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Luca Abate Feb 2015
Let the blood from your forehead
Trickle down your face
So you can witness
The Thinners Of The Herd

© Luca Abate
Dedicated to Code Orange
Luca Abate Feb 2015
your precious time ends now
others will see your distress
you filthy disgusting cow
i'll make sure your body will be left a mess

your life shall end at the end of a noose
or shall i go for a more painful approach?
have blood flow from your back like juice
crush your throat under my foot like a roach

do you understand how badly i want you to die?
i'm going to crucify you somewhere where everyone will see
just why your nowhere as good as me

         © Luca Abate
Luca Abate Feb 2015
violent thoughts
broken feelings
as i walk this earth
no release
from what's built inside
i try to fight it
through living lies
how can this be
everyone just makes me sick
when will the pressure
build up so high
that i can no longer
keep it inside of me
the struggle inside
that plagues me
will be released
upon the human race
Song by Harm's Way
Luca Abate Feb 2015
Her eyes are the most beautiful things here
They start to fill up with tear
But only when I'm around her
So It's best I leave my dear

© Luca Abate
Luca Abate Feb 2015
It is true indeed that you do not know me
As I do not know you
But when I first saw you
My mind's senses were altered
Odd, as you've done nothing wrong to my knowledge
But it's as if I foresee a rude awakening in your eyes
Your spiritual stench draws me near as you walk towards that girl
A beautiful girl she is indeed
Then why must you suddenly attack her?
The words fired from your mouth
Invisibly pierce through her chest
Your friends begin to laugh
You feel proud
Cause' your a man
You make fun of women without second thoughts
Because you don't care what other people think
That is what being a man is all about right?
Making innocent girls cry
As they flee to a dark spot where they bleed from the wrists
I bet you feel like a manly man, don't you?
You're a sick *******, that's what you are
In fear your words may hurt another, I continue to follow you around
There, those two boys at there lockers, you close in on your prey
Although you restrain from using your words
I learned shortly after, because you wanted to use your actions
How are those boys mothers going to feel
When their little boy comes home with a black eye
Oh but wait!
A manly man doesn't care what others think!
They even disrespect their own mothers!
Why manly man?
Why must have you hurt those boys
Because they were homosexual?
I have news manly man
Love, knows no gender
I've had enough
I'm fed up with you manly man!
Your heart is as cold as the night!
And your only goal is to show others that too!
Not if I can stop it, manly man
You just wait and see
I'll make sure you never walk again
Or even better
I'll make sure you'll never use your body again
I'll make it a package deal and take out your voice too!
No more words, no more limbs, I'll leave you crippled and mangled
But I'm sure you'll be fine
I mean, after all, you are a manly man
But I'll let you live, you know why?
Because I'm a real man
And I stick up for others, and I respect my mother
I respect girls, boys, blacks, whites
But never someone like you

© Luca Abate

— The End —