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 Aug 2016
Lora Lee
Somewhere in the realms
between transcendence
            and desire
where the power of change
always takes us higher
there walks a poetess,
who writes in spirit's muse
her words curling up and out,
                    wisps of smoke
                        in celestial hues          
She walks slowly
through the heavens
bringing down
slices of enchanted spells
and we can feel the pull
of her grounding chants
right down to
        our very cells
Her words reflect the workings
of a potently spiritual mind
connected to emotions
in a binding so divine,
into darkest ocean depths
she brings forth points of light
and wherever she steps
no matter where she goes
one feels her soul, so bright
as it lifts us up into the spheres
of music and words,
spiraling in whorls
where dust
             and magic merge
and as she walks through green,
through mountains, rivers, forest
her essence often glows
in heat and coolness,
in rush of creative flow
And yes, while we feel
this journey, these seeds
being so beautifully sown
we can take those
words of wisdom
and apply them
         as our own
To my sweet and true friend, Jamadhi Verse:  thank you for consistently inspiring me, for your amazing phrases, for being there for me, both in poetry and in friendship
love ya, soul sister
Happy Birthday

"So long, so deep...rivers will flow, will take you home"
Black City Lights- Rivers
 Aug 2016
SE Reimer


a dark night sky,
horizon to horizon,
see countless stars,
some call it billions,
i count by myriads...
cast an upward gaze,
in any direction,
so stunningly beautiful;
and though so many nameless,
and so many faceless,
are they not noteworthy all,
still each and every one?

yet, but a few,
like Sirius, like Schedar,
like Regulus and Rigel,
in number a few dozen more;
in all are counted fifty-seven,
star sisters, sun brothers
thought bright enough,
placed precisely, just,
to be among those sought  
between clouds by ocean sailors;
with squinted gaze perused
by desert navigators;
in constellations scanned,
relentlessly pursued,
by travelers the globe across.

you, my love are such a star
your rising luminescence
far too brilliant to ignore;
in present station,
your presenting position,
not merely making bright;
for tis you, my love,
who makes the night
alive, arise with life;
for without your zenith,
my bearing is lost...
take away my north,
no others align!

in this darkening sky.
i could n’er visualize
your brilliance gone dim,
nor being without
your guiding light,
beckoning my hand;
for it is by you
that i set my compass,
and in you that
i lay my course.

high and afar,
my true north;
and for’er you are,
my sight-guiding,
northern star!


post script.

terrestrially speaking... yes, i do know that those beneath the equatorial center will use a navigational star guide list different entire, but they and theirs are not within sight of these eyes. no offense intended; i can but write of mine.

celestially speaking... navigators of old knew the fifty-seven stars, plus one (Polaris) by which to plot their course. one wonders if the art has been entirely lost with today’s extensive dependence on satellite navigation and global positioning systems.  the time may come when we will wish for a return to the sky for direction.

ethereally speaking... tis but a metaphor to paint a horizon-stretching tapestry of the binding and guiding power of one light to another, one heart to another’s.  yet the truth is, no metaphor will suffice, and no language has words enough to describe the mysteries, the intricacies, and the ecstasies of true love!

maritally speaking... it is thirty-seven years ago this week that we made vows; swore our faithfulness one to another.  she has been the core that held me, even when for a season our gravitational pull grew weak, yet she held firm.  neither has ever betrayed the other, yet i owe her my life, because i am the impetuous and she the more gracious.
 Aug 2016
K Balachandran
I thought I've seen the light, all of us assiduously seek,
though in a flash,for only an ethereal moment perhaps.
I yearned to catch that gleam in my wavering words,
so that I can keep it in your lovely eyes  where it belongs,
wasn't I right, in thinking so, only your eyes can tell me now.
I eagerly peer in to those dark eyes when you read my verse,
the magic happens ,my being beats in unison with that light, dissolves
* * *

Yantary night falls
On Earth ~Soil~ Golden from slumber~
Wakes up ancient stars

* * * *
E t h e r e a l
Beauty with awe reaching the end with
song filled waters , a cadet blue repository of -
tree top reflections tinged in the shawl
of splintered sunlight* .....
Copyright August 5 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Aug 2016
She swam all over me
and I was fishing in her dreams
and I was fishing in her jeans
for change and sunken treasures

with her pale skin and scales
she sang of the primordial sea
and swelled of the deep
deep inside the levis thin
this leviathan
groaned with pants and moans

and I was finishing in her dreams
and I was finishing in her jeans
So I swam away from her
into the belly of the beast
and she sank
beneath the waves
and left me
in my wake
This poem may be the only time in my life I awoke from a dream and was able to write it down immediately, and leave it alone.
Dead men in bed men
never thinking outside the box men
and it's a shock for the men who find rocks in the heads of the men who then try to knock these men from their perch.

I swear before the almighty that I will hold onto his gifts tightly
god help me I will.

I used to be a lazy man, eyes glued to the back of my head man, one of those men who are dead In their beds men but then I awoke one day in the 'Smoke', they say it's
the city of dreams.

Aspiring's an app'
to upload is a trap
they say,
stay where you are.
 Jul 2016
Mike Hauser
You can hear it if you closely listen
That's the beat of my heart missing
What I wouldn't give right now
For a glimpse of Sarah's smile

So inviting, so wide open
Where there's beauty in the knowing
Wonder of the child
Inside of Sarah's smile

Corners turned up in perfection
Leaves no room or need for guessing
As you soon find out
Inside of  Sarah's smile

Bringing life to clarity
Giving them away for free
Love the only sound
Inside of Sarah's smile

There is laughter in the making
No time that is ever wasted
What I wouldn't give right now
For a glimpse of Sarah's smile
Just thinking of my beautiful daughters smile.
 Jul 2016
I string together meagre fare
words that follow down the days and years
a conversation with a flower
and name the Sun a brother or sister fire
the temperature of my heart burning for love
and with love I write my letter to the Moon
who one night soon will full bloom
like the flower by my back door
a dandylion yellow delight.... never a ****
but a hardy free creature catching the beauty of simple life.
 Jul 2016
Glitters and red meters
givers and received perceivers
usher the gift of illusionary display
vision all the aspects of reality

Signal the surreal posts on trees
yank and spotlight my dreams
walk and split the glass panels
wagon us from societal ice

Glitters and red masks
course every vein of our being
pour the red wine and misplace
protrude every nautical sense

Read my palm, contact the wizard
grab my sight, take me to the moon
contactless,eventful and tasteful
contactless, easy and resourceful
Written in a theatre over a performance of burlesque, live magic and comedy (cabaret live entertainment June 2016)
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