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 May 2015
Doy A
There is a man who ends his sentences with proper punctuation
the kind of man who has no trouble with pronunciation
His library is filled with varied nonfiction & fiction
His words are refined, only of the highest selection

His days are spent buried in books
Hours upon hours in his quiet nook
The window beside him he never cared look
Adventures and travels, he never took

Content was he with pages endless
His imagination wild, free, limitless
No need to step out where he was defenseless
Words upon words were enough, he says

Of course in time, this man grew old
His only regret was never being bold
Never knew the world was the biggest book he could hold
No stories to tell, only stories already told
Sometimes I start writing a poem and end up getting lost in thought. Trouble is I never know how to end these things. I try. I try.
 May 2015

Upon a stem of velvet green
Sits the cherished Rose Bud Queen
Petals soft and pink in tone
A beauty born of nature’s throne

Majestic scents now fill the breeze
Neath satin clouds and maple trees
Her loyal subjects stand to cheer
In perfect blooms when she is near

Hummingbirds and butterflies
Decorate her crown jewel skies
In colors of a rainbow’s smile
So picturesque this garden style

As springtime brings its grand debut
Her kingdom is the finest view
So come enjoy this royal scene
*And you can meet the Rose Bud Queen
For Joe Cole's Rose Bud Poem Challenge
 Apr 2015
Keelyn Mac
We meet here
At our final passing
Love me
Love me
 Apr 2015
Roberta Day
Panning down hills,
coasting behind the scenes
of unfamiliar streets in
the backseat of navigation
 voice singing with elation
no nerves or trepidation
of immersion into new
Branching out on a blank canvas,
chasing the dream evading me
surroundings barking with
flying furs carried by winds drier
than my knees, with every
direction a different path
a secret passage to self-reflection
Ready to erupt, to spew the flow
of a different viewpoint--a change
in an ever-changing mind
I hope to find
I move to Austin this Friday and couldn't be more stoked.
 Apr 2015
Musfiq us shaleheen
wind of summer
too vagabond
touching the melancholy afternoon
of the last pale season

flowing over the
deep yellow barren field
echoing the last mystic sound
though yet romantic
the purples are deep

butterflies are flying around
a few birds playing
on the ground
suddenly singing
uttering love

the golden yellow floating
in the eyes  
over hued

dropping on the ignored
wither leaves
as the rain drops that has made
a blue
day dream

crossing over the mind  
a jingle
leap singing
the very lost spring
scrolling into

even in the lonely dark night
rolling up
the sound
as the rolling stone
of the sounding sea

@Musfiq us shaleheen
 Mar 2015
did you know?
did you hear?
what's the go?

chinese whispers,
cost us dear.

at the water cooler,
in the dark,
murmuring inanities
in the park.

gossip, gossip,
word of the day.

such and such's,
significant other
has run away.
found this word on
cishmaclaver....means gossip....
.....very cool.
 Mar 2015
C Davis

Is there solace in knowing that nothing will last?
The sailors at sea know that all winds change fast.

everything in life is temporary;
let us take comfort in this rather than fear it
 Mar 2015
Musfiq us shaleheen
Spring is going to back
Silently dropping  the purple petals  
Bored noon,  
The melancholy flute's of Shepherd
Seeking the missing spring

Roll up,
Roll around the idle noon
Random impulsive air
Bunch of dark clouds at the sky
Seem illusion of that known
Pied crested Cuckoo

Beyond the horizon,  
The eyes looking for
Sounds (Tip Tip) of the sudden drops of rain,
On the leaves of Quail,
Differentiation of mind

On the leaves of Arum,
Ever Keeps as the containers
Compiling of soul 

Weird one wrapped in mystery

Coming up the lyrics of rain
Fusion with thy mystic music
Afternoon has grown heavier  
How my mind moves!

Chased away birds returning home
The heart is rapidly expanded
Rain continues to move around
Nature demands a new ground

Looping, hearing of the same song
Shadows filling with the feelings
Perhaps this change of thy
Bound to sketch
A new face of impression
*weird one wrapped in mystery*

*if like please put your comments/share*
 Mar 2015


like a wraith your smoke doth rise
into sulphur yellow skies
a fiery raptor... awesome sized
where the sultry brimstone lies.

from the ash... so grey and dry
erupting with a piercing cry
as volcanoes steam and sigh
dancing on the sparks you fly!

the devil mounts your back to ride
over molten rivers wide
his golden spurs dig in your side
on the thermals... up you glide!

then you turn and make a dive
into the flames
where you may thrive
born of fire you survive
you were dead...

but now ALIVE!!!

(c) 2014
(c) 3-17-2015
 Mar 2015
Doy A
If he did not matter
And I did not care
Why does his voice echo in my head
On sleepless nights

Mornings cold, sheets unmade

If he loved me so
And I did not want him at all
Why can I still see his smile
Every time I look up at the clouds

Sun blinding, skin pale

If it was my choice
And his heartbreak, his loss
Why do I find myself
Writing these lines today

Clock ticking, time slowing

If I am unhappy
And he is long gone
I know for sure I'm stuck here
Regretting, longing

I thought I was the one
Who got away
But clearly,
He's the one who got away
With my heart.
 Mar 2015
Amitav Radiance
I know not
How far
My words
Shall travel
Where they
Will meet
With a similar
And my feelings
Shall be
Riding those
Waves of
Send a
Back to
Connecting dots
With words
The cosmic
One day
We shall
Through our
 Mar 2015
Roberta Day
Laying down truths handpicked for the youths
Don't pass judgements between tooths
Stay all about the sooth-saying
We're all screaming instead of praying
That's why we lose so quickly what were steadily gaining
Don't assume I'm playing when I trip you up
With unexpected grease too slick for a slipper
Servers appreciate a big tipper
But don't break your bank to eat and pay no thanks
Don't knock a gender when you knockin boots with someone who's dead at the roots
Don't go down the wrong way on a one way street
If you're gonna shuffle gotta lift up your feet
If you're cold go out in the heat
If you're old get ready for what you're about to meet
I've stayed silent for so long
Speak up before the moment's gone
And you're reaching for something intangible
Because you felt it was intelligible
Don't suppress what makes you you
Cause there's no one else who can fill your shoes
Don't overthink your thought
You only end up killing that truth you sought
Don't detach yourself, just rewrap yourself
Around peace and harmony, it's good for your health
I'm delirious but are you hearing this?
Sleep's for the weak when all you want to do is weep
Sometimes it's all you need to treat the disease
An escape from your predetermined reality
When you're unable to comprehend what it all means
Remember, loving one another is loving You and Me
 Mar 2015
Lynda Kerby
heres what i ended the night with; an IM to my 1st born son and his 1st born son:

2 hours ago
Egad, Parker finally realized that
he doesn't remember Uncle Colton
so he asks about him.
He asked me if he is in heaven and
if he ever met him since he got to meet Great Grandma Hook and
she's in heaven now.
It isn't the first time we've talked about him by any means,
but nothing as grownup as that.

about an hour ago
i have come to believe that the 5 day duration
in which Colton's soul/essence/love
left his body and
Parker's soul/essence/love
was getting ready to join his body
inside Christina's big belly
(reinforcing the belief that you pick your parents lol)  
that the two of them met in the middle,
had some transendental smile, fist bump and
wink to each other
in acknowledgement of ea other.  
I think time is a human Earthy construct
so it makes sense for me to say that
in that period of time,
they did indeed have a celestial party getting jiggy with it
as only an entire Heaven filled group of soul/essence/love's are want to do...

my proof of such theory will only become more evident through the years as you will notice that Parker does indeed shake his groove thang
in the same style
as your brother Colton....
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