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Fox Friend Dec 2017
Today I woke up broken
I hung my head and cried to God
because I know He sees beyond this fog.

The calm, the peace - it doesn't sink in until after these words take root in my heart:

Broken is not always a bad thing. Broken is just the stage between better and best.

Through broken soil plants grow to sustain this world.
Broken allows life to grow.
A break in the clouds sends light to those who miss the sun.
Broken allows room for more.

I let this small prayer carry me always:
That I will remember
that it is a beautiful thing
when life goes
Fox Friend Dec 2017
The way I yearn for you
is comparable to the way
that the sun refuses to be
even after it sinks
behind the mountains.
The glaring red hues
stain the sky
if just for a moment
after the sun has finished
providing light,
just as pictures of you
continue to invade my
The glowing strands of color
and wave
and grasp out
until they tire and slip
quietly, sadly
beyond view.
I too will tire, but until then -
let my lovely sunset unravel
for you,
my darling.
Fox Friend Dec 2017
The blessings in my life
are overwhelming
when I really think about them,
but for some reason
each morning
feels heavier than the one before.

Why can't I just be happy?

My heart wanders
away with this thought
until the relentless waves
of pain and heavy sadness
carry it back to its place.

I cry -
not because I am lacking anything,
but because I cannot count
all of my lucky stars
(for they are far too numerous),
and yet,
I am still not happy.
Fox Friend Nov 2017
Bad Days plague the calendar. They come barging in without warning and I am left to beg.

Please, God, no.

So much needs to get done today, it simply cannot be a Bad Day.

The calendar laughs, arm in arm with the disease of the Bad Day. They dare me to stand up against the weight, but I can't see far enough past them to find the motivation or strength the effort to rise requires.
If only I could stretch my neck to lift my head upwards, I might be able to see the light and love and outstretched hands just beyond reach.
But I do not know what to look for, and even the thought of beginning the search of some foreign thing drains me, so my eyes close in defeat and the Bad Day reigns again.

Bad Day: infinity
Me: zero
Fox Friend Nov 2017
I want to pour every thought, every feeling, absolutely every single **** thing ever into you.
I want to throw the shutters open wide, share with you my treasure, and welcome you into my home.
I want to be the cause of your laughter lines, the anchor you depend on in the storm, anything and everything you ever asked God for.

But every time I see you coming my way, something
will capture your attention,
and you are lost to me all over.
Fox Friend Nov 2017
As I am in that state of sleepy in-between-ness late at night,
I always reflect on the day’s shortcomings and negativity
whether or not I fight off those default thoughts to find light.

My mind wanders through all the events and interactions
that seem to be tainted with heavy blue;
every day carries a shadow that I that I try to get rid of
because that darkness is something I don’t want to live through.

The monster that some people have named 'anxiety'
clutches around my lungs and heart.
It chokes me, shakes me, screams with hate:
"What the hell is wrong with you!?”
It’s a disease with the goal to tear me apart.

My wish is to rip these blue lenses from my eyes
to clearly see this life for what it really is:
a miracle, a gift, a priceless thing to be treasured -
but these blue lenses have been a part of me for months
And with them, the world is a familiar sight.

But it is not in my disposition to love or appreciate
anything that is associated with myself.
And thus I find myself stuck in this viciousness
of half-conscious loathing and self-deprecation.
Fox Friend Nov 2017
I've felt many different types of pain, but the most intense has been the pain of healing, and unfortunately that specific type of pain can only be felt when you are very much awake to absorb the whole of it.
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