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J M Surgent Aug 2014
When the sun hid behind
a cover of trees
You shone with the intensity
of the full moon.
Stars in your eyes
like twilight skies,
Beetlejuice, Orion's belt;
the big and little spoons.
J M Surgent Jul 2014
I don't speak too much
But I read the news

Which is where I've learned how

To expertly phrase
The few things I say
J M Surgent Jul 2014
I want you to say
Nothing at all
I want you to say
Why the stars
Come out at night
Why love feels different
In day light

I want you to stay
Just for the night
I want you to stay
For my life-
We’ll wake up
To the sunrise
Change our minds
Go back to sleep ‘till night
Lyrics to a song I'm working on.
J M Surgent Jul 2014
I wish I could tell you
Every little thing
I think in my head
But I can't because
They move too fast,
Are too slippery to grasp
And hold onto long enough
To write into lyrical thoughts
Worthy of your time.
J M Surgent Jun 2014
Love poems are stupid,
Because in only a few months time
They’re likely falling to pieces;
Out of juice, out of line.

However, I’ll still write in my spare time,
But would rather focus on cacti,
Because no one gives them
Their time to shine.

I love you, sweet cactus
How you love when the sun shines,
I love you, sweet cactus
Your agave so devine.

I’d rather write about a cactus
All prickly up it’s spine,
Because that cactus is alive,
That cactus is mine,
That cactus will last
Longer than you and I.
J M Surgent Jun 2014
I haven’t called you,
But you haven’t called me, too,
So I guess that makes us both guilty
Of letting the past live on
Where it belongs.
J M Surgent Jun 2014
What is young love?
I can’t even remember.
I thought I knew once, but that was long ago,
And I am too young to recall it now.
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