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 Dec 2017 luci
after u
 Dec 2017 luci
you liked the arch of my brow and the spirals of hair i'd brush off of my face
yet after you all i would've liked was to be anyone else,
to have the summer shade of my skin fade
the curl of my hair to reach around my neck, choking me until i wasn't me anymore.
until i looked like anyone else.
with u, i was pretty.
you made me believe that the way i would think was unlike any other yet after you, all i could think was why and why and why
and how i missed the sandpaper sound of your voice and why and Why why why.
with u, i had a maze of a mind
and a heart worth more than gold
this one is kinda old but it means a lot 2 me lol
 Dec 2017 luci
 Dec 2017 luci
the first move that sparked the connection.
i began to gain affection
thinking of him was nothing but perfection
 Dec 2017 luci
 Dec 2017 luci
i think about the girls of your past, ones with prettier thighs and voices like honey
i think of how lucky they must have been
i think you look good when you smoke
i think about how that cigarette is the only thing out of the list of things that have touched your lips to not want u like the others did
i like it when you smoke
 Dec 2017 luci
 Dec 2017 luci
i’d been telling myself that i don’t care for you anymore
and i’d been believing it with every atom of my being.
i thought i’d done a good job of forcing you into the back of my mind,
training even the crimson in my core to turn cold at the sound of your name.
the site of your face, though
you had the most beautiful smile
you still do
only it used to make my heart swell with joy and love and everything sweet in this world that could make me wonder what i did to deserve your name lighting up my phone screen every night whereas now it only makes it feel heavy.
heavy because of the realisation that i do, in fact, miss u.
a lot
 Dec 2017 luci
Donall Dempsey

You are like all
the dark shops of my childhood
where you enter
with the little ****** of a bell

and the world blossoms
into a myriad of things colourful
to sell
in impossible & impeccable

All yelling
wild & glassy.
And the cash register singing
with the hard earned money
and the little ****** of a bell
lets you out again

into a world
excited with the falling of snow
& the palpable approach
of a Christmas when Christmas was Christmas
and the world
was as simple as snow.
 Dec 2017 luci
John Michael Biely
In my heart there is a place I can hear you
your issuing romance exploded from dreamy eyes
all I can see is where I was
and where I want to be

I see now what is meant by the cruel game.
I am not sure you see me as I see you
a two way mirror?
a blank sheet of news?
Do you hear me now or do you hear me then?
What about me, do I hear you now
or do I hear what I expect you to be?

In the end the cold truth wedges itself under my fingernails.
I find myself falling in love with you
the longer you are away
and I don't care to do that to you
as it would be an unfair butterfly net
for a soul such as yours

When you look at me just right
when the noise is low and my soul is quiet
all I can see is the crushing power
within your eyes
the stuttering word killer
the lonely mountain
I remember making good on a promise
to walk you out to my car
and kiss you like an 80's movie

and we barely made it to the book store

Would you like to find that with me again?
For Syd and her soul catching eyes
 Dec 2017 luci
 Dec 2017 luci
Forever with her is just a second
And yet it still falls short
 Dec 2017 luci
her eyes,
like green seeds,
made flowers grow.

the trees believe
that leaves fall
when she closes them.
I have a thing for girls with green eyes, so I came up with this.
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