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Nov 2018 · 148
Celestite Nov 2018
lets spend no more days doing what we don’t want to do
lets skip 4th period and just drive
drive down these worn down country roads
the songs of robins and sparrows fill the air
the smell of autumn and cinnomin donuts overflow your truck
exchanged smiles, and glances, and laughter
lets watch the sun melt into thr horizon
while the stars flicker in the night
whispering gibberish and placing kisses on rosy cheeks
thats all i want
thats all i’ll ever want.
all i want is your love.
but little did i know before falling
that your love is like a flame.
it’s there and it’s bright, but in a flicker its out,
gone, and never to be seen again.
Nov 2018 · 220
Celestite Nov 2018
i would break my back bending backwards for you,
but for me you wouldn't even chip a nail
Nov 2018 · 666
the things i miss
Celestite Nov 2018
i miss the words never spoken,
the actions never taken,
the kisses that never kissed,
the songs that were never sung,
the glances that were never approached,
the calls to hesitant to ring.
the things that never happened are the things i miss most
Nov 2018 · 173
I am from love
Celestite Nov 2018
i am from walking along the cold cobble stone streets on a rainy sunday afternoon,
only to be welcomed by the warmth of my home. that is tucked into the corner of a forest, at the end of a street in the borderline subburbs.
i am from the La La Land soundtrack being played one too many times, while accompanied by a warm bath that smells of lavender and chamomile. I am from fuzzy socks and blankets snugged up by a crackling firsplace. from watching raindrops hit the glass of my windows, to the way hot chocolate tastes after heart break. i am from a family of way too many essential oils, and burning insense to clear the air. I am from passing out on an unmade bed that waits for me with open arms, and from city street lights that shine brighter than the stars. i am from excessively hanging christmas lights in unnecessary places, and from baking cookies that tastes too sweet for most taste buds. but in the end it all adds up, i am simply just from love.
Nov 2018 · 166
everything dies
Celestite Nov 2018
in my opinion i think having to feel the reality of dying love is 100000000000x harder than not being in love at all. because if you plant a rose bush it’s beautiful for about the whole summer, and maybe a bit of fall. but as the air gets colder, and the temperature changes the roses start to die. and when it starts dying, you don’t want to rip it out of the ground. you want to keep watering it and keep doing everything you can to keep that last rose alive. but eventually it all wilts, dries up, and dies. and if you’re like me, you keep that bush there either because you’re too lazy to rip it out or because you don’t want to let it go (still not sure which one yet) but maybe next time i’ll save myself some tears, and i just won’t plant roses.
Nov 2018 · 143
CiTy oF sTaRs
Celestite Nov 2018
City of stars,
why aren't you shinging just for me?
City of stars,
is there someone else? who is she?
Who knows,
I wish that you'd just tell me what's going on.
Oh City of Stars,
am I doing something wrong?
Nov 2018 · 140
Celestite Nov 2018
There are nights when a blanket of clouds gets thrown over the night sky
And there are nights I spend searching for a single star while lost in an indigo fog.
But my favorite are the nights when the stars shine brighter than the full moon,
because those are the nights seen by both of our eyes.
Those are the  the nights shared between both of our hearts.
Those are the nights,
no matter where we are on this Earth,
even if its only for a split second,
we are together.
You, me, and all the stars in the sky;
Nov 2018 · 215
use your words
Celestite Nov 2018
rip the seams from your lips
speak, just use your words.
because latley we’ve  been throwing our hearts against the walls through a screen and pretending we’re fine.
crying the words we resisted from sending through a text at 10:01 pm.
and wondering if the other will send a heart back with “goodnight.”
spoiler alert: it’s not gonna happen.
so please
please, just speak my love.
because the day you say, “I love you,” you should use your words instead of your figertips.
Oct 2018 · 336
Celestite Oct 2018
and like the rose you handed me the day we fell in love
we were golden, grand, beautiful.
but as time went on, we slowly fell apart.
petal by petal, day by day.
nothing gold can stay, and thats why we wilted.
Oct 2018 · 127
trust issues
Celestite Oct 2018
you tell me you’re not like the others
you’d never hurt me like they did
and i want to believe you
you’ll never understand how much i want to believe you.
but i just don’t know how.
it’s not you, it’s me.
Oct 2018 · 140
change in the wind
Celestite Oct 2018
i don’t understand
sometimes we’re okay
somtimes we are amzing, fantastic; perfect.
but then sometimes we’re not.
sometimes we don’t talk for hours, and i hate it.
sometimes i get wound up and intertwined into the past, and i isolate myself into despair.
sometimes you act like you don’t care, you shove your emotions down into an abyss of black that you try to make me forget, but how could i?
sometimes we are fine, i promise.
it used to be fine all the time, i swear.
but lately for some reason, there’s change in the wind.
maybe you’ve fallen too deep into that abyss.
or maybe i’m too stuck in the past to even dream about the future.
but either way, we’v come too far to give up.
we’ve sacrificed everything to enjoy what little we have.
and i won’t let anything take away what we have.
because i’ve never been happier in my entire life.
Oct 2018 · 122
why did I chose you?
Celestite Oct 2018
Your eyes
your voice
your hair
your hands
your smile
your everything
your good
your bad
your happy
your sad
your angry
your calm
your tired
your alive
If I had to chose again, I'd still chose you.
you and your everything.
I chose you.
Oct 2018 · 314
Celestite Oct 2018
b e a u t i f u l
i love the way it rolled off of your tongue
beautiful, b e a u t i f u l.
every time our eyes intertwine i can hear it echo;
beautiful, b e a u t i f u l.
a word my heart has only dreamed of hearing,
and yet here i am
standing beside you
still in awe
beautiful, b e a u t i f u l.
Oct 2018 · 196
Celestite Oct 2018
i used have cravings for chips and ice cream
but there’s this new drug i’ve been on since i met you, and it’s called cloud 9.
Oct 2018 · 227
Celestite Oct 2018
i’ve never had my heart yearn for someone so much
while my skin craves for their touch.
Oct 2018 · 191
i want you to be here
Celestite Oct 2018
every word that you speak
hits my ears like falling rain
every glance you send my way
glides up the side of my body
from my painted toes, to my amateur excuse of hips, and crawls up the back of my spine to then plant a kiss on my neck.
when you touch my skin, i become bathed in the feeling of love; as the shore longs for a crashing tidal wave to sweep it off its feet,
i long for you.
Oct 2018 · 155
Celestite Oct 2018
i’m just abother victim of the green eyed monster
Oct 2018 · 230
Celestite Oct 2018
I long to see the moonlight hit that face of yours
it looks so pure, so untouchable.
its as if the gods carved and chiseled you by hand
and then, by the grace of god, brought you to life.  
I want your marble hands to rest on the small of my back
and those polished lips to kiss me from my collar bone,
to my neck,
to my cheeks,
and then my longing lips.
- I want you so badly
Oct 2018 · 211
Old souls
Celestite Oct 2018
you were an old soul
you had a young heart
i was an old soul
i had an old heart
but some how we still managed to fall, without warning, in love.
When days were filled with collecting coins, cappuccinos, and baby blue skies.
Old thrift stores and faux pearls.
Yellow bicycles and daisy fields.
Those were the days, in which i realized
there’s no getting over you.
Oct 2018 · 1.7k
Grandma's House
Celestite Oct 2018
We pulled up in the drive way
If it weren't for my hello kitty flip flops, my feet would've melted into the cracks of the pavement.
Running up to ring the doorbell, and the smell of home rushing through my nose as I am greeted by hugs.
Kicking off my kicks, and letting the beige colored carpet mingle with the bottoms of my feet.
Leaping on to a couch that was stained with strawberry ice cream and memories.
The lace that trailed off the ends of the curtains danced as the breeze from an open winow came to say, "hello."
Splashing in a wading pool while grandma looked through Avon catalouges
sipping lemonade that we made prior, in a Disney Princess Sippy Cup.
I run up the stair into my room; sparkly purple bed sheets cover my bed and I crash.
All snuggled up in an ocean of blankets while everyone else watches the Steelers game downstairs.
As I dose off, half way through a dream filled with pink, grandpa woke me up; he said we were going out for ice cream!
I put on my favorite Little Mermaid shirt on and ran downstairs.
We all pile into an old BMW and start our journey to Sarris.
Nostalgia and city lights fill my eyes with wanderlust.
We park the car and rush to hop in line. When we order our ice cream we sit down in a red diner-hop booth.
Everyone together, MiMi, Papap, Mom, Dad, Victoria, Patty, G-G, and me.
And I don't know if it was eating powdered donuts on Sunday mornings
Or the way that Fresca tasted after eating a happy meal,
but visiting your house
in that small town in Pittsburgh
Is the only way that I can describe "home."
Oct 2018 · 1.9k
Persephone and Me
Celestite Oct 2018
My favorite story in greek/roman mythology is the story of Persephone and Hades.
I always though that she was in love with him
That she was the good grace that saved him
Almost as yin and yang, two beautiful opposites that fell perfectly into what I described as love.
But as I read inbetween the inbetween of the lines
I learned that I was wrong.
She wasn't happy at all, she just couldn't leave.
She was trapped in a whirlwind of melancholy
Longing for a hand to grab through the storm.
And as she grew sadder, so did the world around her.
When she was not with Hades flowers grew inbetween her toes
and butterflies danced across the clouds,
But when she had to leave the sky rained monotone gray.
I was Persephone, I longed to help the hopless
and in hope of love being returned to me from the hands of god
all i was given, was nothing.
But then you came.
You swooped me off of my feet and doused me in saphires.
You showed me what it felt like to be loved.
I'll admit, the feeling is new,
But sometimes you have to grab the hands of fate and just hope that you'll be catched.
Because at the end of the day, why keep picking roses if they're thorns make you bleed?
Thats why I prefer Sunflowers;
and I'm sure if she had the chance, Persephone would too.
Sep 2018 · 198
open your eyes
Celestite Sep 2018
There was a force on my chest
pushing me farther and father under the surface of idealism
I'm gasping for a single breath.
watching words slip from my lips, as if i were blowing bubbles in a bath tub
and as my feet were inches away from the bottom,
I swam.
I swam past the currents
until neptune's jaw dropped.
And when I reached the top of the surface I just looked up.
When you've been sitting underwater for years, you forget what the world above looks like.
And I think that scared me most.
I could either stay down here, sad and regretful; always wondering, what if?
or I could take a chance and just have to accept what ever is out there.
my toes flexed as I started to swim upward.
The sun dried off the sorrow and bathed me in gold;
I opened my eyes.
Sep 2018 · 145
The Birth of Venus
Celestite Sep 2018
The pearl flourishing from a clamshell
emerging from the caribbean sea
a phenomenon that even made Jupiter turn his head
you are an aphrodite
your skin warm golden sand
sunsets dripping from your lips
and the glistening ocean in your eyes;
The Birth of Venus
Sep 2018 · 232
Celestite Sep 2018
Eyes so golden that the sun cries with jealousy
Constellations waltzing across the bridge of your nose
A smile so perfect only Venus could be responsible
Your lips humming songs that nobody knows
Your radiant skin is bronzed silk
Your hands wrapping me in an embrace
The moon rests in the words you speak
And your kisses stain galaxies on my face
I long for your presence night and day
And your soul fills my heart with joy
Oh please just stay here forever
Because I love you my sweet starboy
Sep 2018 · 153
Te Amo
Celestite Sep 2018
My eyes met with yours
in gaze led across the room.
As I slowly fell into their radiating golden light, I got lost.
I saw a cottage made of stone and wood.
Surrounded by waltzing wildflowers and tall leaning oak trees.
The mountains perched behind us while clouds of cotton rested in the sky.
There were kin playing in the fields of rich green grass beside us;
chasing the faires, and fighting the dragons of their fantasties.
And then there were we;
old fingers intertwined into old hands, and wrinkled cheeks from smiling.
We rocked back, and forth, back, and forth, back, and forth.
I looked up at your gracious eyes, and you whispered to me
in a voice as sweet as honey,
"Now I don't remeber much spanish, but Thank you mi amore,"
as you planted a kiss on my cheek.
I blushed in shades of rose as I smiled and whispered back,
"Te amo."
And as those two words slipped from my lips,
in the blink of an eye,
from the chime of a bell,
We were back.
I was carrying my books
heading out of the Spanish classroom.
Our eyes still sewn together by the thread of fate,
you smiled.
I smiled back.
And that is when I knew you were the one.
Sep 2018 · 125
so close
Celestite Sep 2018
”What is love,”
he asked while resting his head on her lap.
She brushed his hair back and resisted placing a kiss on his delicate forehead.
“My darling it’s right in front of you,”
Her lips longed to say.
She gazed into his golden heartbroken eyes,
She spoke softly with a sorrowful smile,
“I still long to know.”
And for the smallest millionth of a second
his eyes widened and his mouth opened,
about to confess the words he had longed to say
the words he had stitched on his heart;

but then he didn’t.
Sep 2018 · 149
drunk on love
Celestite Sep 2018
if your love is my wine
i’m drunk on mine
Sep 2018 · 144
Look at you
Celestite Sep 2018
I am so greatful
that the world has let me fall in love
with such a beautiful soul
Sep 2018 · 135
Celestite Sep 2018
most of the moments she remembers
only happen in her dreams
Sep 2018 · 722
Celestite Sep 2018
you were always good with guns
you hanlded them with sence of grace
firmly, gracefully.
I used to be the one you talked to
the one you told your secrets to
the one you would laugh with
the one you would cry with;
but now you talk to her
you tell her your secrets
you laugh with her
you cry with her.
and now i'm crying by myself.
you were always good with guns
you hanlded them with sence of grace
firmly, gracefully.
and there goes my heart.
Sep 2018 · 226
bohemian rhapsody
Celestite Sep 2018
when our hands touched
a feeling of longing was returned to my fingertips
and my heart grew twice as big
my eyes widened, and so did yours
time froze
my hands fit perfectly into yours
the clock snapped and you let go
and then you ran to her
you helped her up and sang her love songs
from the smile on your lips
my heart shriveled up and blew away as ashes in the wind
you saw me so vulnerable
with tears grazing my cheeks
and yet you didn’t say a word
because you love her;
you love her.
Sep 2018 · 1.9k
Celestite Sep 2018
Giving you my heart would be easy
And loving you would be easy;
if it wasn't for him.
him and his hands
him and his lips
slurring disgust while grabbing my hips
him and his voice
him and his eyes
I would tell you the truth but you'd only believe his lies.
It was like being shoved under meters of water
gasping for air, reaching for the sunlight above
but i just kept sinking and sinking and sinking.
swallowing all the words that longed to leave my mouth, it was like choking on water
while just sinking and sinking and sinking.
somedays I'd just let it happen, because what could I do, who would listen?
the feeling of his thrusting on my back, it was numbing
the way his voice would slither into my ears saying, "shhhhh just hold still."
that voice was chilling.
and no one even noticed, no one even cared.
I am trying to give my heart to you and I am trying to give my love to you, but his hands leave scars that I'm not ready for you to see.
So until you reach out your hand for me to hold
I'll just keep sinking and sinking and sinking.
Aug 2018 · 752
melancholy elegance
Celestite Aug 2018
I'm getting quite tired of waiting
waiting for you
waiting for "us"
If you would even call "it" an "us."
Last night I couldn't wait
I picked up my phone, pouring the thoughts of my heart
into that little text box, and before I let my finger just push that send button
I stopped
resisting it with all my might; i stopped
I deleted word after word after word, watching everything reverse with a sense of melancholy elegance
I watched as the bar ran out of words to take from my fingertips, and then haulted
I froze staring into space; until I slowly turned my phone off and set it on my nightstand
I fell back onto my bed and nearly drowned myself in an ocean of blankets,
and let out a sigh of regret as my matress cradled my oh so tired back
I watched my dusted ceiling fan spin once, then twice, and then once more;
just wondering if you've ever done the same
if you've ever felt the same
if you've ever felt this feeling of melancholy elegance
Aug 2018 · 240
would you do the same?
Celestite Aug 2018
what do you want from me?
would you like my heart; cause if so i’ll hand it over
what do you need from me?
would you like my love; cause if so here it all is
what do you crave from me?
would you like my embrace; because if so i’ll wrap you in it everday
what do you wish from me?
would you like my kisses; because if so i will leave kisses on you from your lips, to your cheeks, to your neck.
what do you ask of me?
would you like me to tell you how i feel; because if so i would tell you everyday. I would let those beautiful three words dance from my lips into your ears without resistance.
“I love you,” they would whisper. “I love you, I love you, I love you;”
but would you do the same?
Aug 2018 · 201
Celestite Aug 2018
She spent day on day
week on week
month on month
year on year
trying to figure out what was wrong with herself
what made her so unloveable.
many told her that she only cared about herself;
an entitled, selfish, unloveable shell woman.
and all of those theories just made her laugh
because the last thing she could ever do is love herself.
she hated no one more than her own self.
she just couldn't do it;
love the unloveable.
Jul 2018 · 700
the dollhouse
Celestite Jul 2018
this noise is too loud for these porcelain ears of mine
they scatter with cracks as the noise grows near
this abuse is too rough for this porcelain skin of mine
each hit I take scuffs the baby pink paint on my cheeks
this sadness is too sad for this porcelain heart of mine
the melancholy that has been brewing inside of you for so long is now forced into my fragile soul
there seems to be no more love in this home;
I guess thats why they call it a dollhouse
Jul 2018 · 422
the forgotten star
Celestite Jul 2018
lets go for car rides at midnight
count all the stars we can and cannot see
because though we can’t see it with our eyes
that one forgotten star
may lead to the most amazing universe
but we’d never know, because its just out of reach
lets drive down empty roads
and let these smoked city lights lead the way
let us scream to the top of our lungs as the warm breeze brushes across our faces
and let the sunrise the next morning be like no other
let the sun melt and fade into the sky like fondue
let the clouds form into images of the love we never knew we wanted;
or that i wanted
because although i felt a warmth that some call “love”
i was just a star
lost in the many that fill the sky
but to you i was forgotten;
to you i was a forgotten star.
Jul 2018 · 285
my poison
Celestite Jul 2018
i wish i could tell you how much i miss you
and how badly i want you
every time the thought of you crosses my mind
rain pours from the hurricanes that rage in my eyes
they pour because as much as i want you
crave you
need you
you are killing me slowly
but you don’t even notice
Jul 2018 · 317
Celestite Jul 2018
I believe that i am a cloud
some days i am an airy swift ball of sunshine
but other days i rage storms with lightning that will chill your spine
some days i cry tears that water willow trees down below
and other days i just wallow in the sky sulking in a forever feeling of numbness
i am what you want me to be
maybe i’m a butterfly one day
maybe the next i’m a sunflower
and the sun whispers in my ear each night before she sets,
“A rainbow shall come after the rain, and if you wait long enough you may find happiness too. But be careful, because a rainbow can be further away than you think.”
and i think i found my rainbow;
but they’re out of reach.
Jul 2018 · 16.6k
Celestite Jul 2018
i love you so dearly
but you are dying me blue
from the tips of my toes
to the tears you make me cry
i know you’re too clueless to understand the emotions of a hopeless romantic like me
but i hope you can understand one day
that i am doing this because i love you too much.
for so long i never understood why people left the ones they loved
“Why do such a silly thing to yourself?” I would ask the stars accompanying venus
but now i understand that the silly thing would be to stay
because as much as i love you
i need to love me too.
so for now i’ll sail my ship far away
and maybe one day you’ll grow up as i did
and love me as a love you.
and it pains me to say this
this pain is like no other
i would rather take a bullet straight through my head
but we all have to make sacrifices
and so now i will take a bullet straight through my heart
~ you know who you are. i love you too much to stay. i hope you can forgive me but for now let me forgive myself.~
Jul 2018 · 350
lost at sea
Celestite Jul 2018
i feel like a sailor lost at sea
but the sea is filled with people
and the boat i am steering is my mind
you are the island i saw far in the distance
with fruits of gold
mountains of silver
and streams of crystals
sand of emeralds
and sunshine made of citrine
a moon of pale opal
and stars of pure diamonds
and as i rushed to shore holding out open arms
you vanished
and i was simply just a sailor, having a hallucination
lost at sea.
Jul 2018 · 322
Deck of Cards
Celestite Jul 2018
we live in a deck of cards
you are the king of spades
i am the queen of hearts
but even the jester knows, a ***** is to dangerous for a heart
Jul 2018 · 338
Just Friends
Celestite Jul 2018
i miss you
but i promise i’ll see you soon
and when i return home, and i gaze into your beautiful luring eyes
I will wisper, “I love you, I love you” without even moving my lips
and our eyes will intertwine for what feels like a century
but when reality comes flooding back in
we’ll move along with our lives
just as friends.
Jul 2018 · 4.7k
Red Weeds
Celestite Jul 2018
I’m in a bit of a situation
There seem to be weeds blooming all across my face
The weeds are red
They are blooming all aross my cheeks
All across my forehead and chin
and even some buds on my nose
I don’t like the weeds
And neither does anyone else
I’ve tried everything to get them go away
but nothing works, and they’ll always stay
these weeds make me sad
oh so sad
and now my tears just water these weeds
I refuse to show the world these hideous red weeds
i have been taught to hate the unwanted
and to strive for perfection
but perfection is something i’ve never known
so for the moment i cannot make these red weeds disappear
and from now on i’ll stop quenching their thurst with my tears
for now all i can do is love them
love these red weeds that cover my face
and hope that one day i’ll find someone who can love them too.
just a poem about acne, because i’m struggling with it and when i feel sad, i write about it.
Jul 2018 · 1.4k
Love without the politics
Celestite Jul 2018
You mean so very much to me
You make butterflies spiral up my stomach and flurry around my heart
you make me giggle on the days that my eyes are sore from crying
I love every single part of you
from the freckles around you beautiful brown eyes
from the way your lips seem to have the words “kiss me” written on them in cursive ribbons
but every rose has it’s thorn
You seem to enjoy the daisies
while i enjoy the sunflowers
and no daisy lover shall fall for a child of the sunflower
but when i’m with you, i could care less
the way we love without warning makes Romeo and  Juliet jelous, oh so jealous
i’ve spent the summer away from you, but that doesn’t mean a day goes by that i refuse to think about you
and on this summer journey i noticed something quite strange.
As the sun rose and melted colors of pink, and orange, and yellow into the morning sky
i saw a single sunflower
holding hands with a daisy
and oh how happy they looked
soon the orange, and yellow, and pink transformed into beautiful  cumulus clouds.
and there the daisy sat with that sunflower.
and i don’t think i’ve ever seen something better represent love.
The person I’m crushing on at the moment has very different political views than me. And that makes me quite sad, because I don’t understand why  politics should matter when it comes to love.  I wrote this poem because the Daisy in the sun flower represents the two different political views. But the love between represents my ongoing longing for this beautiful soul.
Jul 2018 · 557
Make America Great Again..?
Celestite Jul 2018
Now I’m not usually into politics
But our nation's not a firm apologists of its actions
And it’s making me quite frustrated
Seeing homeless veterans on the street
Isn’t being this small minded just a little bit outdated?
The America that we’re living in has me completely surprised
Has no one in this country ever opened their eyes?
Because our skin tone still defines us
Yeah thats without a doubt
As if the darker your skin gets the less respect your given
Is that what you want America to be about?
Immigrants are given no trust
And now our  president wants to put a wall around us
I think that’s enough
Don’t you?
They say we’re in troubled paradise but all I see is trouble
Cause the number of suicides from last year to now has nearly doubled
And not to mention
That there have been just about 22 school shootings in just this past year
Ever wonder why our country is trembling in fear
Well here’s why
Because our school dress code matters more than our gun laws
Here's why
Because our skin tone determines our value and our worth
Here’s why
Because Gay marriage was only legal just a few years ago
Here’s why
Because poverty is spreading quicker than ever
Here’s why
Because now women get harrassed on the street
Here’s why
Because some people feeling like dying everyday and the only help they’re  given is prescribed medication
Here’s why
Because women are still paid less than men
Now I suggest you go ahead and look outside
And don’t try to hide away from it all
Don’t ignore the homeless man that is dying on the street
Don’t ignore the black woman being sexually assaulted on that corner
Don’t ignore the that gay couple being rejected from their church
Don’t ignore that little girl who has to measure her shorts for school
And we are told that young or old freedom will unfold
But If that’s so
Then why has nothing changed in the past century?
And now let me ask you
Did we make America great again?
Celestite Jul 2018
Who are you?
What makes you feel the need
To play me
Play my emotions
As if you were a violinist?

Why do you stare at me
With those condescending but kind eyes?
You always know just how to make me tick
Like a broken clock

How do you always have something to say?
Something that will make me blush
As if my face is a rose garden
And that smirk
That turns heads everywhere you go

And then there is that look

The look you give me
When the timing is perfect
And the chemistry is bubbling
Just a glance from you sends electricity up my spine

But why don’t you stay?
Why do you dowse me in gold and honey and flower petals
But then take it all back and walk away


Why me
Why this
Why you
Why everything

If I could i would pull out the love covered arrow you stuck in my heart
But then that would just hurt even more.
Jul 2018 · 1.0k
It’s time to let go
Celestite Jul 2018
You are the warm breeze that hits my shoulders in summer
When I am sitting in the shade
Roots mingling with blades of grass
Bumble bees cozy in my braids

Always passing
Always watching
Always moving
Always there
And I too am always passing
Always moving
Always watching
And always there
But you just so happen to not be aware
Of my presence

You somehow are able to make flowers dance
You even make the weeds waltz and sway
You make butterflies blush and blue birds sing
But yet you never seem to stay

Soon fall comes around the corner
And your chill makes the oak trees drop their clothes
We graze fingertips
as you wrap around my hips
And we nearly touch lips
And time suddenly froze

So did you

You became a chilling breeze of ice
I had to force away your embrace
Because slowly snowflakes and frost
Appeared across my face

I’ve longed to be with you since forever
But every weeping willow tree knows
As much as I wanted to hold on to you
The wind must eventually go

So a watched you glide away
Across the freshly fallen snow
And without a breeze nearby
Things were moving slow

No poppies were swaying
No sunflowers were smiling
No butterflies were in sight
The weeds were not waltzing
The blue birds did not sing
And there were no stars twinkling in the sky that night

Soon the snow melted into dandelions
And the snowflakes melted midair into rain
Sprinkling on the concrete sidewalks
And the noise seemed to wash out my brain

Because that next summer I didn’t miss you
Your presence no longer meant a thing
And I think everyone also forgot
Because the roses still bloomed
And the blue birds would still sing

And one day I felt a warm breeze walk by
While I was sitting in the shade
My roots in between blades of grass
And flowers stuck in strands of my braids

Since forever I’ve longed for this feeling
That’s why I’ll never know
That instead of holding on
I decided to let the breeze go

-It’s time to let go
Jul 2018 · 1.3k
The Women who came before me
Celestite Jul 2018
the women who came before me
were hurricanes of great power
so when the men of their time would see them, they would run away and cower

the women who came before me
were lush forests of great size
wide variations of kindness
leaving all in awe with their beautiful baby blue skies

the women who came before me
were frigid tundras of snow and ice
chilling all who came near to the touch
because the women who came before me
didn’t always like to play nice

the women who came before me
were the golden glistening sun
no matter their color, their religion, or who they loved
their radiant beauty blinded everyone

the women who came before me
were the moon, solemn and wise
always at peace and a state of zen
drawing people in and out with their eyes just like the tides

the women who came before me
were all the sparkling stars in the sky
connecting together to form constellations
beautiful enough to make you cry

the women who came before me
were so strong and so wise
they rise
they rise

the women who came before me
showed hope even in their cries
they rise
they rise

they’re souls will remain sewed
into my heart and the skies
they rise
they rise

because the women who came before me will stick by me until I die.
we rise
we rise
Jul 2018 · 236
Wilted flowers
Celestite Jul 2018
She sat all alone
on a wilted flower bed
dead daisies in between her toes
rain dripping on her head
Thunder crackling in the distance
Clouds soon filled the sky
Though there was a thunderstorm overhead
Hurricanes roared in her eyes
She sat on the curb, just thinking
Clouds hovered over her thoughts
Rain falling and kissing her sunburned cheeks
Cupping all the rain that she caught
shed count the raindrops one by one
as they’d pitter pat onto the ground
letting her hurricane slip from her lips
without even making a sound
Hoping one day she'll find someone
who will sit here with her watching thunderstorms come and go
and share a little sadness
to help these wilted flowers grow
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