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Wish every morning
I wake up to the view of the river so deep
& valley serene
A place of quiet and evergreen trees

Wildflowers grow, not in a row

The spotted deer comes to slake its thirst

The Rainbow feathered birds, eat berries and greet  

The song of the river, birds and the bees
A melody sweet
The river of joy, the river of peace

The view of the river
A place
I wish to wake up to  every morning
Just a beautiful dream
*      *      *      and you are      *      *            
   *           *  just­ like the moon *      *          
*        *   *      -----so, alone-----      *      *    
   *      *    but you shine bright  *      *    
*     *            at the darkest  *      *     *
   *      *      *     of times  *      *      *      *    
*           *           *           *         *          
 Dec 2019 eleanor prince
.in french
you dont say
"i miss you"
you say
"tu me manques"
witch means
"you are missing from me"

The darkness screams
as the moonlight trembles.
Unseen shadows hide the truth.
For what's lingering the night,
be all that unspoken.
 Dec 2019 eleanor prince
Empathy is one thing
Your side of an adventure or story is quite another
Might be similar but it really is never the same
When you say been there done that
It is about you
Sharing that is fine
When it is about another
Listen and be there if that is necessary or required
You really don't know

 Dec 2019 eleanor prince
 Dec 2019 eleanor prince
aura aura
drifting by
just a shadow
of the thigh
not a tiger
not of flesh
yet uncover
under vivid breath
my nature
 Dec 2019 eleanor prince
 Dec 2019 eleanor prince
Look at your
with ruthless openness
shoot up
into heights that make you
all colours
bright and shining
 Dec 2019 eleanor prince
I once was
in a hospital for depressed people
and I have never seen a place where roles
were switched
in such a paradoxal way.
Also the doc's final statement to me was: Well we think something must have just really made you insecure. Next time that happens, just do anything to distract yourself - clean the windows if necessary, just anything really!
This was such a symbolical statement. I think the doctors were much more scared inside than I was. I just stirred them up.
Don't ever hand over your own healing powers. You always have them.
Pain is inevitable,
Suffering is optional.
The crossroads of success,
Is always constructional.

If we could become tress,
Solid and stoic, deep rooted
In Mother Earth's flesh;
We could stand firm
Through the tempest, unswayed.

But we are only humans.
Covered in darkness.
Hiding behind our fears,
Timidly withdrawing from
The ominous tempest.

So, embrace the fury,
The daunting gales that
Once were scary.
After all, you can't
Stop the waves,
But you can learn to surf.

And even if you sank,
Deeper into the void,
At least you'll drown
Knowing there was
Beauty In The Struggle.
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