I feel as to scream and shout out loud
That you are my love, my one and only
A better half of me
Full of life, my dream, my love
We shall never grow apart
Tho distance may divide us
But never again, shall this heart be  
Shattered into pieces
Like how you found me one day
Drowning in my tears and collecting
My hearts broken pieces
The melody you played that day
Slowly repaired the strings of my soul
How fortunate, I am today
To be standing beside you
While you holding me gently
Blowing my sorrows miles away
And filling me with your unconditional love

Fictional write.
Unrhymed, raw scribbles.
 Dec 2017 a mcvicar
My friends and my family
all complain
that I’m always constantly late

But do you know why
life's such a drain?
Why I lay in my bed and just wait?

As relaxed as I seem
the calmness I feign
I'm loosing at an alarming rate

I try not to speak
‘bout the things in my brain
Cause depression’s just called checkmate
it seems they have have forgotten that i am fragile and need to spend time to make sure i dont break
 Dec 2017 a mcvicar
Valsa George
When letters wait
to pounce on a blank page
when thoughts crowd the mind
like frothing **** in a pond
I keep wondering
what poetry is to me
what poetry is to many

Is it not the language of the heart
with no intervention of gray matter
the unlocking of closed vaults
stirring the embers of love, hurt or pain
or giving a free rein to fancy
and flying on magic carpets
to lands forlorn

Sometimes it is
a glide into a sea of tranquillity
an escape from
the humdrum of the world
a flash of liberation
from assaults of pain
a sedative
to numb the turmoil
a sanctuary
for a burdened heart
a window
to look at the world through
a companion
when one is inconsolably alone
a candle flame
in a darkening world
a cloth line
to hang the ***** laundry
a water lily blooming
in the pool of tears
a shelter
in homelessness

sometimes it is a ladder
to climb up to Heavens
an angel on wings
with tidings of hope
peace in a world
braced for war

Poetry, if you are all these
let us fall at your feet
bless us in our art
may we splurge in fancy
and conjure up worlds from words!

our poems may not be light houses
but could be fireflies
on a starless night!
Thanks friends for the loving encouragement you have given! I must thank two of my friends in particular.... Kim Johanna Baker for giving an extra shine to my poem and Sarita Adhitya Varma for helping me post this poem when my repeated attempt at posting failed! She patiently directed me.
I used to drawing these big yellow circles.
They would always make me happy.
Every time I did, I expected miracles
And I know that that seems sappy.
But there was just something about it
That forced my mouth to smile
I wouldn’t even have to think about it
At least that lasted for a little while.
Things have changed now that I’m older
I don’t have time to look at colors
Now, instead of thinking they look bolder
They’ve faded like light through closed shutters
Is it just that time has worn me down
Or is it just the truth in life
That an innocent smile turns to a frown
And a happy yellow circle into strife
 Dec 2017 a mcvicar
She Writes
You lied when you said
You’d love me no matter
The thoughts in my head
The reality is sadder

You’re never there
When I need you the most
Less you could care
I live with a ghost

I’m at fault too
You’re Not the only to blame
I have a secret or two
You and I are one in the same

You’re a liar and I’m a cheat
At least we know where each other sleeps
 Dec 2017 a mcvicar
Drowned in my own tears,
for a few days, I think.
All that time, I cried and cried,
scared I'd never blink.

You would think,
devoting a life, to someone so hideous inside
would get that devotion burned,
but  instead of burning my own life away,
I stood and decided to be a tornado today.

Fires can burn brightly, I know,
like the guy who broke me so,
but tornadoes can rip the land,
and still reach the star struck galaxy of black.

So go on then,
my lost, loved X,
I'll be higher,
not a star, but a brilliant, bright lightning bolt sent from a much greater fire, that has more passion then the world,
could ever begin to acquire.
Episode 2 :)
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