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Aug 2018 · 300
Ivy Grace Bell Aug 2018
The words don't come like they used to.
Maybe its a sign of waning hardship-
Or lack of feeling.
Either way, I am empty.
Apr 2015 · 16.0k
Ivy Grace Bell Apr 2015
She grew tired of her thoughts
and the weaknesses they had found,
So she flicked her embered cigarette;
and burnt them to the ground.
Mar 2015 · 6.2k
An anchor to hold me down
Ivy Grace Bell Mar 2015
The masts of the great ships wave to me,
a final farewell,
beckoning me forward.
Off the cliff,
into the abyss,
with an anchor to hold me down.
Mar 2015 · 1.2k
My lucky stars
Ivy Grace Bell Mar 2015
At night,
I count my blessings with each rise and fall of your chest,
The freckles that form a constellation on your back are a mere
of the universe you hold in your eyes.
Jul 2014 · 2.7k
Ivy Grace Bell Jul 2014
Fight your Demons with daisies,
When they rear their horned heads
Kiss them on their warted nose,
And tell them they are beautiful.
Jul 2014 · 2.1k
Ivy Grace Bell Jul 2014
I am the Zelda.
The manic Fitzgerald,
Not nearly half as good as my other half,
but supposedly,
Awash with many enviable traits,
Beauty, Clarity and Limitless talent, abound.
or so they tell me.
Ivy Grace Bell Jun 2014
Golden light spills out,
The only mess in this place,
I won't have to clean.
Jun 2014 · 742
were not dead
Ivy Grace Bell Jun 2014
Lets lie down,
On your bed,
Let's prove to each other
were not dead.

Crumpled clothes,
Hair a mess,
Breathing hard,
against your chest.

Smelling sweet,
Of love and sweat,
Pillows strewn,
Sheets all wet.

A happy girl,
Rosy cheeked,
With her man,
Ain't love neat.
Jun 2014 · 870
Ivy Grace Bell Jun 2014
How do I fall asleep without you next to me?
How do I know that when the nightmares come I wont be swallowed whole.
And when the terror,
The shakes
And the self important universe descend upon my head that I can find safety in the hollow of your neck and the crook of your elbow.

— The End —