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Apr 2019 · 160
Guide You Home
Madeline Apr 2019
there’s a little bit of me left today, i want you to have it.  i would like to give you all of the warmest places of my heart.  the times i plucked petals from daisies for all of the loves me and loves me nots.  how i wished upon the fluff of a dandelion.  how i tossed coins into fountains.  all of my whispered prayers and amens.  my trust in the universe and its power
to forever cradle my dreams.  i want you to scatter my voice to the winds and let me guide you home.
Oct 2018 · 633
Madeline Oct 2018
here today
i put to rest
the exposed
and unhealed
scattered and
shards of my
Sep 2018 · 256
Madeline Sep 2018
strangers think the words
i spit are poison
poison is much too mainstream
i want my words to be acid
i want what i say to splutter
upon the skin of others
i want them to feel the
burning anguish that others
have branded me with for years
i want my words not to be
forgotten, like me
Sep 2018 · 194
Hybrid Lover
Madeline Sep 2018
rain and river, a world of wonder
he calls me beautifully haunted
under the black velvet sky
i fall under his spell
kissing me as he fills
my lungs with star dust  
i am one with him, finally  

his mother is the glorious moon
his father is the blazing sun
for he is a perfect balance
of mother nature’s spirit, so wild

ignoring the wicked
for all i see is your beauty
a hybrid of shadow and light
my soul will forever be yours
for i have always admired you
Sep 2018 · 526
To the boy I used to love
Madeline Sep 2018
i can’t remember him
my memory of him
is slowly fading
i can’t remember loving him
so much that he was perfect
i can’t remember his scent
and the taste of his lips
maybe it was sweet like honey
spiced with peppermint
from all the gum he chews

i can’t remember the sound of his voice
maybe it was deep, but i’m not sure
i don’t remember how he smiles
but once upon a time
it was my favourite thing about him
i wish i remembered him
but what i do remember
is him saying goodbye

i remember the heartbreak
and salty wet drenched pillows
i remember him
and how he destroyed me
Aug 2018 · 502
Shattered Beauty
Madeline Aug 2018
there has been whispers
that i, am nothing  
but a scattered mosaic
shattered and sharp

a pile of pieces
that was until you
came along and sat
cross legged

took me piece by piece
and glued me back
together again
i am now nothing but

endless beauty
more beautiful
than any museum
in the world
for i am now, art
Aug 2018 · 386
The Fall I Needed
Madeline Aug 2018
ghostly sighs chime
as they float
from the hole in my chest
choking on words
as they form to acid
spluttered sounds of silence

furious clasps shadowed
by a thump as i tumble
i lay in a puddle of my own tears

i become a sparkling stream
i roll in the grass as i melt
and stare at the trees
the branches sway whispering
sweet nothings in my ears

the flowers sing a melody
changing colour as they twirl
each petal decorating my hair
intertwining with each strand

as each tear drops
the blades of grass grow
tangling and interwoven with me
wrapping me in their embrace
i am swallowed
i become whole again
i am one
Aug 2018 · 422
Sticky Stinging
Madeline Aug 2018
lies trickle like honey
from his lips
glistening sticky and sweet

his words drip and glue
to my skin
desperately clinging
wanting to become a part of me

each word glows red
as i am branded
i walk in a ruby aroma
spiced with anger and hate

invisible to all
but not to me
i become art
a tangled masterpiece
in my own forever
Aug 2018 · 2.1k
Enviously Green
Madeline Aug 2018
i am traces of my mother
i have the power
to move mountains
and create new life

with each kiss
she gave me
seeds were planted
she told me that
flowers go with green

for we both have
green eyes of envy
don't let it control you
my dear

for green eyes can be
filled with jealousy
and hate
alluring but dangerous

allow these flowers
to keep you humble
she says
remember who you are
Aug 2018 · 1.6k
Madeline Aug 2018
my tears held the pain
my eyes no longer could
i painted my haunted memories
in blood across my scarred skin
only for others to laugh
and wipe it away

i danced in the dark
to a million tunes
all telling me how to move
i listened to the broken whispers
i heard their heartbeats
become words

never have I ever
dealt with anything
more difficult
than my own soul
Aug 2018 · 2.9k
Madeline Aug 2018
his eyes aren’t merely blue
they’re a concoction of
star dust and sun drops
they’re teal with specks of gold
and splashes of silver
they’re mesmeric

they aren’t merely blue
they’re turquoise
with twirls of enticement
if you look closely, my love
they’re a dancing ocean
with hints of sapphire and hope

they aren’t merely blue
they’re hypnotic
they’re my daydream

— The End —