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Lock the windows tightly
So the thief can’t get inside
Five small eggs need protecting
No corners here to hide

Stay safe I call, I have to leave
To gather moss for our thatch
To keep our home secure and warm
To help you all to hatch

Just three of you left waiting
Two large and just one small
My eyes fill with tears
When I hear the cuckoo call
I see the lies float out of your mouth
My ears caress them
My heart is melted by them
My mind fears them
But, I'm yours

Until I'm healed
Ripples in the water

Have many answers

Said the frog to the King fisher
The wind whispered to the trees
Who sent messages in fallen leaves

The bluebell rang out the alarm
And the rabbits burrowed out of harm

The birds carried the message on a wing
Then the forest fell asleep until the spring
Thank you for bringing back to life a 2019 poem.
A pebble in a sea of glass

shattered mind raindrops

fragile as broken cobwebs

sun strong and shadow deep

infinite and fleeting

planet sized in the palm of your hand

belief is everything

and nothing at all
No it is not an AI Poem

It was God's cruel gift
he gave unto me

the ability ,

to look into someone
through their heart

(and see)

The eyes are a portal
through which light flees

(be it)

white or dark

it's all revealed
to me

The words they say
or in silence be

(unto my eye)

there is all to see

Sometimes the overload . . .

the thousands touched
looking for gold

not finding much
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