Every year I go back to the very beginning dreaming back inside your womb again evolving piece by piece feeling everything. The gravity, the space of your belly that start to grow, waves of your fluid rotating around me to dance in, the heat in your body keeping me warm, the vibrations of your booming beating heart. Hearing your voice echoing when you speak to me that sound like a sweet melody of a harp, the blood circulating through my veins, and the memory of your beauty forming in my brain. Felt your pain I cause you suffering and struggling to bring me in a brand new world, seeing your light that reflect in my eyes that shines like a pearl. The feeling of your soft fingers and hands holding me as I curl, and the first time my lungs were expanding gasping for air, the tickling wind In my ear of your words in prayers. Remembering the taste of your milk in my mouth that helps me fall asleep, thank you for all the thousands kisses I can still feel on my cheeks. The emotional of happiness of family and people in the room, spreading like a flower that blooms, just want to say I always be in the palm of your hand and I love you mom Happy Mother Day.
**By Jacob Cuadro
To my dearest mother I so Love