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Margar Nov 2014
The Sun is in love.
The Moon is in love.
But what they have is a forbidden love.
The Sun chases the Moon.
The Moon chases the Sun.
But a force greater than that forbids their love.
They will never reach each other,
No matter how hard they try.
A Romeo and Juliet story, once again.
They know their bond won't last very long
Because the Sun and the Moon have a forbidden love.
Follow-up to the "Sun and Moon" poem- created by Ann C.
7.8k · Nov 2014
Margar Nov 2014
How is life associated with death?
Or white with black?
Or dark or light?
How is upwards related to downwards?
Or North and South?
Or East and West?
Or left and right?
How is happiness similar to sadness?
Or love with hate?

Without one of them,
The other wouldn't exist.
idk. You tell me what this is about..........
4.0k · Nov 2014
Margar Nov 2014
I'm a little flower.
I am as delicate as the petals of a flower.
Tear me,
And you'll never be able to repair me.

Step on me,
You just lost a breathe of your life.

Rip me from my roots,
I'll die within seconds.

Spit on me,
Thanks for that one more drop of rain.

Make fun of me,
Look who's talking.

Little flower.
Bold heart.

One thing I know,
Is that if you cross the line,
I won't be that little pretty flower you knew.
I don't know. I didn't mean the look who's talking part mean. I just... Couldn't come up with anything else. Oh and who talks about flowers without talking about potatoes! Join the potato league #jointhepotatoleague and become an official potato!
3.9k · Nov 2014
Solace (TFioS)
Margar Nov 2014
I love you Augustus,
With my heart entire,
It is you,
I admire,
With all my heart.

It may not seem okay,
That you left me to stay,
With my heart broken,
But as you always say,
"Maybe 'okay' will be our always,"
So will be it.

This is our token,
For the "third" space I felt,
And hopefully I'll feel.

Tell me, Augustus Waters,
What can I do when all I can feel is loneliness?
This is as if Hazel were saying it.
3.4k · Nov 2014
Angie (13:13:13)
Margar Nov 2014
Long shot. Background: School At night. Dim lights. After dance.

Angie, Yanni, and Maria walk home, laughing and being jocular.

Maria, right. Angie, Middle. Yanni, left.

(joyous): That was just a-maz-ing! Did you guys have fun?
Yanaiz *(Bored face)
: Eh.
Maria: Yeah. (bored sigh) I guess that was fun. I'm really tired though. (yawns)
Angie: (Wears a happy facade.) So you guys want to come to the dance next month?
Yanni, Maria (vexed): Sure?
Yanni (says it in a long sigh): I'm pretty bored, let's change the topic. (not bored anymore, she was bored with the party talk but is now gleeful that they will change the topic) Okay? Okay.

Camera shot: Close shot- enough for the three girls' faces to show.

Maria (looking forward to any topic that doesn't relate to the party): Okay, what do you guys want to talk about.
Angie (sarcastic): I dunno. I just want to talk about Nash.
Yanni (jokingly mad): No, no, no, no, no. You say that word one more time girl, and I'll slap you.
Maria (somewhat exited): Let's talk food. No, let's go eat food. (eh face)* I didn't like the cookies.  Any suggestions?
Angie (hungry face): Ooooo. Corvette Diner.
Yanni (ambiguous)  : I love all food. I can go anywhere. But, yeah, that's sounds delicious.
Maria and Yanni do a hi-five.
Angie (as if Nash were there): I heard Nash likes that restaurant.
Yanni (annoyed, consternated): Will you quit it with that Nash Grier already? Enough is enough.
Angie (happy, anxious/eager): But, Oh. My. G--
Yanni (jocular, but mad): Forget him chicken fingers.
Maria (anxious, eager): Do they sell chicken fingers there? Ah (gasps). They do!
Yanni(joking): No? I haven't gone to that place or even heard of it. I just called Angie chicken fingers because she looks like one. Am I right? Angie, do they sell chicken fingers at the Ferrari Diner?
Angie (exited): Corvette Diner? Yeah!
Maria (anxious): I told you so!

They all start laughing on their way to the Corvette diner. Cars pass through.

With this, the (two) murderers, were behind them. Hiding.

They come up behind them. They girls turn around.

Video in slow motion when they face the murderers.

Screen turns black and the audience hears ****** screams.

Screen goes on again and the three girls are on the floor.

Screen goes black again.

Screen reappears and it has captions saying, "13 year, 13 days later, at 13:12 PM." Showing the clock changes to 13:13. where Angie's tomb lies. Video in panorama.

Realstic: Right after it turns to 13:13, exactly 13 seconds after, it happens. Builds suspense.

Wide screen shot. A lightning hits the tomb in the 13th second on the time.

Make Angie look like a ghost, faded picture.

Next shot:
Angie watches over where her friends are, (university) but they can't see there because she is a ghost. She talks to them but no one listens. She looks over to the people who ever bullied her.

Angie:(walks over) (whispering in ear of one of the bullies) I bet you never were sorry. (snickers) So why should I?

Angie pokes the bully and walks away.

Angie: (Careless laugh.) You better start saying you goodbyes. You will be gone at 13:13:13. No more, no less.

Bully looks around and spots Angie, but doesn't do anything.

Next shot: Bully's house. Picture focused on clock on counter, bully on background collapses at 13:13:13.

Video is close to ending...

Captions go on (two slides) saying:
1st caption: Angie finds one of her murderers 13 years later on a Friday...

2nd caption: She found the second murderer 13 years later, on the thirteenth day of October...

Last caption indicating end to the film-
They both died on the thirteenth second of the thirteenth minute of the thirteenth hour. The day Angie found them.....

While the last caption is on, audio says again in Angie's voice,
"I bet you were never sorry (pause), so why should I?" (laughs lightly)

The End, or is it?
Photography class script for Halloween. I'll be adding to this. Horror story. I will add the horror as time passes by. It's a script.

You Won't Have Time to Blink. Once you see her, you you know your dead. Actually, you won't be able to think you are going to die. The one and only thing she seeks, is revenge over her murderers.
2.3k · Nov 2014
Random Love Poems
Margar Nov 2014
I seek,
But I cannot find.
I listen,
But I cannot hear.
I love you,
But I cannot love you.
You let me drown in the seas,
You left me to burn in the fire,
You left me helplessly in the middle of a war,
You let me fall for you,
You let me to die in this world,
Without caring my heart was broken.
I'll send a kiss to you,
Soaring in the air hoping it reaches you,
Just like I send a paper airplane.
But there's a catch to it.
I can't send an airplane without making it.
So I can't send a kiss without meaning it.
Not one.
Not two.
But three times did you break my heart when a gave you a heartbreaking chance.
I don't know. I wouldn't really write this. But I've seen many people with broken hearts. I guess I'll dedicate these to them.
Margar Nov 2014
You mean my whole world,
My whole life.
You are the reason I can love. Live. Laugh. Forgive.
You give me the strength to keep going.
I love you over everything.
You are my everything.
I can't do anything without you.
Without you, I'd be lost,
In the shades.
You are my night and day,
The reason I live,
I thank you for everything,
My family,
My friends,
My life.
You are the fountain of love,

Thank You God,
I can't say it enough.
Was feeling very grateful. Everyone, you should be grateful too. Especially with God. He has done everything for us. In the hashtag, there is no capitalisation, but God is capitalised.
1.8k · Nov 2014
A Better Tomorrow
Margar Nov 2014
I can't help to feel joy that they'll be a tomorrow,
A tomorrow,
A tomorrow,
A tomorrow.

No sorrow,

Only the best tomorrow,
For me and you and everyone else,
That tomorrow,
That tomorrow means so much,
I will fly,
Into the clouds,

Riding unicorns,
Sliding down rainbows,
Feeling things I never did before,
And that happiness,
Will fulfil my needs,
And I will always be happy,
No matter the obstacles,

Will change my heart.

The stormy cold feeling
Will be replace in my heart with joy,

That they'll be a tomorrow,

A much better tomorrow than the day before.

I can't help but feel that everyday will just,

Better and better and better and better and better and better and better............

*I will forget the past.
I dedicate this to someone very special.
1.7k · Nov 2014
Margar Nov 2014
How can you define time?
Is there a definition to it?
Some say time passes fast.
Some say it passes slow.
The universe has been around for billions of years.
But that wasn't long ago, right?
There is no beginning to time.
Or end to it.
It's infinite.
But, is a second little or a lot of time?
A second is in an hour is in a day is in a week is in a month is in a year is in a decade is in a century is in a millennial, is in a million years is in a billion years is in a trillion years and so forth.
A nanosecond is in a microsecond is in a millisecond is in a hundredth of a second is in a tenth of a second is in a ninth of a second is in an eighth of a second is in a seventh of a second is in a sixth of a second is in a fifth of a second is in a fourth of a second is in a third of a second is in half a second and so forth.  

Time doesn't start, but it doesn't end.


What is the definition of infinite?
858 · Nov 2014
Please. Let. Me. Sleep.
Margar Nov 2014
You know what?
Dear alarm clock?
With your pretty pink dock.
You stalk.
Break my eardrums.
Let. Me. Sleep.
You are weird,
Like no other.
And I begin to ponder
How do you know at what time I wake up?
Or I turn on the radio?
How do you know if I set an alarm for the next morning?
Why are you so loud and mourning.
I don't know about you,
Don't be creepy.
Don't be loud.
Don't know the time.

Just in case you didn't notice,
Dear alarm clock,
Don't mock.
I have an appointment with my bed and pillow.

I just felt really inspired by my morning and how I don't like it when my alarm clock buzzes because I love sleeping and can sleep for years nonstop. Or go live with bears and hybernate right next to them. Idk....
785 · Nov 2014
Life is like Wikipedia
Margar Nov 2014
Life is like Wikipedia.
You start your life on your own,
An idea established.
Then strangers,
People you never encountered before,
Come in,
And shape your life.
Some things are true,
While others, false.
The truth varies,
You are either true to yourself and others,
Either true to yourself but not others,
Not true yourself but true to others,
Or not true to yourself or others.
You choose who to fool.
You can believe that you're being truthful when you're not,
Or not when you're truthful.
Life is like Wikipedia.

Life is like Wikipedia.
Society shapes you,
Your choices,
Your thoughts,
What you like or
What you don't like.
Life is like Wikipedia.

Life is like Wikipedia.
When you believe something,
But you look deeper,
And realize it isn't true,
Or that you thought you believed something,
but had the wrong idea since the beginning.
Or you didn't believe something,
But you realize you do.
Life is life Wikipedia.

Life is like Wikipedia.
If you realize this.
This, and many more.

Life is like Wikipedia.
You add the story. Give me suggestions on what to add to this endless poem. :)
783 · Nov 2014
Margar Nov 2014
Zombies exist.
I am a zombie.
I have laughed so hard,
And very long,
That I die.

But I am here.

So I am officially a non-official zombie.
604 · May 2015
I Knew It
Margar May 2015
You told me you wouldn't have her in your life gain
But you did
I knew it

You told me I was your only one
I wasn't
I knew it

You told me you loved me
You replaced me
I knew it

What was I to do with all this you do with me?
Was I ever really yours?
Any person you loved?

I had a feeling something was wrong
I just
Knew it
Idek bored and nothing to do :) this one was lame and boring but im back and ill do better ones... Not like this
533 · Nov 2014
Great Poem
Margar Nov 2014
This is the best poem in the whole universe.
You are very welcome for writing this awesome poem. This is the BEST! ABSOLUTE BEST poem you will ever find.
459 · Nov 2014
D. I. A. M. O. N. D. S.
Margar Nov 2014
A diamond sparkles,
Just like everyone in this world,
Everyone is their own shining star,
Every single soul is worth more than the grains of sand and the dessert altogether, plus the hairs of the whole world, besides all the stars in the universe.

God made us all different,
Yet the same.
He loves everyone this world holds unconditionally and beyond....

We are all "priceless" pieces of diamonds.
383 · Nov 2014
You Are Everywhere
Margar Nov 2014
You are here you are there,
I can't help to think that you are everywhere.
God is everywhere. He loves you.

— The End —