Sometimes poet's leave us for a short time
Sometimes they leave us for quite awhile
We are blessed that while they take a rest
that some of them choose to leave their poems
for us to read
We have a need to stay connected to our poetry community
We are not perfect, but we like family are joined by a common bond
Our love for writing and reading and our commitment to the written words are so strong
We are united even when we are apart
We hold each others words close to our hearts
Each other's words make a lasting impression on our mind and emotions, and often times our very soul
We complete each other making all of us a part of the whole
We are all united... all of us of various creeds and race
We all are one Community ...We are all Hello Poetry
Thank You, Eliot for bringing us all together in one place and helping us become Hello Poetry
This is dedicated to Eliot all of Us Poet's on Hello Poetry !