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 Mar 2019 Elizabeth
 Mar 2019 Elizabeth
I was not born a


I was broken into


 Mar 2019 Elizabeth
 Mar 2019 Elizabeth
 \ why is it that time slips /                              
   \she slides and slithers /
     \right through these  /
        \ infinite crevices  /
          \found all over /
             \my greedy /
                \ hands,  /
                   \ like /
                   /    •   \
                 /       s      \
              /            a       \
           /             n            \
        /                 d              \
      /                                      \
    / in the dainty hourglass \
  /sitting aloft my skew shelf.\
I wanted to try shape poetry again, and I have to say this was MUCH harder than .leafing

It took forever to align the slashes to give this poem shape, without them it didn't look like an hourglass.
I hope you liked this poem and I'd love it if you commented some links to any shape poetry you've tried out.
Hope you enjoyed :)
looking at you is like
looking at a car crash
because although it is over
the damage has been done
and i will never unsee you

looking at you is like
looking at a wildfire
it is uncontrolled and blazing
and the longer you stare at it
the more beautifully encapsulating it becomes.
 Feb 2019 Elizabeth
Happy, ugly, warm or cold
I can't change the story that has
already been told.
 Feb 2019 Elizabeth
 Feb 2019 Elizabeth
My bones ache
Like crumbling stone cliffs
Constantly battered
By a sea of exhaustion.
© KMH 2019
im tired.
 Feb 2019 Elizabeth
Jason Drury
If I gave you my soul,
would you read each page?
Scribble notes of interest
and know me.
Would you take the time,
to help tape the seams?
Would you mend,
the fragility of my soul?
It tears and rips,
easily, emotionally.
The day came when my pen no longer
Wrote your name
Comes in many forms
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