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 Jul 2018 Ansley
A philosophy
A daydream
A stream
A leap
A tiny thought
An observation
A declaration
An ode
A letter
A look
A light
A treat
A plea
Just thinking.
 Jul 2018 Ansley
 Jul 2018 Ansley
Free at last, she breathed into the cold night air
Alone in her relief, although she is aware of all who are watching
With her small, strong hands she holds indescribable power
She holds a true kind of freedom,
an everlasting flame that warms her on the coldest nights
She smiles, bright as the stars and real as the ground on which she stands
The air no longer clouds her lungs, but clears them with every inhale
She is no longer lost,
She is found,
Not by a person, but by the universe itself
It holds her tightly with its gentle winds that run through her hair like hands
and soft skies that give her a home no matter where she goes
She relaxes into it's caring embrace, like a child back to her mother
The taste of liberation is sweet on her lips,
Like heavy rain after a drought
Her laughter rings like a bell,
Loud and clear even from miles away
Welcome home,
The universe tells her.
With the cosmos to guide her safely
And the promise of deliverance before her
She takes the first step back home.
Can't always just post sad poems u know. Anyways this has nothing to do with me I was just getting tired of being a little ***** so.
 Jul 2018 Ansley
jonni inferno
follow me
if you can
thru tortured paths
and wintered lands
where the sun is lost
the moon unknown
beyond this dark
encroaching gloam

follow me
if you dare
where voices speak
in whispered layers
of external wars
where twisting turning
bodies play
on silken sails
on captured waves

follow me
if you would know
where silver rivers
sometimes flow
and flying angels
falling lay
sweetly laughing
in their gentle way

follow me
if you wish
and play in childhood's
autumn mist
where paper dragons
fill the air
and broken hearts
still beating share
a love for passion's
written snare

follow me
and I will show
how wounded heart
now mended grows
where many paths
once hidden glow
and light the way
to where I go

added link to pic/poem
The Earth is hungry.

Down by the train tracks,
her smooth skin ripples and buckles
until her lips part.

She swallows the rusty railroad spikes.
She gobbles up the old rubber tire.
She devours the discarded work boot, ankle first.
She slurps up the dusty cheetah-print blanket like a limp noodle.
Something resembling a flashlight sinks into her gaping maw.
She drinks deeply of the shimmering oily water until her skin cracks.

We proudly call things “man-made.”
Yet we’re just borrowing them.

Despite our arrogant defiance,
they all return one day
to the Earth.
written: June 6, 2017
revised: July 8, 2018
Comfort is like candy corn.

The first two kernels are delicious:
a gratifying waxy smoosh between your molars;
the orderly bites of first yellow, then orange, then white.

A handful sickens,
sweet lethargy trickling through your insides.

For years, I have been working
so hard for a kernel or two.
To my surprise, I now have a barrel full.

It turns out that I like the idea of candy corn
more than I like having it.
written: July 27, 2012
revised: July 8, 2018
 Jul 2018 Ansley
I had a horrible nightmare
            that She was dying.

Alone and so /so/ scared.
I can do nothing to
I wake up. She is not dying.
She is already dead.

And I couldn't be happier.
For you L. I love you.
 Jul 2018 Ansley
and she is
 Jul 2018 Ansley
she is the sunset
leading on towards golden twilight
bonfires and fireflies
on a hot summer night

she is spring violets
gentle and kind
blooming, healing, helping
letting me clear my mind

she is the autumn leaves
never dreary or dull
leaving me excited
even for winter's sleepy lull

she is the first snow
a wordless glance
a warm hug
a hopeful chance
girl. whamen. what can i say
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