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EP Robles Mar 2020
i have walked within your
thunderstorms & broken nails
upon the wood of your maple
casket -- makes me sad

called a dove the vulture of
all hearts (oh my)
hauled ***** stares within
the sack of my brain we all
refrain from bruised egos OH HEY
says the ******* of my MOUTH
you can only lose
what you never had
and i broke nails
trying to pull Jesus
from his Cross//+\

:: 03.11.2020 ::
EP Robles Mar 2020
FORGIVE me if They think i am Mad
a center must have a whole
which i missed while drinking
starlight and licking *******-
cosmic dust while tending to
a lost angelic gaggle of giggling
cherubic-like girls;  (hand hiding
Mouth) Even the Heavens have s e x
like our blades of early morning
grass drip dew do i really love
how the dogs all bark at once when
they saw that Star falling from
your Skies

:: 03.11.2020 ::
EP Robles Mar 2020
DO-liciously said i   fell in Love
be()()Tween your most'ist gloriously
grand trait Oars swiftly guided my
strong and long co AWK went the
swallow chasing her boyfriend
and babies are beautiful in

:: 03.11.2020 ::
EP Robles Mar 2020
"falling!" said the Star
"Oh wee!" sang the birds
"Despised!" cursed farmers
"By God!" screamed the children

and the rest of humanity moved along
just fine

:: 03.11.2020 ::
EP Robles Mar 2020
No youth or age hides from an eternal rule:
                                the touch of vulnerability     by which all creatures of Sea & Land
      bayonet->all|sides| of the same chordTingles confusion                                      the brainsBROken-spoken politeness  revealed by natural light a
      sewn-skin upon a parched vacant Post-sign by-wild(er) words (ok)_.
So We cry. A miracle so difficult! And then blew my eyes saying,
'Death is a miracle feeling no pain'
toward my pain's feelings long history//the banality of insanity
rolled a beach ball by the hand of God-Bless i wish to know
those secrets He keeps away keeps unto the majestic miracles,    -Father;
     we children cry when we see
                                 the End of Loved Ones                                     we
                                 believing YOU: funeral                                    or    

:: ~~ ::
EP Robles Mar 2020
IF you follow me bring the dead along for all the children have suffered and all madmen pollute || ~~ IS GAME OVER “? between sun-beating down & STARS beating
psychotic clowns/ the pogo clown has died forever.
If you could you might adjust your eyes against all monsters that follow
…kiss me if you survive \perishing is a buildingGRACE of reSKINNING the Soul
(oh whoa oh whoa oh wow oh no oh hey)
…just say the hardest price to pay //
are the things for free // eat and drink
remain my memory deeply between crimson &
sun-baked lips (music stretches thinner
e a c h & e v e r y d a y
carry on even if the stars extinguish
the very hurt you receive time &
space str e t c h ed pass a threshold of
mortal pain…you see and creation is reversed forward
God have mercy upon our weakened hearts
shame shame it’s the only world we have
and each other — there ain’t no denying (OH mother! No denying LIFE is a THORN against my eyes; as i bend down i try to find my BEING within a deeply yelled moan; i’m dying i’m dying i’m rolling round a desert stream — shambhala come again against trail dust and kasmir
i am waiting i am decaying i am a mote of Poet
t r aveling inside OPEN space considered: static syntax
and congealed moments upon the professional grace of unspoken
words. whoa…whoa…it’s the hardest price to pay when things
so expensive are for free.

:: 03.03.2020 ::
EP Robles Mar 2020
the sound of forgetting  is beautiful
and requires no talent ;
    all one must do is  Remain
Silent upon a beating drum
  then one must think of
    & one must believe in
Miracles before these events called for--->
getting grow within fields we have forgotten
but still walk upon /--_ while recognizing
all the spots where we have hidden our land-
Mines -- all within fear
   empty space is the sound of forgetting.

:: 03.07.2020 ::
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