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 Jan 2016 Heliza Rose
here's to 2016.

here's to less heartbreak, less tears
to happy moments, the laughter
to the comfort we've been longing for.

here's to growth and learning
to rebirth and second chances
to change and peace wherever we can get it.

here's to acceptance
to gentleness and strength in the worst times
to embracing romance and sexuality, if that's your cup of tea

here's to the best time of our lives
and if not, to keep believing;
maybe it'll be the year.
here's to 2016.
happy new year, may you find happiness.
 Jan 2016 Heliza Rose
Frail as the last branch,
hanging from a blackened tree
she clings for her life.
i am 18 years old and i've kissed 17 boys. i've passed 16 classes, and cried at school 15 times. sophomore year i missed 14 days of school. i've figured out 13 ways to say "i didn't do my homework," and i am halfway through the 12th grade. my longest relationship lasted 11 months. i once left a picture up for 10 minutes, and received 9 comments about how unacceptable my shirt was. i have gone through 8 best friends and 7 phones. i've gotten lost on the road 6 times and i have 5 friends i plan to keep in touch with for the rest of my life. at my first job, i made $4 an hour. i've fallen in love 3 times, i've seen two therapists and i'm still holding on to this one thought that everything is going to be okay.
everything is going to be okay.
 Jan 2016 Heliza Rose
The bubbles are gone.
The water is cold,
But I still can't bring myself to face the world.
 Jan 2016 Heliza Rose
 Jan 2016 Heliza Rose
Stolen at "hello"
Lost at "goodbye"
Do you think about me
From time to time?
 Jan 2016 Heliza Rose
Now I'm just waiting for the
Ultimate end.
Morbid, I know,
But it's all that I have left
The Weary, they wander
Onto my
Lonely shores,
Sailors with
Shipwrecked vessels,
Travelers grim with
Soles scraped sore

They seek to quell
Their solitude
Ill fated and alone,
And finding me
Beside the sea
They postpone

I welcome them
With flames alight
Inside the hearth
Of my heart
Although I know
They never stay,
That soon they will

Every time that
One arrives
The feeling sprouts
He'll leave me
And I know it,
But there's nothing
I can do

I am Calypso, cursed
To long for love
That is unchanging
No solace rolls in
With the tide
The tempest, still,
Is raging.
Y o u    D o n ' t    D e s e r v e    F o r    M e    T o    S p e n d    T h i s    M u c h    T i m e    O n    Y o u

A f t e r    W h a t    Y o u    D i d

B u t    H e r e    W e    A r e*
                                             I'm sorry.
messed    up
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