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Fox Friend Nov 2017
What a beauty this life might be if we learned to listen in order to understand instead of listening just to reply and regain focus of the spotlight.
Fox Friend Nov 2017
I invited him a little ways into my home.
I let my guard down. 
I watched him venture in slightly, and he assumed the invitation included the whole place.
His hands were all over everything in a matter of minutes. 

When I expressed my discomfort, he continued onward without hesitation. He somehow managed to lock me out of my own living space, and all I could do was beg him to leave through the screen door as I watched him ransack the place. 

How did I get out here? 
Why isn't he listening to me? 

He took what he wanted, placed a kiss on my forehead on his way out, and never looked back. 
I wandered back into my once pristine, tidy home in a confused daze. 

Why did I allow him to even look upon my residence? 
The guilt and regret swirled around in my stomach and bubbled up in my throat as I took in all the dirt and grime that now covered my home. 

And now I live in it because it is too big of a mess to clean up by myself, and the last time I let someone in they destroyed it. 

I won't make that mistake again.
Fox Friend Nov 2017
If I asked you to close your eyes and picture everyone you loved, how long would it take for you to spot yourself?

I've not been able to find myself yet.
Fox Friend Nov 2017
Can you even imagine how powerful I'd be if I loved myself even half as much as I wish you loved me?
Fox Friend Nov 2017
I paint bright, beautiful works of art
for you
but you don't like my colors
and this is a waste
so I scrap it and start again
for you
Fox Friend Nov 2017
reflect love and laughter, create a window for the world to view a beautiful soul, perceive so much light, see the vivid brightness of everything around
          but what I choose to focus on is how they barely function without corrective lenses, the color of the iris is too bland, and they allow too many tears to fall.

sweep away tears softly, give love the opportunity to be tangible, rest upon a friend's back to support, sweep across the ivory to make emotions audible
          but what I choose to focus on is how they shake when in social situations, the lack of length in the fingers, and the obvious absence of another hand to hold.

support my whole structure, provide transportation for adventures, serve as a resting place for his weary head, function each day without conscious effort
          but what I choose to focus on is how angry red stretch marks line the skin, the way my fat calves get stuck in jeans, when they fail to endure the miles to run.
Fox Friend Nov 2017
Thank people for sharing their thoughts with you.
Giving voice to those jumbled lines inside the mind is one of the most precious gifts a person can offer.
"A penny for your thoughts."
As if a monetary value could be placed on those silent ideas that so rarely escape the confines of their prison.
Those seemingly unimportant thoughts are sacred.
When a person shares aloud their inner dialogue, they are speaking less of their ideas and more of their trust in you.
Thank people for sharing their thoughts with you.
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