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 Nov 2014 Corinne Kahi
It's hard to be a loyal Christian
When you find comfort in HER arms
And judgment on the church pews.
For I am insane
but not on my own
you did this to many others
taught us to love, trust, believe
you were mean as hat guy named steve
I loved you in the end
I loved you so much it made me insane
you control my thought, word, and dos
i'm just a brain dead puppet to you....
aren't I?
but the truth is I am you....
you took control and I cant tell what to do
if I go on like this
ill be all gone
as soon as you can
unless I ruin your plan
im in the cuckoos nest
it happens all the time
just one last step.....
No one wrote me love songs
No one gave me peace
And no one showered me in happiness
More than you before you ceased.

But no one shouted hatred
No one gave me tears
And no one ****** my dreams in darkness
More than you, confirming fears.

Now no one writes me love songs...
And no one gives me rest...
But no one drives me insane
And that's why separation is best.
 Nov 2014 Corinne Kahi
 Nov 2014 Corinne Kahi
if you ask what is wrong
and she says
I'm insane
don't leave her
she wants to know
that it's not her name
i've realized i've gone mad
when i started looking
for ways to
become sane

       All of this


   Just makes


       Go *
number one in my 10w truth series
 Nov 2014 Corinne Kahi
Just Melz
Bipolar Hypocrite,
First, let me just say,
Everytime I see your *name

It brightens my day
I've read a *LOT
of your poetry
I can't say I've read them all
But I Will get to them eventually
My amount of *free
time is small
I'm sorry I don't have the time
To write a long drawn out essay
About how your poetry really speaks to me
But to you, I will simply say:

I'm sorry for the sadness you've felt
I truly know how hard life can be
But I'm so glad you found an outlet in writing
And that you continue to share your poetry
I thank you for that, all your comments on mine as well
Please, remember that you've touched at least one girl
I'll be here if you'd ever like to chat or vent
I can also promise, you WILL
find your happiness in this world

I'm so glad you've found a place here on Hello Poetry
Never Forget you're amazing
And that you have made an impression on me.

PS. I know how you love my italics and bold, I figured to use them, hope it's not getting old. :)

Lots Of Love,
This is for the #dearblankchallenge posted by Ember Evanescent. I encourage you all to find a poet you don't really know and give them the gift of an encouraging word and your poetry.
Thank You!
Also, please read and follow "Bipolar Hypocrite", she's amazing. ❤
To touch, to hug,
to feel, to kiss,
to share the heart
and fill the longings of it.

To sneak, to hide,
to fear, to lie,
to crush the heart
and steal the purity of it.

To cry, to die,
to hate, to break,
to **** the heart
and take all the life in it.

To you, to me,
to Him, to us,
to guard the heart,
and tame the beast in it.

To God, to Spirit,
to Jesus, to love,
to give the heart,
and take control of it.
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