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Oct 2018 · 299
i don't do poetry
John Pilgrim Oct 2018
i don't do poetry
yet here i am writing prose
thinking of summer woes

i do not do poetry
i find it trivial, yet
it  makes me feel

emotions do not leave me
and i only hope
text to binary
can bring me silence
from the deafening screams
of wanted dreams

because i could not love in the way i want to.
May 2015 · 675
John Pilgrim May 2015
it's nice, that feeling of knowing when you know when you're going to end
Being able to know what you can and can't accomplish.
knowing who to leave behind
and who has left you
i hope to be forgotten before i go
to not be a burden on anyone
or be in the way
to just slip backstage and not require an encore
Apr 2015 · 570
old (dead) friends
John Pilgrim Apr 2015
you knew it would happen
that one day, one day
he would leave because you were boring, uninteresting
all of these things you knew you were
but he denied them, just to be nice
i hate to be right but
when we were on the swings
i knew i wasn't wrong
feel so replaceable
Apr 2015 · 710
what's your poison?
John Pilgrim Apr 2015
could i tempt you with a broken society
a little dash of forgotten love
or even the old friendship that you hated
i know your poison
because you come here every night
hoping to forget
yet i serve you willingly
hoping you will return
and you will
Mar 2015 · 1.3k
recent nostalgia
John Pilgrim Mar 2015
Looking back
On all the times spent with him
Laughing, crying
So many good times together
We're still friends but so distant
I'm so distant
Because I always disappoint
I'll always bother you and I don't want to
Yet I can't help it
I'll leave and you'll get bored
And again
Sleep can't come fast enough
Mar 2015 · 770
give up
John Pilgrim Mar 2015
i give up
the sunsets are not warm
the sunrise is not greeting
the moon is not full
the waves no longer crash
the life is no longer living
and the brumous future lay still
Mar 2015 · 1.1k
John Pilgrim Mar 2015
staring at the mirror in awe
alive with words for someone who isn't there
drinking to forget who has left
asleep in arms
who are in love
but not loved in return
the moon
solitary and staring
Mar 2015 · 13.5k
John Pilgrim Mar 2015
i look out the window to see anything else
hoping to see anything else
but i end up with nothing
nothing but my reflection
nothing but myself
a husk of someone that used to be around
is still around
Mar 2015 · 1.6k
John Pilgrim Mar 2015
coming to the conclusion
you're no fun to be around
is somewhat a relief
nobody has to tell you
so admitting it to yourself is nice
no need for tears
or that awkward agreement
you just know that you're right
when their slight smile wanes
and the goodbyes are much shorter
Mar 2015 · 731
That faint memory
John Pilgrim Mar 2015
that faint memory
of those old summer days
being lost in him
you know the one
falling over his smile and wondering
how did the universe come up with him
then realizing
he probably doesn't think the same about you
time has passed
you feel the same, and that faint memory
does not seem so faint
Mar 2015 · 479
John Pilgrim Mar 2015
i try to cover it up
drugs, clothes, anything really
but they still say
you look like **** today
i shrug it off, hoping it's just the illness
or maybe they're using it as an excuse
i wouldn't be surprised or care for that matter
for my illness will be gone soon, along with me
Mar 2015 · 406
Heart half full
John Pilgrim Mar 2015
I never believed you could fall out of love
like you never believed when i told you
your face told a thousand stories
but all the same ending
all that's left is this burning in my chest
where butterflies used to be
i found what i loved and let it destroy me
limb from limb
but oh god
i loved you. i love you.
Feb 2015 · 546
intertwined atriums
John Pilgrim Feb 2015
we are two of a kind
yet separated by our own armour
pulling in our problems
just to let them go
full of life and sorrow
only to meet again
years later
the cycle goes on and on
Feb 2015 · 482
ifs and throes
John Pilgrim Feb 2015
the ifs and throes
of the old summer woes
lead us astray
gave us hope
for a weak and frayed rope
yet we are left
Feb 2015 · 663
crossed paths empty hearts
John Pilgrim Feb 2015
you, a paved road
mine, a dusty path
they meet
we meet
they part
we part
i follow
**without bearing
Feb 2015 · 978
weather vain
John Pilgrim Feb 2015
beautiful rain
handsome grey sky
sharp defined hurricane
flawless blizzard
*a perfect storm
Feb 2015 · 5.9k
Alabaster Opposites
John Pilgrim Feb 2015
Warm as the very light touch of frost
cold as the new born sun of tomorrow
intertwined in our opposites we lay
your heart, hotter still
your skin, still alive
I rest, alone
wondering when you will not come

— The End —