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Dec 2014 · 553
Lucille Flott Dec 2014
The stars shine down on your face
like a million lights
telling me where to place
my hand
on yours
or my hand on his
just let me know where your love is
in the morning light

'cause you got me trapped in a box
afraid to go nowhere
can't find, i can't find a way out
i'll be moving backwards, a movin' back
so just come on, come on
find your way home

And I could be, you could be
my morning light
But I throw it away on cigarettes and boys
I could **---ld the world
But I take another sip
Take another hit , let it in,
oh-- let you in
let you in

but ya gotta let me know
am i just a love you want to see
or a love you want to love
tell me--oh tell me
am i a morning girl
or just a late night good time

'cause you got me trapped in a box
afraid to go nowhere
can't find, i can't find a way out
i'll be moving backwards, a movin' back
so just come on, come on
find your way home
or let me find mine
a song in the works
Oct 2014 · 286
Lucille Flott Oct 2014
no we did not and i have nothing to do
Oct 2014 · 895
Tiny Bug Legs
Lucille Flott Oct 2014
Your fingers ran up and down my arms
like ants skittering back to their home
i felt a prickle, a chill
i couldn't tell if i wanted to be held
to run along your surface so fast,
you could never catch up
or if i wanted to be crushed under the weight of your shoe
Jul 2014 · 370
Lucille Flott Jul 2014
You wish the world looked the same
As it did through those glasses

You try to make wishes off of
mascara clumped eye lashes

But then we wake up to find that our dreams are not real
what is home? what is home?

Because home is not where my heart is with yours

Because my heart is with the stars in the sky
but i'm not afraid of heights
i'm just afraid of falling
falling for you
May 2014 · 444
Lucille Flott May 2014
The world watched him go insane.  He loved it.
May 2014 · 543
May 2014 · 710
Lucille Flott May 2014
Feeling torn down,
just waste on the floor,
is when I feel my safest,
it’s these times
that I actually feel human.
Being stuck on the floor,
bare and sopping with tears,
let’s me know that I matter to myself
Apr 2014 · 2.1k
Mind Loud to the Touch
Lucille Flott Apr 2014
Take my head to the pillow
Drown me in my sleep
She said
Grow me up
Grow me down
But blindfold yourself
Then look all around
The clock is reaching for me
Dragging me along
I feel so unsteady
She said
Please make me feel tall

So take me home
Unravel me, seep into my bones
Just smother me in time
Weave your words into mine
Hands soft spoken
she said
mind loud to the touch

Take your sorrows
and give it to my dreams
she said
please don't worry, even though i'm cracking at the seams
just give me your love and i'll give you mine
i'm breaking down, crumbling up
i thought i told you i was fine
she said
time is gone
lyrics to a song i'm working on
Lucille Flott Feb 2014
You can't make a wish off of a mascara clumped eyelash.
Using tears and chocolate to make up for the absence of people in your life.
You are woven into your bed, watching inspirational Netflix movies.
Feeling welcome into the arms of every teen angst indie film.
It ends.
You’re alone.
You take a sip of the 5 day old room temperature water
Sitting on your bed stand
Up comes a ring of wood with the cup.
Rub your grease caked face.
Think about showering.
One more show.
Tomorrow you plan to run.
Eat healthy.
New life, new you.
Wake up, run 2 miles.
Think about becoming raw vegan and a marathon runner.
Go buy fruits and veggies.
How do people live without bread?
Let veggies go bad.
Too hung over to run the next day
Start again tomorrow.
Don’t start again tomorrow.
Go get fries and shake because you deserve it.
Determine you’re ok with becoming morbidly obese
To the point of immobility.
Open backpack.
See laptop.
Lucille Flott Feb 2014
Finding a balance between the reality I’ve built for myself, and the reality that is real, is the hardest thing that I have yet to do.
Jan 2014 · 472
Lucille Flott Jan 2014
Down on us, we dance
Stepping, like the ground would crumble
Beneath us, waltzing
around bullets, blindly trying
to root into our vanishing
adrift in the night sky
Seeking a moonlit
Path, that would lead us swiftly off
The celestial, punctured stage
Jan 2014 · 478
Lucille Flott Jan 2014
Lost are my eyes in your heart
Like waves crashing down
I don't know where to start

Lost is your heart
in my mind
Like the love so hard to find

Your smile's like the stars
unknown to where they are
You're love's like the sea
just waiting for me

But I'm like the wind
Just trying to run away
I always come back
But I don't know where to stay

And your love's like a blanket
when it gets to hot
I've just got to step out
gather my thoughts

Because you drown me in love
And i can't keep up
I'd rather sit at the bottom
gathering dust
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
200 Years from Now
Lucille Flott Jan 2014
200 Years from Now
Will our tweets be published as great literature
Will the art of the selfie
be mimicked in art classes
Will there be art classes?
Will likes be the only means to true satisfaction
Will we learn to be more than just copies?
Will we enjoy the great wonders of the world
without having to prove we were there?
Will we mean anything to each other
other than how we look on a screen?
Will we find ourselves?
Jan 2014 · 629
Eternal Nothingness
Lucille Flott Jan 2014
Hands grasping
in dark empty space
Slipping on the edges
of nothing

Another body falls into your grasp
To where, I don't know
The more love you take
from me
the less
 I understand

The more love you take
from me
the less
I know where I stand
What happens to me
at the end of
my existence?

Falling blindly into dark despondent nothing
Clawing to grasp anything real

Tethered six feet under the ground
Jan 2014 · 3.0k
Makeup at a Doctor's Office
Lucille Flott Jan 2014
Girl listens to mirror
Girl injects boy into skin
Girl heal
Girl cry
Mascara tugs down face
Hands diagnose
Boy tug
Girl heal
Mirror prevent
Jan 2014 · 774
Lucille Flott Jan 2014
Getting away from the monstrosity

is like digging to China
in the back yard as a child

The first scoop of earth

A hope

A grand idea
One foot down,

You reach to touch

 cool dark soil

only to realize

it feels the same as when you began

Seething with disappointment
You dig further 

clawing through tree roots ravenously
As they crumble beneath your grip

You look up
To find the sun dazzling above you
But the worms and dank earth
Under your feet

A grandiose city
 nowhere to be found

The top is ten 

feet up
You dig your fingers into the soil
Dirt beckoning under your nails

You scream for help 

The hole


have dug

traps any sound you attempt to croak out

The only way to escape
is to clamber up

The monstrous hole to China
Dec 2013 · 339
Lucille Flott Dec 2013
What if mirrors
are just projections of
somebody else
wants us
to see ourselves as
Dec 2013 · 827
Lucille Flott Dec 2013
Remember when Geetawks were scary?
And dropping a jug of milk was the saddest part of your day?
And putting on your superhero masks was the time of your life?

I'm not sure you ever really took those off.

I don't know what the saddest part of your day is now.
But I know I can make it a little less scary.
Dec 2013 · 472
The Eating Process
Lucille Flott Dec 2013
Eat to live
Live to eat
These are the choices laid out in front of me
Example A:
-Eat half an apple, throw the rest away
My mind is full, but my stomach is not
Dear Girl,
You've had enough today
My stomach is empty
But I'm still growing out
Maybe just one more bite...
But don't forget the calorie count
It's ok, I'll just run later tonight

And then, there's Example B:
-I'll have this waffle, with a shake, and maybe some fries,
Who cares what I eat
We're all going to die

But as I shove Example B into my mouth
I can't help but hate that I'm going to be stout
Dec 2013 · 399
How to Procrastinate
Dec 2013 · 1.5k
Love is Outer Space
Lucille Flott Dec 2013
Things were better with you
But better without you
I let my love seep through and through
Until I didn't know what else to do
But run and hide
From all of the things inside
I left you stranded
With my heart in your hand
Where I will never get you or it back
In forever land

You ran through me like electricity
To find that somebody loved me
What a weird word to say
What an awful game to play
Love is not a battlefield
It's outer space
Scary and unknown
An idea we love to chase

Tell me you've found a love
but still have my heart
stashed away somewhere
probably torn apart
She rescued you from forever land
And gave you hope to breathe
The air filled your lungs
And left my heart to seethe

So I suppose things were better with you

this isn't finished.....but.,....any creative  juices i have left are gone..
Dec 2013 · 873
At War
Lucille Flott Dec 2013
My eyes shoot into her like daggers

Her hair rests just upon her shoulders
too short for anybody to love her

Her eyes too small to see the world
But big enough to see the worst

A nose with a ridge so high
not even the best mountaineer could climb

Her scars remind her of the bombs once there
And  blemishes on her face mark the ones not yet gone

Chin so big they think of her as a warrior
but they think of her as a warrior

Shoulders broad to carry a heavy load
of unjust love

Fat that is too much to squeeze
But not enough that anyone will hold on

Arms impeccably short
but no matter, everyone still keeps their distance

She's crumbled to the ground
Given into my wrath
I put away my weapons
Get up
And walk away from the mirror
Oct 2013 · 462
A Year Ago Today
Lucille Flott Oct 2013
A year ago today
I thought I could **** myself in any way
But I took a razor to my arm
Thinking that would cause less harm
I dug the blade in so deep
for every time that I was cheap
For everything I didn't say
whether it be no or yes
the times that I was drunkenly laid
For all the people who called me quiet
or my stomach growling
you'll never go through with this diet
Just **** yourself you stupid *****
because that is all you'll ever be good for
I've come a long way since then
I now know I don't need to be super thin
Or do anything to please those  men
I learned to love my squinty brown eyes
And the fact that there's no gap between my thighs
I've learned that I can go and when to say no
That nothing is tying me down I no longer want to drown
In a pool of my own pity
It's weird to say and hard to do
but you can too
Dig and fight your way out of rock bottom
It'll be ***** and rough
and you'll fall back in
But dig your claws in and fight even hard
Because life is worth it
and I didn't know it then
but I'm glad I figured out
before I created my own end
Hell's right around the corner, but I can turn it around.
You always have a choice, no matter the situation, you're not bound,
To nothing, no one. You're chosen for this job,
This is your life, you can't escape this ***** when it's hard.
Just know that it passes, but you'll collect scars-
They never go away, but they will make you who you are.

This is also just a little note.....but....really....Macklemore truly helped me out of depression....and drinking as much as I did...every one of his songs has a real meaning to it..and...just really pulled me through rough crap.
Oct 2013 · 674
Foggy Lullaby
Lucille Flott Oct 2013
Play me a lullaby daddy
Before you shut your eyes
Here daddy maybe you can
Play better
without a bottle in your hand

Please just sing me to sleep
Before the monsters come out to play
When I no longer recognize my daddy
The way he is during the day

Pick me up and take me to bed
Before the evil thoughts start creeping in your head
Tuck me in and give me one last kiss
Before you forget all of those moments you missed

But no matter gone or here
You'll be my daddy forever
I'll love you with no fear
Because my daddy is my daddy
far or near
Oct 2013 · 434
the first time again
Lucille Flott Oct 2013
lyin on the floor
nothing left
to give anymore

your lips fall
and your eyes
they can't hold all the pain

and a time comes
when all of your lies
fiind you
and you give up the fight

but tonight
you feel like
you've been broken for the first time
and all that you've worked to hold in
comes crashing down in waves
And tonight
all of these roads that you've paved
start crumbling out of site
And tonight
It isn't the first time

and the stars flicker
over your head
and you think about
all the times that you've bled

And when tomorrow
finds you
you'll be
drownin in your thoughts like before

but tonight
you feel like
you've been broken for the first time
and all that you've worked to hold in
comes crashing down in waves
And tonight
all of these roads that you've paved
start crumbling out of site
And tonight
It isn't the first time
another song of mine
Oct 2013 · 653
Shouldn't It Be Enough?
Lucille Flott Oct 2013
take me back to that night
when time was moving at the speed of light
when i was in a room
full of empty people
and empty glasses

where the music played so loud
i was happy , so happy to drown
into my mind

because the freckes of the night
they shine bright for all
but when the sun comes up they just wait for us to fall
back into the darkness of the light
but if you've gone down before the sun comes up
then shouldn't the night be just enough?

so take me back to that day
when you were moving
and you told me to stay
and i let the tears roll down my face
so i sat down and i thought
with a bottle in my hand
i guess i get to choose if i sit down or stand

so i sat and i sat
smoked another cigarette
and thought oh what a wreck i have made
out of nothing at all

because the freckes of the night
they shine bright for all
but when the sun comes up they just wait for us to fall
back into the darkness of the light
but if you've gone down before the sun comes up
then shouldn't the night be just enough?

so take me back to that night
when our spirits were in full flight
but not cause we found out the key
to be happy
but because we were told that's how it's supposed to be
in the darkness of night
under the stars shining so bright
we are supposed to be happy, oh so grand
not sobbing and screaming with pain in our hands

because the freckes of the night
they shine bright for all
but when the sun comes up they just wait for us to fall
back into the darkness of the light
but if you've gone down before the sun comes up
then shouldn't the night be just enough?
my song.... yep!
Aug 2013 · 531
Lucille Flott Aug 2013
Another year older
Another year of being in the same place
Yes another year lived
But also another year
of being reminded
That you used to be a living person
That you used to have feelings
That you were blissfully happy
Now sitting at the dinner table
Ready to blow our your candles
You contemplate whether or not those candles would have enough fire to **** you
Aug 2013 · 668
The Almost Land
Lucille Flott Aug 2013
Little girl
As the wind blows
against your sleepy little face
While the autumn leaves crunch
beneath your wandering feet
Take a leap into the almost land
Where the sad people weep
So take a look little girl
Don't be an almost girl

Take the monsters of your slumber
and run with them
Take the dirt in your tiny hands
and grow something beautiful
Take a leap into the almost land
but never return again

Put  flowers in your hair
Dance with the fire
Be as swift as a singing stream
Dare to live little girl
Dare to dream

Save your whispers in the dark
For your little yellow bird
Crave a crisp kiss
But only from the love of the night

Take your journey to the almost land
little girl
do not be
an almost girl
Aug 2013 · 609
What the TV Tells Me
Lucille Flott Aug 2013
At a young age
We’re all taught
What is right
What is wrong
How it is
And how it isn’t
Day in and day out
Ideas are mashed into our brains
We are sat in front of the television
While mom goes quick to change
Flip through a magazine
See all of the paper thin girls and boys
And at 7 years old
You can’t unsee what you’ve seen
You can’t unhear what you’ve heard
All you can think is ..maybe I’m absurd
And even if it’s not being forced down our throats
Please take note
That somewhere along the line
We’ve painted a sign
That whites go this way
Blacks go that
Gays say “heeey”
And people can’t be fat
That boys have to be buff
Girls love to wear pink
That a MANS skin has to be tough

We don’t just see this in magazines and on TV
At church we’re told a man can befriend a man
As long as he doesn’t get down on one knee
And at school we’re told that mommy and daddy get married
But they didn’t tell us that mommy really loved Mary
We’re told that not everybody looks the alike on the outside
But it’s the inside that really counts
But if that’s the case why aren’t we all treated in the same amounts?
And yes in the past 100 years we have passed laws
To make us all equal
But see the system was flawed
They got a good start
They got it all down on paper
And all down on charts
But forgot to put it into all of our hearts

All of this hate
It isn’t in our genes
We’ve taught it to eachother
It’s sewn in our seams
But how do we unlearn what we’ve known all our life?
The answer is it’s hard, it’s been cut in with a knife
But hey while we’re on the subject of cutting and knives
Lets talk about the people taking their own lives
Because we can’t accept the differences from one person to the next
Because no one can say hey I like the same ***
And, we make it known, that to talk about your differnces
Is odd and weird, so instead of letting it out, we just decide to go with it
Until your faced with so much pain and despair
That you take your own life
It just isn’t fair
That we make it known that people aren’t beautiful
Inside and out
That we’ll always be different,
But our minds will still be stout

See I have been oppressed by society
And you have too
And because of that
I can no longer say, feel, or know
What’s really inside of me
we need to choose to see the world
But not just in pieces
Because if we look at it that way
Then that’s what defeats us

(Maybe I am wrong
Maybe I am right,
All I know is that the TV tells me
to go to sleep
at night)
song of my poem
Aug 2013 · 1.1k
The Places We Have been
Lucille Flott Aug 2013
Well if you look into my eyes
I might show you something new
But if you look into my eyes
I just might fall in love with you
And the words you say when you look at me
Take a one way train right to my heart
I’d love to tell you all these things
But I don’t know where to start

Because this road we’ve been travelin on
Is coming to an end
And I’m thinkin' bout all the places well go
And all the places we have been
And it’s  hard to differenciate
The idea of love
And being just close friends
So if you could tell me all the places we’ll go
Or if I’ll be left with places that could have been

And the stars can show us
Just how small we really are
Or the moon can show us
That we’re not very far
From the people that we love
To the people we don’t know
The moon connects us all
To a place we call home

And I hope that you get
Wherever you are going
See maybe the stars
Maybe they are showing
Somewhere we’re supposed to be
And the places that we are
because the moon does have some craters
So I’m bound to have some scars
not finished....but part of a song i'm writing *folk*
inspired by my stupidity of falling in love or in like with everyone.... and always good friends
Aug 2013 · 578
Lucille Flott Aug 2013
We grow trees
Just to burn them to the ground
We grow humans
Just to watch them drown
And tonight as i look upon the stars
I kind of just wish
That i'd been hit by a car
All of those times
I ran a red light
and all of those times
Me and my dad got into a fight
I wish he'd knocked me right down
So at least i wouldn't have to live another one of these nights

At least being drunk is good for somethings
Because finally i've written some good things
Some things that are true to my heart
Instead of some stupid ****
That i shouldn't have even thunk of to start
But **** this poem
I'm drunk
and tomorrow
I'll think
That i should not have
Jul 2013 · 676
A realization of words
Lucille Flott Jul 2013
A realization of words
The tiny lines on your hands
all coming together
to form something of a human

All of the shreds of hope
coming together to form
something of a heart

All of the shreds
accompanied by logic
to form something of a brain

A realization of body  
Jun 2013 · 442
That's the Thing (post 1)
Lucille Flott Jun 2013
That’s the thing about suicide
The world goes on
It keeps spinning  
People keep living 
No one stops. 
Nothing stops. 
People keep being joyous
People keep being depressed
People keep laughing
People keep crying
The stars keep shining  
Children keep their innocence
Teenagers keep wishing to grow up 
Adults keep drinking their sorrows away
wishing to grow down 
That’s the thing about people
they keep going
They keep living
They keep doing the same thing
And the thing is
nobody cares
And the thing is
it doesn’t make sense
May 2013 · 330
Glass People
Lucille Flott May 2013
But really, maybe I am the problem.  Almost every person I have encountered has been like glass.   I meet them.  They like me.  After a while, everyone gets bored.  A lot of the time I push them away.  I stop talking to them.  I don’t want to care about them.   I find one little thing that is a “flaw” in them, and I let it fuel through me with everything I have.  I stop trusting the person completely.  I let them break.  I let them fall gracefully from my hands.  I watch, as if it is in slow motion.  Then all at once they shatter.  They mean nothing to me, even though, they once did.
a part of a story I am working on
May 2013 · 708
Lucille Flott May 2013
So put on the red, red lipstick baby
And drink away your sorrows
and hopefully
it will be a better tomorrow

One sip at a time
drown out all the pain
It won't be long honey now
until you're going insane

One drink for the good times
one drink for the bad
One drink for the happiness
and one to drown the sad

And you're wondering
where you're lifes been headed
for the past 18 years
well you've spent all of it
drowning in your fears

So I'm sorry mom
I'm sorry dad
I know you've tired and tried
but things don't always work as planned

You've got a cloud covered daughter
and 3 baby boys
One who's drowning
Another who ******* hates himself
And one who wants to be whatever he wants to be
but is oppressed by society

But don't worry
It's not just you
Other people go through this **** too
And at the end of the day
We're all a little crazy

At least that's the way I see
this poem isn't very well organized..or much plot..but I kind of like seems like some sort of apology letter...that I first start out with talking about myself, and I guess displaying my guilt that I feel this I's not the best
May 2013 · 662
Lucille Flott May 2013
I love that empty feeling
The one that I can fill
but I choose not to
Hell, it's such a thrill

With my demons pulling me down
I'm spinning out of control
Nothing left to do
Except limit myself to all this food

This empty is different
Than the empty before
This empty takes over
But it stops at the door

I still feel the same pain
The same sorrow
The same nothing
But at least
I can control
How much I am going to
weigh tomorrow
Apr 2013 · 336
Lucille Flott Apr 2013
Let someone in
Let yourself go
Let someone in
And you'll begin to fall slow


Take down your walls
Lower your guard
And you'll surely lose it all
Apr 2013 · 752
Take Your Demons Down
Lucille Flott Apr 2013
You see those kids in so much pain
They feel like they're the only ones going insane
They can’t seem to wake up from those terrible dreams
Their minds are so ******* loud
That they just want to scream
But they can’t
They won’t
They’ll keep it inside till their ready to blow
But they just gotta let it out
You gotta fight these scars
In a world so full of doubt
That people lose who they are

Please, just save me from my ways
I know i can go another day
Help me re-alize
That these demons stuck inside
Won’t follow me for long
I gotta prove them wrong

Our souls are tired
And we don’t know which way to turn
Sometimes we got a fire
That feels like it’s just gonna burn and burn and burn
Do not let it make you
Do not let these hard times take you
Down that long long road
The one with no return
You can take the load
You just gotta yearn
For the life that you've laid ahead of you

They always say
surround yourself with people who will catch you
but at the end of the day
all you have is you to choose
where your life is headed
what you're going to do with it
You have two choices
fight or flight
settling or life

Please, just save me from my ways
I know i can go another day
Help me re-alize
That these demons stuck inside
Won’t follow me for long
I gotta prove them wrong

And you're wondering
where you're lifes been headed
for the past 18 years
well you've spent all of it
drowning in your fears
Take em' down
Small steps at a time
And at the end of it all, those steps will take you to places
where you can finally say this life is mine

Please, just save me from my ways
I know i can go another day
Help me re-alize
That these demons stuck inside
Won’t follow me for long
I gotta prove them wrong
I just gotta prove them wrong
this is more of a a rap of some sort..inspired by Macklemore
Apr 2013 · 347
Lucille Flott Apr 2013
You need to tell people
I say **** you
Why would I want people to pity me
Why would I want people to look at me
like there
is something
wrong with me

Sure maybe I would like to tell people
God knows I need to be around them
When I'm alone I start eating away at myself
One bite full at a time

But being around people
makes me hate them
with a burning passion

So I truly am sorry
Today I just can't
I can't
I can't.
Mar 2013 · 424
Little Girl
Lucille Flott Mar 2013
She sits there quietly, my dear
she's afraid that no one can hear her
She looks and listens
but never speaks
for if she does
she'll be cast out with the freaks

But who's to say a freak is not something to be?
To be anything
anything at all
is at least something to be

But even with something to be
she isn't quite satisfied

So you show her the sky
She looks up at the sun
and wishes for the night
She looks up at the moon
and wishes for the world

For you see
dreams, aspirations, and adventures
were made to be
for the quiet little girl
who wanted nothing more
than the
Mar 2013 · 462
Lucille Flott Mar 2013
Still the same old faces.
The same old hello.
The same old ignorance.
The same old ****.
The same ******* things
The same dreadful thoughts tumbling through my mind
Nobody notices
I cry out for help
Nobody listens
Day in
Day out
Mar 2013 · 276
We Know
Lucille Flott Mar 2013
You know who you are
And I know who I am
But I don't know if we understand
If we could just take a minute and see
Who we
Who we
used to be
Who we are
Who we used to be
Mar 2013 · 1.2k
These Nights
Lucille Flott Mar 2013
And as I look over these city lights
It's nights like these nights
Where I feel that I might just go to hell
a little earlier than planned

When my mind will not stop pacing
When all I want is for my heart to stop racing
It's nights like these nights
That I wish I could give up the fight

The clouds over your head start to drown your every thought
your every being
With a deluge that comes but never goes
It's  nights like these nights
these  nights

You feel yourself falling and falling
it's like a bad dream
you never wake up
It's nights like these nights
oh, these hopeless nights

And when these nights
turn into days
when days turn into weeks
and weeks turn into months
and months turn into years

You start to wonder...
are nights like these

— The End —