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 Aug 2018 Meghan
Carmella Rose
your curves are **** beautiful
your legs that show tiger marks
your thighs that were created by streaks of waves
the arms and calves build with love

they are criticized
judged by the eye of everyone
hello? is this fat?
*** that’s gross
they say
avoiding contact with
the realistic things
words do cut deeper than knives
and the thoughts were too cruel running
in my veins me being fed

so i changed
ate a little
starved myself
commitment to such
self abuse
being embarrassed of
how the curves of my body shapes me
why oh why?
who are you now
now i’ve got
bruises forming everywhere
on my body
scarring my pale tan skin
or should i describe it
as ash gray dead?

never would’ve thought that every words
that build up in my mind
became so life threatening
how they slay my emotions
and torture me
with pressure

sorry dear self for making you suffer
trying to fit in the wrong crowd
taking all these diets and pills
to make myself gorgeous
but in the end
the smile begun to fade
dark circles started to show up
and my perfect days were daunted
by the sickness of me,
anorexia — an eating disorder that  is characterized by low weight or strong desire to be thin resulting in food restrictions.
 Aug 2018 Meghan
Mike Hauser
Why do we judge from the outside in
As if that has to do
With the fact, the way we act
When our looks don't give a clue

You could be a crook with the best of looks
In a three piece suit
Or a millionaire with unkept hair
In a line for soup

We need to realize it's the eyes
That so often decieve
And from the start look with the heart
If we're to truly see

And not bat our eyes at the outside
But instead look deep within
After all a person's soul
Is not made up of skin
 Aug 2018 Meghan
She watched the flames consume her land,
She watched her castle turn to ash.
All she wanted was to be saved.
But there was no King to her salvage.

She knew she'll make it out alive,
But she looked out at her kingdom with a sigh.
She knew she built her walls too high,
Locking up everything she loved, inside.

She knew it was time to move on,
All that she'd ever known, was now gone.
Her frayed gown swayed to the wind,
As she walked away, leaving her kingdom behind.

I have no idea why I wrote this or what I was trying to convey. Probably, my worst ever poem. I'll work on a nice one today. This one's specifically inspired by Alec Benjamin.
 Aug 2018 Meghan
 Aug 2018 Meghan
I don’t feel close
to poetry.

It feels elusive.
Once it spoke to me.
But now it’s mute.

It sits back
and doesn’t look
at me.

If I call out
it doesn’t hear.

Lately poetry is
like that demon
I used to want
to reappear.
 Aug 2018 Meghan
We cannot write silence.
The beats.
The pause.
The breath.
The way it aches
and persists

and begs that,

if only for a moment,

our consciousness is only a whisper.
our bodies,
our lips,
the air that passes through falling chests
and stillness.

A melody of emotion.
Sleeping in the quiet of a heartbeat skipped
a word lost to the wind.

The wickedness of reticence
Encapsulated in air and time.

The moment stretched too long.
Hesitation perpetuated in the grip of fingernails
pressed into palms.

We cannot write silence,
but we can try.

to find a way to immortalize emotion
to create space
in the ceaseless drone of words that speak and spin.

I cannot write silence. But I can write
tears and years
and the burn of long-stretched lies.

I can write goodbyes and hellos
And dozen ways to say
I love to hate you
I hate to love you
and sometimes
I cannot tell the difference.
The space I have upheld for myself.

I love to hate you

I hate to love you too.

I cannot write silence.
But I know it.
and I have held it in my hand.
Inspired by the Vanity Fair article of André Aciman's reaction to his book *Call Me By Your Name* being made into a movie. Specifically the quote, "I couldn't write silence."
 Aug 2018 Meghan
Özcan Sh
Her hair was dark brown
Her fragrance smells delicious
Every time when my lips touch the cup
My heart began to beat faster
Not everyone likes her
But her love kept me awake
Without her I would fall asleep again.
 Aug 2018 Meghan
Ashish Gaur
I close my eyes
To look into your eyes.
I take a deep breath
To savour your fragrance.

I dip my conscience
In the figment of your imagination.
I lose my senses
In the sparkles of your smile.

My heartbeat slows down
To the sound of your presence.
My world spins around
To be a part of your essence.

My soul resonates
With a gentle touch of your palm.
My spirit resuscitates
With a glimpse of your thought.

Tonight I swim
In the sea of your memories.
Tonight I surrender
In the world of your dreams.

Tonight I relive those moments
With you in my mind.
Tonight I let go of all doubts
With you by my side.
 Aug 2018 Meghan
Benji James
Hello, Hellopoetry...
It's been a while
Since I posted last
Don't worry
I haven't been sitting on my '***'
I've just been busy pouring 'Love'
and 'Light' back into my 'Life'
I've been doing things I dream about
Beneath these stars,
Hope glistens in the distance.
I may not have had much time
To write new lines
This is just to check in
So you know I'm alright.
I really miss you guys!
Your comments and love
Refuelled my fire
It made me determined
to aim 'Higher'
I've been doing things
I never thought I'd do.
And Hellopoetry it's all because of you...
This community binds
together through the darkest times
I urge you, Don't ever give up
on whatever it is you love.
For if you give up, you'll find
In the back of your mind
A regret that never fades.
With a little nudge and push
I found some new motivation
To retry and build a new creation.
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