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"They got...
Sick and tired
Of being...
Sick and tired!"
10w Coined from Fannie Lou Hamer's quote
 Jan 2016 Heliza Rose
I wonder how you'll react when you find out what I've done
you won't be able to hit me or scold me because, I'll be gone.
But will you cry? Will you feel ashamed? Will you wonder why?
I don't think that you should, because now I'll no longer cry.

So don't ask why,
don't you dare cry...
Please, don't be too upset
I'm getting away from here
and with no regrets.
 Jan 2016 Heliza Rose

Sleepy moon,
Can I see you soon?
Can I watch your rays of light,
Fall upon me tonight?
Can I feel your soft dust,
Of peaceful sleeping lust?
Oh sleepy moon,
Can I see you soon?
My heart has been struck with the venom of your twisted love
All of the memories
All of the security
Our planned future, shattered
I was lost in your dance with the devil
Round and round I swayed until my knees fell weak
And as I descended to the ground, a revelation appeared
Your face was flowing with tears and regret
The fiery lust in your eyes, doused with reality
As the one true soul who cherished you
Disintegrated into your world of lost dreams
 Jan 2016 Heliza Rose
Looking out to the night sky,
Feeling the breeze rush across my face,
Standing on the edge again,
I feel as if I want to fade,
While my name is still unknown,
I don't want to be another machiene,
For other people to dictate,
Because it is my life,
My choices,
Not society or friends,
Or my family to decide,
This isn't a leap of faith,
Its a jump of serenity.
We’re hand in hand and walking, down where the Camden canal runs away from us
and breaks faintly in spires, under the floating patches of, olive tree, street lamps.
She shivers on her cigarette, smoke watching, a furnace strong and foreign,
like the ******* of the incense in Rome, tracing flaming *** trails.
The bird living in my ribcage beats it’s great and terrible wings
again, and has another. I have her cold elbow fit my palm.
The pigeons obliviously sleep to the draw
of that burning London moon.
The draw I feel moving me.
down into the world
that acts as a cellar
to the one we know.
So much colder
than the heat
is, in her
 Jan 2016 Heliza Rose
I'm trying to be a good poet
Using powerful and beautiful words
A scheme looking like art
I have seen it many times
The truth is
I'm not there yet
My journey has just started
Words are not as easy to find
Writers block
The sickness of a poet
Too often leaves me struggling
The appearance of my poems dull
Without much creativity it seems
Yet every kind response
Everyone that takes the time
To read and leave a nice comment
I shall say thank you
It may be a long way to go
But you show me
I'm on the right path
Since 2015 is coming to an end. I just want to thank everyone, who encouraged me, who liked my poems took the time to read them and leave a nice comment. I would have never thought to get such great response. Overall I just want to say thank you.I hope everyone has a lovely new years eve and stay save folks!
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