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 Jan 2017
11 days, I spent in grey hospital socks
wandering halls bare, not even clocks
17 girls, all torn and broken inside
opened our wrists, drank cyanide
"behavior heath", but we knew was psych
held wandering souls, all pale and ghostlike
sat in a circle, we shared and we cried
of times we stole, drank, smoked and lied
stories of ****, abuse and pain
somehow all one and the same
different faces and different lives
but most chose to end it with knives
but failure brought us all to this place
to learn a new name, gain a new face
fed us some pills and watched how we'd do
if we'd scream and suddenly turn blue
but only a few continued to fall
and theirs are the saddest stories of all
my heart broke each night as I sat and heard
one of the girls minds became blurred
still even now, I shed a tear
for every lost soul, that we never hear
Recently went to an intensive inpatient behavior health center after a major panic attack and breakdown. I was suicidal and was diagnosed with major depression. This experience, really changed me and opened my mind so much. More to come . I give thanks for this site for giving me a positive way to cope. You all are amazing. <3
 Jan 2017
Jenna Lucht
I've written love stories for strangers in the street,
Sang sonnets for puppy love crushes,
And sketched the delicate details of lovers I've only met in dreams.
Yet somehow, I cannot seem to muster the strength
It takes to write a single line of text for you.
The melody to our story escapes my memory,
It almost seems too painful to imagine how your face wrinkled in a smile.
Your name rings a hundred times over in my mind,
I can feel it's claws deep in my chest
Crawling up my throat, begging to be said aloud.
As your ghost walks by my side,
Offering a transparent shoulder to rest my head against
I immediately become lost in your absent touch.

Unbeknownst to me,
I made even the most vivid of my almost-love stories
A distant shadow of memories clouded with delusion.  
Rather than confront the truth of our incompatibility
I hide between crowds in the street and the indents of building entryways,
Afraid your eyes will meet my painted on smile
And decide, in an instant, to look the other way.
As if I'm merely a passing image, instead of an old half that didn't quite fit.
As if you didn't know me at all, like perhaps you wish you never did.

I've composed symphonies in the fleeting names of thousands,
Erected statues for flirtatious, one minute interactions,
And created masterpieces for those who don't remember my name.
Yet the thought of putting you into art seems to crack my soul
And leave the contents spilling out with no one to return them.
To consciously put in order the tornado of a romance we shared
Would be to admit it actually meant something to me-
And that it still does, somehow, have a hold of my mind.
But that would also be to admit that you belong with all the others,
Which you so clearly stand apart from.
To make such art would betray everything I ever felt for you.

For you, every novel will go unwritten.
My canvas filled with landscapes and still lifes,
I'll paint every face blank with your shadow.
Love songs and beautiful melodies remain only for ten digit number exchanges
That die as quickly as they start.  
Every word I write about the stranger from the coffee shop,
Or the chance encounter while buying groceries
Will be dripping with your memories,
How you glanced long and touched soft.
Slowly I'll forget how your voice felt on my skin
And the way my body intertwined with yours at night.
Never again will your image hover over my head and drown me in my sleep.
Everyday I walk without your ghost in the back of my mind
Will be your symphonic, poetically sculpted masterpiece.
 Jan 2017
Emma Elisabeth Wood
I burnt down the metal cage
that confined me

I have broken up with God
and I am blossoming

without his hand pushing
my head down

I eat blackberries straight from
the bush

tasting the dirt where they grew
the tightest bud bursting

into fruit that nurtures me
that sustains me

I am Godless and cageless
I am a woman of

flames, starting fires
wherever I go

burning, burning, turning
into ash

into the very dirt I courted
with my purple stained

 Jan 2017
The grass and the root
End the teardrops
I find simplicity
Poison came
And poison went
Poison never ended my life
It only hurt me
Found its way
Into my arteries
Found my willing all in vein
And tore me apart
I find simplicity
In my inability
To deal
With complexity
 Jan 2017
Ola Radka
We all paint our lives.
The mountains of challenges,
The rivers of tears,
The waterfalls of joy.

We mix the colours of sorrow and laughter
And add the colours of experience and the years that passed.
The souls we will always remember
And the moments we will never forget.
 Jan 2017
Edward Coles
Left her crying in the driveway
after forcing her way through the window,
feigned a car crash, a sudden death,
so I could sleep alone and warm
without discussion across the pillow.

Drank whiskey and coke,
distant and remote-
noted her painted nails,
her short skirt, her knotted shirt,
shaved legs
in anticipation
for something I could not give her.

Made an excuse to sing the blues
until the pills took their hold
and muffled my strings
in a tranquilised series
of half-toned grins
and yawns that sing
the death of another evening.

Would rather take to art
than any flesh, bone, or heart
that bleeds upon my feeling,
would rather cling to a verse,
a muddied crime, suit, or hearse,
that leaves me high and dry
and staring up at the ceiling.

Left her nursing her wounds
whilst I search for an excuse
why I cannot love without leaving.
Left her alone in her bed
a feast of wine and bread
that has no taste,

that has no rhyme or reason,
for why I keep ploughing the field,
for why I keep moving through the seasons.

There is no meaning to my motion,
no depth to my frantic gathering of breath,
no distilled calm, nor consequence to each brief,
suffering emotion.

I am just a ladder to climb.
I am no stairway to heaven.
 Jan 2017
Electric despair
Just a fraction
A hit of desire

Supply and demand
Trading peace for the land
Starting fires

It's nothing of news
It rots and pollutes
It mocks what you do
It's ready to shoot
Doesn't care who was there
Media covered the truth

No mans land

Snuffing the come up
I live for the underhand jobs
I'm a mob boss
I need a cough drop
Choking on the reasons
History repeating stand down

The stench of division
Clouding my vision
So loud indecision
Surrounds my conviction
Rendering me as a corpse
Send all my hobbies up north
Where it's going down
So poised
With a corpse to throw
Self love
Plus more room to grow
Oh so bold
Must be snorting that pale moon glow
Must be chugging that everclear
Must be clutching that heart so dear
What a life
Yet I'm gonna get it right

Oh god
Can you hear me out
From whom did you learn all your lessons
Tested I figured you ad libbed the message
I'm out to find what the silence is betting

So petty
So don't test me
War ready
With the goal on flexing
I run the patience of clocks
Outliving haters a personal hobby
Spited to death
**** cam is lit fam
Ex lady thinking
***** I don't really give a ****
Never made a baby
Always played the run around


Sorry about that
But what am I to do
When that *** so fat
Got me hella in the mood
When you let me see it clap

I got an eigth of shrooms
I'm tryna make it bloom
A blunt to match
Some room to move
Stratosphere blazing as we cloud the room
Last year faded off the ought to do
While I sit here waiting for my star to shoot

Topsy turvy
Match the gloom
In a vile plume as I engage the noose
Hopeful boy taking polaroids
Everlasting days
Never lasting joys

Come on

Just blast away
Growing pains from my defeat
Burned at stakes from past mistakes
Ambition bathed in flames

Ascension know my name
Lotus petals
I craft on broken glass
This ******* built to last

Sitting in the drivers seat
Laughing at my lack of drive
The taste of irony
Hinting at my suicide
This right here is do or die
Scared of heights
Grit teeth and fly
Copped me some stolen wings
Deceit no thang to me
Yet I still can't sleep
Relax my mind
Third eye still crooked why
Bad batch of LSD
What the hell you want from me

Lamentations of the soul
Cascading broken notes
Wretched lessons I provoke
The wailings of a lonely ghost

Praying karma takes me home
Been wayward from the start
        Been wayward from the start
Chasing shadows thinking stars were mine to handle
I've learn reality's a gale of sin
And I'm the candle
Now watch as I unravel
 Jan 2017
Emma Elisabeth Wood
I have heard of people
tasting stars

and I wonder how their mouths
never filled with ash

I have cradled dying stars and
rocked them

as if they came from
my body

dipping my toe into the
waters of the universe

I am a child of flames
no cooler than the


but I cannot taste myself
without surrending to

becoming that ash
 Jan 2017
L Seagull
...Mother called her...
Oh so skinless
Bare wire of emotion
Fragile like a matchstick
If it won't burn it'll break
All sinks in I am a pool
Leave me with a drop of poison
Or a cup of tea
It will all concoct into something
Too hard to taste through expectation
And for a while, the aftertaste will
Linger on the surface
Infusing this consciousness with a sheer
Hint of momentary
Naked still, container
For everything besides that
Silly old
Yes you,
My dear frenemy
How do I know you so well
Growing up so warm and overfed?
Leave my spirit be
With the homeless ones
They know you just the way
That I could only feel
They are me
But with a valid reason
Now surface hardened with
The pity for those
Running from their reflection
Let haters spit away
I love your truth
In hell or heaven
Hand in hand with
Itchy insecurities
They feel a lot
And then we cuddle
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