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Sometimes it is necessary
to stop silent and stare,
to quietly listen
at everything there.
 Dec 2014 Kayla Jennings

Simply soft, serenely so
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Wrapped within its chilly bow
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Petals gleam of crystal glow
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Upon this world of white to show
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
For its beauty to bestow
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Deep upon this earth to grow
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Serenity of soft halo
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Cast by winds of frigid blow
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Resting on the ground below
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
As my heart doth love thee so
*Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Ok, I know it's repetitive...perhaps there is an echo in here. :)
Little moist drops of heaven
       Trickling down my throat
    The heavenly burn,
Synonymous with an Angel's wings
               fluttering in my esophagus
     Liquid lightning, striking
          Almost blasphemous
 A devilish game of Russian Roulette
              With four shot glasses,
   Three rogues and one gent
Emotions getting looser
    Clothing getting tighter
           The taste becoming
          Liquefied demon tears
Playing a wicked game
            with my insides
    Putting a beautiful curse on my mind
             Melted Whiskey Raindrops
     Sending shivers down my spine
           This hellish war of love, hate and
   Has never felt so
I know what you'd all like to say
      To make me feel better
"Beauty is on the inside"
       "You are beautiful"
But my soul is so tattered
       And my heart
Has been repeatedly
All the scattered
      bits and pieces
   You might find in there
          Between the scars and creases
     Would make you all run and hide
               If beauty shines from the inside,       Then I'm the **ugliest beast alive
The second in my series of 'lies'. Click #mylittlelies and #mytruths to read the rest.
That kid you make fun of with a mental disorder
Has all the maps laid out
Waiting to see how life plays out
You keep laughing
Because your life will be a comedy when people laugh and point at you when you make a mistake
And you turn around to see nobody stand up for you
Yeah, it's hilarious isn't it?
You never know
Stephen Hawking made the world listen
Some of the most gifted are the the most disadvantaged
Our greatest gifts are the words of support and refusal to make demeaning behavior
Mentally disadvantaged people are as fully capable as we are, they just have it harder.
Dial my number to say hello
So I know you're stil thinking about me
I don't say this enough
I appreciate it
Those three words should go down in history
Take that other words
Dial my number tomorrow
 Nov 2014 Kayla Jennings
Hey you're more than pretty. You're gorgeous. You're eyes sparkle brighter than any star. Your smile beats the moon. Your hair is so much fun to play with. Remember not to starve, purge, cut, tear, stab, poke, burn, scratch. There's no need too. I don't need to see your face to know your beautiful. I don't care what the mirror says. You deserve to know the ugly truth. You will always be beautiful and there's nothing you can say or do to change that.
For every girl, guy, and everyone in between. You deserve to feel beautiful. 'I kissed the scars on her skin and I still think your beautiful. I don't think I could ever lose my best friend.
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