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 Jul 2020
Ashes and wind
Dust and sand
In quiet and wishes and yet to knows

Just as with a snowfall your nothing begins
And happens upon our truth by happenstance
It is with melting direction which we flow

Unseen until our steady decline has since passed us by
We are all rivers in the sense of I
Attempting to lead ourselves to an ocean somewhere far below
How Love Flows
Common people called him stingy
And with his funds he was.
But he was parsimonious
In areas that they never saw.

True, he never spent a dime
If he could get it free.
He never wasted any time
That anyone could see.

He didn’t have much love to give
And wanted no love back
He had a certain way to live
Laid out in white and black.

He didn’t give and didn’t take.
He had no use for friends.
He died alone and that’s the way
This kind of story ends
The word was, of course, Parsimonious.  I  like doing these, but am having trouble keeping up  with one a day every day.  They are easy, but sorta like graffitti on a wall.  It's OK to paint them out.
 Jul 2020
Thunder crashing overhead
Raindrops pelting on my head
Silver streaks of lightning flash
Thunderhead clouds together crash
Dark as hell is the sky above
The Devil’s giving the world a shove

Steaming mangroves riverside
Roots like spider’s legs astride
Rain hits river and waters meet
Floodplains wash beneath our feet
Shaking now with ancient fears
Scared to death of the Devil’s tears

Corrugated roofs scream in pain
Battered by incessant rain
Trees are bending ‘neath the weight
Leaves being washed amid the spate
Puddles form and channels fill
The Devil scores “1” the others “Nil”

Children huddle under mothers’ skirts
Ears well covered the thunder hurts
Frightened to face the thing outside
Family myths are coming alive
Thinking back if they’ve done wrong
Don’t want the Devil to take them along

Humidity clings like Hades’ steam
Despite the constant drenching stream
There is no need to be outdoors
Clothes are soaked from sweating pores
They say that fear can make you sweat
And the Devil is ready to take your bet

The thunder springs from the Devils throat
And lightning bolts from his hands just float
It’s the tears from his eyes when he’s in pain
That really accounts for all that rain
All these tales we need to ban
A tropical storm is God’s watering can.
 Jul 2020
Try as I might I cannot find,
Whatever it was I left behind,
It doesn’t matter where I look,
My future is still a closed book,
Seeking in the here and now,
Still not knowing why or how,
What is it that I am looking for?
Afraid to open any door.

It seems to me that every time,
I turn the corner or cross the line,
There’s someone, something waiting there,
To cut me down without a care,
And does it not seem hard to you,
When all I really want to do,
Is get my life back into shape,
And rest a while in sweet escape.

Tony 18/11/00
 May 2020
i have come
to the waters

i have come to the seas
for we to be free

i have come
to lament my glory

all alone that i am
all alone that i am
 May 2020
Until the sunlight bounced its last light
Another gleaming face
And we
Looking up amidst the lenses
Memories bright as burning eyes
Puddling in skies
Above you see
And when the moon winked at us
We knew that it was alright to love
when the moon winked at us

Waving from all

Reflections of the whole

Reflections of the whole

Waving from all


A diamond shine

It shines on the seas

Waving from you and me

Reflecting all


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