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 May 2019 eccedentesiast
So many poets write about their despair
Of not being loved back

"I'm so sad", they say
But at least they know what love is,
They've experienced the feeling
They've been caring,
And giving.

Do they know what I´d give
To love like they do...

"I'm heartbroken", they add
But do they know what it is
Not to have a heart that could be broken?
you can't
paint over me.
My mistakes,
my life, it's whom
I want to be.
So go
take your
and your paint, too,
because I love my every
stain, and I'll keep every
color; red, green,
or blue.

By my every stain I mean my every mistake or misfortune, because I learn from each one of them.

I hope it looks somewhat like a paintbrush. I messed around with it, and the result is before your eyes.
What are you sad about today?"

You see,
I'm sad about my sadness."
"Wish I could be happy about some happiness." She mused.
 May 2019 eccedentesiast
suicide is not an option
suicide is not an option
suicide is not an option
suicide is not an option
suicide is not an option
suicide is not an option
suicide is not an option
I wish
her scars were on my heart
and not on her arms.
 May 2019 eccedentesiast
When you're told your whole life
"You're brilliant!", "You're so smart!",
"You're amazing at math!"
Naturally, you grow to agree
And your mind doesn't argue
Not too much, at least
Until you've walked so far
Down the path of intellect
That you realize
While it's beautiful,
So are many things
And within your soul
That fantastic mind
There are more than numbers
There is an artist screaming
"Don't leave me here!"
"Don't forget me!"
Banging on the gates
For you alone to liberate
People are never just one thing. You are capable of so much, so don't limit yourself to what you know you can do. If you don't try, you will never know how fascinatingly wonderful you are.
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