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 Mar 2021
Thomas W Case
I want to get
the facts out.
The glass from under
my skin.
The rails from the
Just because I said
that your *** looks
nice in those jeans,
doesn't mean you
get to treat me like
*** crazed dog.
I gave you a compliment;
nothing more.
You're not an object.
And neither am I,
so don't talk to
me like one.
I'm not every
other guy you've
ever met.
Lift your eyes
a little higher,
that's where I am.
 Feb 2021
Kicked up a storm of memories
in the dust of yesterday
I wallowed, bathed and near drowned
as I breathed in each morsel
of comfort I could discern
and "But for the grace of God go I"
saved my life and set me free.
But for the grace of God go I"
 Feb 2021
Edmund black
When I was a young boy
My greatest wish was to be a star
Not a star as in a celebrity
But an actual star above your head
In the sky
Like nature’s best
I’ve always yearned
To be free
A beacon of light
Standing tall
So full of love
A clear path for others to seek
Guiding light shines so bright
A refuge for those enduring much pain
To be someone’s wishes
If I can reach for whatever
It will reach for me too.....
Nothing has changed!
 Feb 2021
Jackie Mead
When you walk amongst the flower and trees,
Do you take note of the insects and bees?
Making their homes in the branches and leaves.
Some no bigger than a speck of dirt.
Bees hovering amongst the roses, cowslip, and milkwort.
Pollinating the buds of new flowers, preparing for Spring to arrive.
The treasure they desire is nectar; to be drunk by the Queen of their beehive.

Show your admiration for nature at work.

Beetles, crickets, flies of all kinds, can be found.
Amongst the stem and leaves closer to the ground.
The crickets emit a shrill chirp, the flies hum as they quickly flap their wings.

Listen closely as nature sings.

Popping up their heads from their hole in the ground.
Wild rabbits, take a look around you, hundreds abound.
Squirrels running up their trees.
Escaping predators, storing their tea.

Watch closely as nature plays.

Down by the canal amongst the reeds, dragonflies of a beautiful bright blue.
Flap their wings very quickly, look closely, do you see one close-by?
Be quick they will be gone in the blink of an eye.

Wonder at the swiftness of nature.

Gnats and midges in their hordes,
Creating havoc and discord.
Swatting a huge band of them with your hand; wondering what is their place?
As they make a nuisance of themselves, getting in your face.

Wonder at the swiftness of nature.

Ducks swans, geese sharing the river, swimming atop; Fishes swimming below.
Birds make nests for the young in the safest bushes beneath the largest willow.

Admire the protective side of nature.

When you walk...with an open mind.
You will be delighted at the many forms of nature you find.
 Feb 2021
Betty H
Blue, pink streaks of radiance
peak through dark shades
conscious of daybreak, a glance
bodies twist into a ******* bow
dawn’s breath
scents of last eve’s balmy cologne
my winsome perfume
crusty eyes peep, blossom out
faint whispers of violet tenderness
hour after hour, hesitant to stir
relax the white bow
set in butterfly motion
 Feb 2021
rose hopkins
He looked at me
that child of knowing eyes,
knowing eyes
of iridescent blue.
Blue pools gazing
blue gaze searching
for a link.
A link of recognition.
New, wise soul
old,wise soul
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