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he asked to undress my mind before my body
to know my 4 am thoughts before his fingers traced my hidden skin
he touches me across oceans; drowns himself in all of my layers
whispers that he wants to visit all of the worlds inside of me
slowly, for he knows the wounds are still healing
but he kisses all of your scars
and I hardly think of you at all
Have you ever woken up?
all seem right
but you know it's not
something has change
there's something not in the right place
maybe something in the air
feeling not right
a spell a time
bad wine
the scent in the nose
some sort of burning
woman's slip
great hip's
then the bullet hit's
you are just being you.
:-{   P@ul.
 May 2017 Naurah Tsany
I'd be a Prophet or Sage
if only my wisdom
(if I even have some)
was lined up with my age

a reflective Buddha I'd be
I'd be an enlightened one
shaded from the bright sun
meditating 'neath the Bodhi tree

might as well face it
I can't erase it

for me...

age came with no wisdom
that's why it's so lonesome
a Buddha I'll never be
even if I do sit under a tree!

I guess that's okay...
don't mean to be too silly
but  I don't want Buddha belly
it's bad enough anyway!
Gotta be silly sometimes!
The artist paints yellow, pink, and red
roses on her canvas,
glints of blue at the edges
dripping and spilling.
Something for spring, she says.
She gently smiles,
her hand rubbing
the swelling curve
of her belly,
just a black shirt and ragged blue jeans
covering another kind of canvas.
something else entirely
waits to bloom.
National Poetry Month Day 25
Mad politicians threaten nuclear war
While madder religious maniacs
Send suicide bombers to **** and destroy.
Bombers brainwashed into believing
That vestal virgins await them in heaven.

Children starve
While adults fight
For bits of land.

A world divided.
Plagued by hate and distrust.
Governments killing their own people
Except when tied by nameless bureaucrats.

Forests and wildlife being cleared away
For the sake of gold or drugs
Or other means of making Money.

It’s a mad, mad world.
In which everyone is born to die.
What use is that?
Perhaps already we are living in
Just Saying.

Paul Butters

(C) PB 1\5\2017. 2 new lines added 8\5\17.
Please indulge me to be Negative for once. Two new lines added 8th May 2017.
Sad corners
Dark caves
Fumed pits

Dark lagoons
Dead reflections
Caged souls
Black forests

Breeze turning
chilled whistles

Possibility of life
Bigger possibility of ghosts.

True that it
divides a face

Vertical divisions
First choices

Its stoppage
before the lips.

A small tear -
hideout of an
entire negativity.

Horizontal division
is day to day living.

A perfect rule -
we divide in different ways
we cross paths
for a cancellation.

— The End —