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 Nov 2020
I don't ever want to die
But if I had to choose
   Which way to go.....

Perhaps a hungry coyote
Would share me with it's pack
Tear my flesh limb from limb
And chew my bones to plaque  

Perhaps a poison lizard
Green with a yellow streak
Come crawling up from a stool
And bite me on the meat

Perhaps a giant boulder
At a famous mountain range
Could crash upon my head
And squish out all my brains

Like Bonnie and Clyde
Or a Challenger Astronaut
I want to go
Where the cameras have not
Screaming at the burning stake
Freezing in the artic waist
High falling
Last gasp drawing
Deep sea drowning
Ear ringing gunfire
Bomb blowing

At the end my days
It’s better to go out with a bang
Then it is to quietly fade
Traveler Tim

Wouldn't be anything left of me to box up if it were up to me. Fortunately it isn't!
 Nov 2020
$A song by a Canadian band$

When the dragons grow too mighty
To slay with pen or sword
I grow weary of the battle
And the storm I walk toward

When all around is madness
And there's no safe port in view
I long to turn my path homeward
To stop a while with you

When life becomes as barren
And as cold as winter skies
There's a beacon in the darkness
In a distant pair of eyes

In vain to search for honor
And in vain to search for truth
But these things can still be given
Your love has shown me proof

Poet/lyricist  Neil Elwood Peart
Traveler Tim
 Nov 2020
I don’t mean to shut lovers out
A forcefield of uncertainty surrounds me
As I expand with the expanding universe

As a force of creative energy
Forged and tempered in spirit fire
Bridged in eternal continuity
A Traveler must travel alone

There’s no place like home......
There’s no place like home.......
There’s no home...
Traveler Tim
 Nov 2020
Eternity is right now
In this moment
Eternal life belongs to those
who live in the present
Profoundly we forget
Limiting our’s or other’s
Power of equality

The power of quality
Isn’t what it ought to be
If you think you’re powerless
Or crazier yet
More powerful than me
Then ask yourself why do you
Believe what you believe
Then start to
Set your spirit free
Catch up with the rest of us!
Traveler Tim

 Oct 2020
Who are these provocateurs
Ready for anything
Acts to encourage chaos
The anger is real
Caused by big banks
Corporate America
Lawmakers passing
Bill after bills
Criminalising poor people
Traveler Tim

A lot of people are concentrating on Looters and rioters, with no idea who the real provocateurs are...
 Oct 2020
I hope that one day
She will come to me when she is tired
Because rest
The pure rest of a resounding peace
Is something which I too desire
And can provide her with
To be like this.
 Oct 2020
I want to call you, I do
But I have so little time alone
I have shreds here, an hour there
Never any unbroken by needs
I just want to sit here a little longer

A time of quarantine, a house to hold us
We are lucky, I know this, I feel it, yet
I grow smaller, I feel eaten alive
Am I even my self still?

Do I still have a name of my own?

I might find one if I can summon the energy to
Drive, walk, run away from this house so full
For a day or an afternoon, and don't
Lecture me right now because I've tried

And failed fifty times this month alone
I know how selfish I am, but it's innate
I can't abandon the qualities I don't like

This is my life, a prix fixe menu
You have to take me as I am, and so do I,

It's just life
 Oct 2020
I faintly recall stepping out of my trance,
walking towards a man with a gun.
But I felt no fear saying “shoot me!”
Behind the gun man
a shadow within a light within a shadow.
I felt as if I could pass straight through.
When the bullet pass through me
I fell to the ground,
into the arms of the Earth Mother.
It was not yet my time.
Traveler Tim

This is actually a true story
happened to me this summer.
 Oct 2020
And there I was hanging
Eternity beneath my feet
One handed white knuckle
One tight grip on reality

And so I wonder where
My strength comes from
And who will catch me
When I lose my grip

I never knew I could fly.
Traveler Tim
 Sep 2020
Racheal Rodriguez me
throughout my life...
As I grow up and
move on with my

God...also guide me
to the choices I make.
Make sure I make good
ones, not bad ones.

God you're my guide..
Even though there are
times when you are
not there.

Or I thought...
But me a me
 Sep 2020
Romantics find her flawless
and the mystics find her wise.
The ancients found "The Huntress"
in her sharp and searching eyes.
Italians say "bela luna"
when they look at her and sigh.
The cavemen painted pictures
as they wondered at the sky.
The moon has many faces
and her light's a work of art...
And to the simple poet...
she is tonic for the heart.

 Sep 2020
I’m still here lost in these walls
Stumbling around these haunted halls
Falling through, flashing by
Just a ghost of love that’s died
Traveler Tim
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