I had a dream where I faced someone I had complications with, I was looking at God. He told me he would tell me anything I wanted to know, know about myself. Squinting my eyes I spoke, "Who is my soulmate?" That's when the floor cracked and I saw into your living room from above, you were asleep on the couch, I wasn't shocked. I shook my head in disbelief and said, "God, if we were really soulmates, how come he left a scar on my soul rather than completing my half empty persona?" He scanned my body and told me, "Hayley, sometimes these things are difficult. Your doubt and uncertainty is much like what you have about me. You let people in just to take a part of you, a part of you that you may not be willing to share. This man has a part of you, and he hasn't let it go, he hasn't let you go. He doesn't want to. If his body was filled with red, you would be the sea blue standing out, alive and bright." That's when God tore my skin, and revealed my muscles and joints. He revealed my blue body and pointed at the red. That's when I made it my mission to get my blue back, and to give your red back. That's when I decided to make purple fluidly, and not have our souls separate like oil and water.