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Your love is algebra
I can't find the formula
If I could find the right calculator,
I could define your euphoria.

Your love is geometry
I can't find the angles
If I could prove your theories,
It wouldn't be a shambles.

Your love is trigonometry
I can't figure it out
If I spent an entire notebook, perhaps
I'd still have doubts.

Your love is a mystery
Just as the greatest math
Although worth much,
Seems irrelevant to my path.
A rough ramp,
too many edged stones on the surface
she is walking on the ramp with booted a high pencil heel
we see her speed, her fashion
we say that it's her smartest move
even her body language shows the beauty
but it's true that one of us sitting there doesn't care her at all

The flowers are on the fire,
blooming throughout the garden
too many colors, coloring the spring
so much aroma appealing around
either the bees are buzzing or not
growing itself through the nature
either we are caring those or not

Birds are flying around the sky
they are highly ambitious
sometimes they fly over the dark clouds
yet they are unclogging their feathers throughout the sky
until the clouds are breaking into the water
showing that they don't care about the height of the heaven
even you see their stunning diving or not

When it's an amazing raining
maybe you are walking toward the horizon
who is shining sharply within the rainbow?
the little boy is enjoying through the window!
its a playful beauty beyond
It doesn't care about thee
either we are looking, caring or not

Boys are barefooted,
walking on the broken glasses,
bleeding blood on the floor
making spot on the spaces
they are running within the daydreams
now they don't care about anything
****! we never wish to care them at all  

Musfiq us shaleheen
when we don't care about the life love hope beauty and the humanity
 Nov 2014 Kyla
Tavia Robshaw
 Nov 2014 Kyla
Tavia Robshaw
The sky misses the sun at night

The cold darkness of the moon

turns sad.

Like a rainy day.

So you turn into a couch potato

and eat you way through life.
 Nov 2014 Kyla
 Nov 2014 Kyla
Im not deppressed,cuz I have fun
Im not happy cuz I cry
Im not sad cuz I smile

Im deppressed cuz I cry at night
Im happy cuz I usually have fun

When I am alone
I always have a new scar
 Nov 2014 Kyla
Josiah Wilson
Late night sadness
Always haunts me
Thoughts of you
Are so depressing

When I wish that
I could hold you
And I don't know
What to do

Creeping shadows
Lonely moonlight
My companions
So late at night

Late night sadness
Darkens my room
But don't worry
Morning comes soon
 Nov 2014 Kyla
 Nov 2014 Kyla
why were you only honest
at 3 am?

it was easier
for you to blend
the darkness of your soul
with the dark of the night.
 Nov 2014 Kyla
I guess I'm just obsessed with listening to
sad music late at night.
Helps the tears come down.
Helps the thoughts to take over.
Helps me feel worse about myself.
Good going, Tia. Just making things worse for yourself.

— The End —