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 Feb 2018 luci
 Feb 2018 luci
i want to be able to see my heart in word-form, all of its callouses and scars spelled out in strings of the alphabet
i want words to flow off of my fingertips like the drippings of water droplets into a sink from a faucet closed only half way
yet i've found that the four-letter word i've been feeling
can only be expressed as it is
i want to be able to express myself but i feel as though i have nothing to express anymore
 Jan 2018 luci
 Jan 2018 luci
She wore yellow
And bright were my skies
Breathed in fresh air
And in my stomach I felt butterflies
She wore yellow
And a big smile on her face
Heard her laugh
And my heart started to race
She wore yellow
And "my god" was all I could say
The sun found her
And I couldn't bring myself to look away
And without feeling myself
I said in a mutter
She wore yellow
And I knew my favorite color.
 Jan 2018 luci
my doorway is gold
stained by your lovely voice
say my name again
i am aware this isn’t actually a haiku because the second line has six syllables. let’s just say breaking rules is my forte
 Jan 2018 luci
Joy Onyango
 Jan 2018 luci
Joy Onyango
you are an artist.
you like to paint
                             smiles on your face to conceal the pain
you like to draw
                              laughs out of the hollow pit of your chest
you like to colour
                              your wrists red and taste the life flowing out of you
                              as if it would quench the thirst created
                              by the loss of someone that you knew
you are an artist
                             you love to create
 Jan 2018 luci
These lies
 Jan 2018 luci
I looked at her and it broke my heart to see my lies dripping down her
I really am ****** this time around
 Jan 2018 luci
 Jan 2018 luci
When people ask me about my first love,
I remember the smell of melted crayons.
Not your smile, your golden skin, or the way your face would wrinkle in deep thought.
But about the carelessness of a child in your backseat,
And how with help from the sun,
your car was forever perfumed by a melted, purple Crayola.
I grew to love this scent.
It's an odd thing to even say aloud now.
However, it's permanently imprinted in my mind.
Over summers spent in your car and nights staring into your eyes,
I grew infatuated with this waxy, sweet aroma that filled the air between us.
It became your cologne that stayed with my clothes while you were away,
My comfort when you were near.
It was never sickening or invasive,
But desired and wanted.
So when people ask me about my first love,
I tell them about this boy who always smelled of crayons and how much I miss him.
 Jan 2018 luci
Edward Coles
I painted you.
With trembling, amateur precision,
I suffered each line on your face.

Each fleck of sun,
Your candid smile,
Your immediate beauty in the foreground
Of an exceptional ocean.

Stumbling blindly through the days,
Fumbling for the switch
In a punch-drunk, love-sick afternoon.

Apart from you,
Stripped, exposed,
Laid prone on the gurney
With my skull in a vice
And a fist to my stomach.

I can barely stand because of you.

I painted you this afternoon
So I could toil in your gaze.
Pray I am an interesting splatter,
A noticeable blight;
A happy accident on your page.
 Jan 2018 luci
S P Lowe
 Jan 2018 luci
S P Lowe
                                                       ­                         my
                                     ­ brain
                                                       ­     work

                                                ­                               and



     ­                                         scatter

               ­                                                    like

                                                              ­                 tile

 Jan 2018 luci
Mitch Prax
You are a novel
gathering dust on my shelf
but not because I don’t want to read
but because I’m afraid
to turn the page,
afraid of how you’ll end
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