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Jan 2024 · 218
(Not Quite) Unrequited Love
Ellenah Jan 2024
“Write me a poem?” he asked me.

“Of course, my love.” And I do.

My love is written onto a page
The words spilling onto the floor
Trickling through the cracks in the wood
Dripping onto the dry earth below
Watering long forgotten seeds
Sprouting tendrils of flowering vines
Giving pollen to the smallest of bees.
From their hives of great abundance,
Honey leaking, sticky and golden,
I collect in a jar made of crystals
And present to him, my poem.
“I give you my very being.” I say.
With a laugh, he takes it.
“Write me a poem?” I ask him.
“That’s not really my thing, sorry.”
Apr 2018 · 378
The Text
Ellenah Apr 2018
The ringtone
Loud and brash.
He picks up the phone.
He laughs at the screen.
I ask but he doesn't reply.
The sound of his fingers
Tapping on the glowing screen
Makes my ears bleed.

The ringtone.
Loud. Brash.
He picks up the phone.
He laughs.
Again. Again. Again.
The sound of his fingers
On the glowing screen
Torments me.
Jan 2015 · 638
January 4th 2015
Ellenah Jan 2015
Floating or
What difference
does it make
when in the
you will
always be
by ocean?
(The shore
to be
forever out
of reach.)
Jan 2015 · 6.8k
December 4th 2014
Ellenah Jan 2015
When did you
start reminding
me of the
night sky?
The stars twinkling
I look up
and I
Jan 2015 · 620
November 24th 2014
Ellenah Jan 2015
When the glass falls
from your fingertips
And you know you
won't be fast enough
to catch it
And you cringe,
waiting for the loud
sound of such a
fragile material,
bumping heads
with the solid ground,
to echo in your
That is what
feels like.
(And though the
fall takes only a
the wait is
so much
Jan 2015 · 557
November 19 2014
Ellenah Jan 2015
Without a care
She told him of
Her hopes, her dreams
Her plans for
Her future
'There is no we
In me.'
Slowly he realized
That in the end
Everything he'd
Built up
Was absolutely
'There is
No we
Nov 2014 · 475
November 14th 2014
Ellenah Nov 2014
Stuck inside of a fish tank.
Not stuck, but
She looks around at
The pretty decorations
Happy they are there
But knowing its not
She swims around
In circles
Watching as her
friends and her
Walk past,
Not noticing their
Pounding on the
Screaming at the
Top of her lungs,
"I'm drowning!"
*I'm drowining.
Nov 2014 · 342
November 12th 2014 (2)
Ellenah Nov 2014
He walks along the glass sand
Watching as he leaves behind
Footprints of red.
Staring out into the ocean,
He goes to where the waves
And lies on his back,
Letting the cold water
Distract him from the
Of the glass.
He smiles as his
Is left
Nov 2014 · 279
November 12th 2014 (1)
Ellenah Nov 2014
When she walked into the room
The red soul noticed
How suddenly
Their lover
Let them go.
Nov 2014 · 285
November 9th 2014
Ellenah Nov 2014
Her soul fluttered
As she wandered through
The quickly growing forest.
It fluttered in growing excitement.
It fluttered in growing fear.
Despite her overwhelming feelings
As she looked at the scenery
Surrounding her,
The soul knew
That the forest was only grown
To be cut down again.
Nov 2014 · 282
November 1st 2014
Ellenah Nov 2014
The irrational fear
Of two souls coming together
Is not so irrational
When one soul is glowing brightly
Red, while the other
Stays well hidden
Not refusing but
Not recognizing
Which strikes the fear
In ones heart.
Jun 2014 · 1.5k
My soul kinda hurts
Ellenah Jun 2014
"Shut up."
I can't stop myself
From repeating those words
He hurts me
So much
But he is so kind.
God, I love him.
Shut up.
Shut up.
And maybe I will.
Ellenah Jun 2014
I keep my heart locked
Behind castle walls
Unable to be touched
Unable to be hurt.
But the walls are weak
Made of straw and mud
With holes and scars lining the back
Easy to sneak through and break.
I opened the gate wide
Just for you.
And you healed my scars and holes
That I hid on the back wall
But you did something worse.
You took your Greek fire
And burned my straw walls
Taking anything left behind
And yet I sit here now
Trying to rebuild my walls
Just to open the gate
And let you back in.
Jun 2014 · 5.9k
Turtle Shell
Ellenah Jun 2014
Sitting here,  I wonder
Maybe we aren't so different
Maybe there is good in you
After all.

My faith it grows,
Just a drop,
But enough for me to
Escape my small shell of hatred.

But just like that
My drop evaporates
And I am stuck
Back in my shell again.
Jun 2014 · 4.6k
I Love You (Past Tense)
Ellenah Jun 2014
I don't feel
Your touch

Or hear you
Calling my name.
I love you (past tense)

I don't taste
You on my

Or smell your
Sweet, sweet

I love you
(Past tense)

I don't see
You in my

Or think of
You that often

I love you
(Past tense)

But sometimes
At night
I lie awake

And I feel
Your touch
On my skin

I hear
Your voice
Calling me.

I taste
You on
My tongue

I catch
A whiff of
Your scent

I think
Of you.
Just you.

And hope
I'll dream
Of you again.

Because I
Don't love you
Past tense

I love you.
(Present tense)
Aug 2013 · 459
The Angels Hand
Ellenah Aug 2013
Walking the long path toward recovery
Sometimes I find myself dropping
Stumbling, and tripping
Into a small pit of darkness.
Simple to climb out of.

Sometimes I may need
A glorious white angel
To reach down and pull me out.
They would hold my hand
And walk the path beside me.

I gather many angels this way.
Linking hands, and pulling me to safety
Though one of them stands out above all.
He convinces me to drop the angels hands
And I do without hesitation.  

He grabs my hand tightly
Telling me he will never let go
And I believe him wholeheartedly
Not doubting in the slightest.
Not preparing for the worst.

I find myself dropping
Into the pit of darkness
And look up towards him to save me.
He chuckles darkly; lets me slip from his grasp.
And I fall.

I drop like a stone
Farther than ever before.
All of my angels gone astray
Nowhere to be found
As my screams echo so silently.

When I reach the bottom
I am silent.
I knew my silent screams would not be heard.
I am stuck with no one to save me.
Still sitting here in the pit of despair.
Aug 2013 · 1.4k
Ellenah Aug 2013
I’m done with the disappointment
With the heartache and tears
I’m done with the promises
Always postponed, never fulfilled

I'm finished with the "I love you"s
With the confusion between truths and sweet nothings
I’m spent with the let downs
With the excuses and "I’m sorry”s

I say I am finished with the romance
With the kisses and heartbreaks
Yet my every wish it to have such
To be wrapped in a lovers arms; to be loved

I say I am done with the disappointment
With the heartache and the tears
But I have yet to give it up
Nor do I honestly want to.

— The End —