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 Dec 2017 Jazeera
 Dec 2017 Jazeera
what is the world
    when it is without you,
what is the world
    when you are not here?

what is an ocean
    without its' inhabitants,
what is it to live
    without having feared?

what is today
   without the sunshine,
what is tomorrow
   without the pouring rain?

what is happiness
    without laughter
what is sadness
    without any pain?

i hope you can tell me
           i hope you somehow know,
what is the world
     when it is without you?

i am looking for answers to
questions i can't seem to let go
for my grandmother. missing you always
 Dec 2017 Jazeera
She Writes
 Dec 2017 Jazeera
She Writes
Your lips tell the simplest of lies
How much you love me
I’m beautiful in your eyes
How gullible can one be

I’ve forgiven before
I’ll forgive again
always coming back for more
Perhaps I live for the pain

Why can’t I just say no
Pack up my things
Finally let go
Stretch out my wings

My brain tells the simplest of lies
I need you, without you I’ll die

 Dec 2017 Jazeera
helena alexis
i sighed and walked up to the counter
to order my food while i was finally
on my break after working for 2 hours
i told my manager what i wanted and he
handed me a number

“why’d you hand me a number?” i asked,
confused because usually we don’t do that

“i’m gonna have riley bring out your food to you” he said with a small smirk
i rolled my eyes
as if that’s going to happen
i thought and sat down at a nearby booth

as i was waiting for my food I glanced at my phone scrolling through social media

until i saw you walking towards me with my food you were smiling and laughing while i was a blushing embarrassed mess

“he really made you do it?!” i blushed as you chuckled

“here you go” you handed me my food with a huge smile on your face as i thanked you while you walked away i couldn’t believe it

i kept looking over at you and blushing
everyone knows now including my manager
so this happened at work today
 Dec 2017 Jazeera
Only in my dreams,
She waits for me.
Is this written correctly?
 Dec 2017 Jazeera
the cold breeze crawls against his skin
powerful enough to give him goosebumps
but not the kind he's been searching

he treks against the snow, hurriedly
as if time is passing by too fast
and he's afraid he might fall behind

his constant worries trail him
like an unwanted game of hide and go seek
except he is always being found

he longs for the sun, an image
destroyed by the constant winters
that ceaselessly plague his mind

but he doesn't need to hunt for
what he already has in
the palm of his hand

all he must do is wait
for the snow to melt
and spring to come again

where i will welcome him
with open arms, like the ones
he so desperately yearned for
18/12/17. for kim jonghyun, an inspiration of mine who passed before his time. you've worked hard. don't worry anymore.
 Dec 2017 Jazeera
 Dec 2017 Jazeera
why must you compare pain
someone can drown in an ocean
while someone can drown in a pond
the point is,
they both drowned
sick of people saying others have it worse than me and i need to stop complaining
 Dec 2017 Jazeera
Mane Omsy
Straight at the stars
She stared in this beautiful night
The constellation reflected
In her glowing eyes
I believe I’m alive for you
For this glare every night
Early in the morning
When the sun touches her skin
I stare at her beauty
Just like her at every night
At the different stars
Shooting across the sky
Let me wish this forever
Let me hold your hands
I don’t mind the downs
Let me give my life to you
And millions of kisses
On those rose petals
On your rose cheeks
You're so beautiful darling
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