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Hussein Dekmak May 2019
With your smile:
You can melt stress away,
Keep a heart attack at bay,
Make today a more productive day,
Conquer your worries, make them yesterday,
Treat each new dawn as your special holiday!

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Hussein Dekmak May 2019
To make a great accomplishment:
Rescue someone from his malicious thoughts,
Embrace his sorrows with your humane touch,
And show him the way to a life of great purpose!

To make a great accomplishment:
Brighten up his days with your kind words,
Give him a ladder, light him a candle, and be his angel,
Pour into his heart a cup of compassion and a dash of love!

To make a great accomplishment:
Draw your soul to serve those who are forgotten,
Their dreams shattered, their voices lost in wars,
Be their lights, their champion, and stand up for their cause!

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Hussein Dekmak Mar 2019
Let me be:
The sweet smile on your face,
The rainbow colors in your eyes,
And the tsunami of your desires.

Let me be:
The anthem of happiness on your lips,
The eternal imprints of your world,
And the flame to your candle of peace and joy.

Let me be:
The inspiring idea in your mind,
The carved letters of your soul,
And the river of love in your veins.

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Hussein Dekmak Feb 2019
The heart is greater than the eyes,
For the heart, amidst all the pain,
Sees through the delicate lenses of beauty!

The heart is superior over the ears,
For the heart, amid all the loud noise,
Listens to the softest whispers of humanity!

The heart is bigger than the nose,
For the heart, among all of the scents,
Smells the fragrance of new life!

The heart is larger than the hands,
For the heart, amongst all that it can do,
Touches in a way that is softer than the dawn’s dew!

The heart is superior to the tongue,
For the heart, with all of its might,
Speaks only the sweet letters of kindness!

The heart is more immense than all of the human senses,
For the heart carries so much love,
It can lighten up the face of the whole universe!

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Hussein Dekmak Jan 2019
If you can't hear nature's song playing the music of love
Each new day, with each new dawn, new sunrise and a fresh
Moon smile,
Go back to sleep!

If you can't make your heart a Mecca for the freedom seekers,
Your spirit a temple for the suffering souls,
And your mind a spring well of innovative ideas,
Go back to sleep!

If you can't hear the cry of Amal Hussein, the iconic figure of the starving Yemeni child as she was shedding her last tear, taking her last breath, and Whispering her last prayer,
Go back to sleep!

If you can't spare a holy dish to fill empty stomachs,
If you can't offer a kind word to help soothe other’s pain,
And color their lives with the rainbow hues of hope and happiness,
Go back to sleep!

If you can't be the soul of your place, a tsunami of positive change, the Spring of humanity that will blossom
With a new future full of hope, love and inspiration,
Go back to sleep!

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Hussein Dekmak Jan 2019
You experience love:
When you treat everything that you do in life, from
Carefully drafting your thoughts and sketching your
Rainbow dreams, to breathing and carrying out kind
Deeds, like sweet prayers you whisper to a beloved!

You feel love:
When all of the letters, all of the words
Become muted from hollow meaning and strange characters.
It is when your five senses become speechless
In the presence of the thousand tongues of your heart!

You become one with love:
When you run your business with your beloved, prepared for loss,
You let the scars of love dance inside your chest,
Protect the perfect pieces of your heart that are left,
Guard them with hope and wash them with your tears.

Hussein Dekmak
Hussein Dekmak Jan 2019
To be a shining star,
Is to be the echo of love that caresses
A weeping heart with two hugs and a smile!

To be a shining star,
Is to dress your soul in the eternal
Garment of kindness and render service to others!

To be a shining star,
Is to have every fiber of your being glow with so much
Humanity that the darkness of the entire universe is illuminated!

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
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