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 Oct 2017 Fatimah
 Oct 2017 Fatimah
Do you not notice the longing rush of the ocean
When it finally reaches the embrace of the shore?

Darling, I'm never the child of the sea
But it's easy for me to understand

For I too, find home when I run back to you
 Oct 2017 Fatimah
josh wilbanks
Being suicidal doesn't mean i'm going to **** myself

Being suicidal is having this unexplicable ache while you're living

It's waiting for your life to end, and wishing you didn't have to carry on

Having this ache, an incapability to feel happy living, doesn't mean that I am going to **** myself -

It just means I wouldn't mind dying.
I gaze out of my soul
All I see are the holes
Left in the world of death
Nothing left to bless
It's all gone to hell
I shrug and say "oh well"
As I continue my stroll
Through my endless soul
No longer searching
Just silently lurking
Hoping to find the thing
I know I long after
Hoping to find hope
Some way to cope
And I *****
At these walls that block me off
Screaming for someone to see
And screaming for them to leave me be
I begin to run
And I try and hide
I can not move
I will not be satisfied
With what I see
And the darkness inside me
I leap out of my soul
And stop looking inside myself
And finally I reach out for help
Because I myself can not save me
I myself am not the key
I am nothing but meager dust
In myself am nothingness
I look outside myself
And I see the light
And suddenly everything is no longer night.
 May 2017 Fatimah
Zoe Byrd
I choose my steps carefully
When I'm around you
If I do everything successfully
I might get to keep you
I've made mistakes before
But I want to try again
I want us to be more
Than just friends who never talk again
 May 2017 Fatimah
Terry Jordan
Open the window in my heart to
Epic pleasure, pain, despair
Those highs pass away, same as the lows
I’m in this journey aware

The Truth when lies are all the rage
That sweet slice of life we seek
Something for sure to depend on
Inherited by the meek

Perhaps I try to get used to it
Those troubles we’re forced to face
Be still, listen, turn off the device
Hear what’s missing, have a taste

I digress from offering Hope
Maybe Hope already dashed
Pulling us all back from the edge
Defending a life that crashed

I strive to take it all in stride
Troubles push me off course
I weep and laugh-loud as I can
The lesson is the source
Like a spotlight on my soul
You enhance me, make me feel whole
Brightening my world
My happiness your only goal

Because of you I'm finally seen, heard and recognized for the beauty that I didn't know was inside of me
Emotions I didn't even know I could feel have been blossoming throughout my body

This spotlight may have finally made everyone see, but it's what it's done to me
It's shown me you and that is a blessing
 Jan 2017 Fatimah
 Jan 2017 Fatimah
I’m burning with desire
to delve deeper into
the darkness
that once ****** my soul

swim centuries long
till i reach the end
where feelings
are no longer felt

where looking forward to tomorrow
is not practiced anymore  
where looking forward to living
does not exist anymore.
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