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I realized sometimes isn't enough to involve someone else's heart...
Goodbyes never hurt me
It's always the memories that follow
To live in such a cruel reality
A world so insensitive and shallow

A goodbye is just a moment
But the memories are stuck on replay
To think we deserve such torment
We remember each and every day

A goodbye will not hurt you
But the memories will shatter your being
Break your heart into pieces
Your life may even lose meaning

Goodbyes do not hurt you
They are only the beginning
A life that was once so simple
Turned into a life so unforgiving
   (but shed no tears)
   (but do not smile)
   (but feel no pain)
   (but have no heart)
   (but do not dream)
   (but do not decay)
   .**** and steal and open.
   .cause tears and hurt and Life.
(you dream, you die -)
             YOU LIVE
Copyright by Ash L. Bennett, 2011
I woke to the sound of fire
Chaos and panicked screams
Eyes alive with ire inspire
The stuff of nightmares and dreams

Her rage is as eminent
As black is in the night
Harsh words a sentiment
Of a battle I cannot fight

Her body is in motion
A violent display of hate
Her fear is an ocean
I drown in it's embrace

Waters of cold emotion
So bitter to the taste
Her tears the death of devotion
My hand reaches forward in haste

I hold empty air and memory
The loss of her touch is fresh
I pray that she remembers me
That my touch lingers on her flesh
 Feb 2015 Taylor Hill
Rhyme night with light.
Rhyme love with dove.
Rhyme pain with razors,
and when that's not enough
mix in some words about heartbreak and the mock-laughing moon.
Catch some eyes, smoke some starlight.
Dream about raves full of lasers.
Drink till you're on the floor,
then shut the door.
And lie alone in your room.

Wait for the pain
to make way for the high.

That's the path to the floor where I lie.
The train's in motion.
Its brakes are broken.
I guess that means I'll see you all soon.
how is it that I still feel every single emotion that you imposed on me?
how can I make you stop invading my mind with memories that inflict as much pain as they had joy? how is it that you were such a significant presence in my life and destroyed every inch of my ability to trust or love anyone? how is it that I still can't let go of you when you made me let go of myself?
January 23, 2015.
 Feb 2015 Taylor Hill
 Feb 2015 Taylor Hill
 Feb 2015 Taylor Hill
I want to feel.
I want to feel you,
your arms around me,
my arms around you,
us holding each other.

But I don't know you,
or who my "you" is.
I'm just feeling
a tad sentimental
for things I've never had.

But dancing under
the brilliant stars,
to our favorite songs.
This is what I would
fall in love for.

Simple things,
and simple words,
I'm easy to inspire,
with loving words
and loving hugs.

I feel nostalgic,
for things I
haven't experienced.
But that's all I have,
feelings and love for "you".
I'm just feeling romantic for some reason. I don't expect this poem to be liked as well as some of my other poetry, but like I said. I'm feeling sentimental.
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