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Phyllis Hand Oct 2021
Which path shall I take
Opportunity endless

First step
Body tirelessly communicates
Will I listen?

What messages does it relay?
How do the past and present inform them?

Which benefits me?
The bigger, timeless Me

There is hope in understanding
My neurology
and engaging joyfully
in its plasticity
Traveler Mar 2021
Change isn't simple
and without failure,
entropy sets-in...
You got to lose your balance
to find a new one☯
We all possess the strength to win!

To reach a new goal
"In evolution"
The seeds of love rely
All this chaos is but an illusion
The spark of hope still fills my rhymes

There is a new day on the horizon
The sun is shining extra bright
The sky is endlessly blue
An atmosphere of endless apatite's
Traveler Tim

Meet me here, there and everywhere.
I am but a kind traveler have no fear!

— The End —