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 Oct 2015
01:52 am
have you ever asked yourself like why you so lonely?*

01:53 am
or empty?

that maybe you give too much of your essence to people and never leave any of you for yourself

01:55 am
i know i do

02:05 am
and like that's maybe why i get so attached to humans

because in them,
i find myself

02:07 am
i need to change, because things shouldn't be this way

02:10 am
but it's hard sometimes you know, when most days you don't leave the house because you feel unworthy of the space you take up

02:16 am
so you'd much rather disintegrate into soil because you've become all too familiar with people stepping over you and admiring the outcome of your beauty but never the roots of your pain

02:19 am
i spend so much effort watering people in order for them to grow and hardly get enough sun shine to feed my own soul

02:25 am*
because i don't know how to do anything else but care for everyone but myself
 Oct 2015
Walter W Hoelbling
dead bodies floating
in our oceans
from the Asian Pacific
to the Mediterranean

crumpled corpses lying
on our beaches
thousands drowned unknown

overcrowded detention centers
not unlike concentration camps
behind barbed wires
guarded by police and snarling dogs

nobody feels responsible

not  those who started wars
destroyed whole cities
made millions homeless
and into refugees

not those who take advantage
of the chaos for their own gain
abusing the names of their gods
or some ancient figurehead
to excuse their atrocities and greed

not those who live
in comfortable homes
and wish the desperate crowds
would just stay on the TV screen
and not come close

nor those who pretend
to be the guardians
of our great humanitarian heritage
but show no backbone
against nationalist fanatics

it is the shame of the world
to sit and talk and watch
and not do enough

those who turn away
the needy and homeless
could also
      quite suddenly
lose their homes

forced to rely
on the kindness of strangers
 Oct 2015
Aditi Kumar
I want my words to be beautiful.
Beautiful like yours.
I want to see ordinary things,
Find the magic in them,
And put the magic on a page, for everyone to understand.

I want to have a way with words.
I want every poem of mine
To become a masterpiece.
Just like yours.

I am not broken.

But you are.

You see the world through pain,
And pain makes the colors brighter.
It makes the value of feelings
Climb higher.

Sometimes I wonder
If I should be broken like you
If I want my words to resonate
Like yours.

Sometimes I wonder,
If it will be truly worth it
In the end.

I wonder what it will be like,
To cut myself up to pour out the beauty inside me.

Just like you.

I imagine that you
Raise the blade
Slice your feelings open
And write your masterpiece
In red.
Can only sad people write good poems? Can only broken people find inspiration in anything?
 Oct 2015
Anna Falls
You know
I have come to realize that
The people who care
Are easily picked out from
The people that don't.

Maybe the people that don't
Are lying to themselves
And tell themselves they do care
But in reality they don't.

I can tell.
Because when I tell someone

I write poetry.
It's an emotional release for me.
I post the poems on a website.

The people who care
Will actually go and read
My poems.

That's how I know.
I know someone cares.
 Oct 2015
Ann M Johnson
Too soon I will need to depart from what is closest to my heart
going away from my land of Oz (Hello Poetry)at least saying goodbye for a short, maybe even long time
   Falling into the unknown rabbit hole, which might be kind of magical but I don't know yet for now comes with some uncertainty and anxiety
It is for now another chapter yet unwritten in this book called my life
Many books to be read, questions that I need to find answers for
writing poems being replaced with papers to write
Many new faces in crowded classrooms at first nameless faces, Age differences spanning many years
hope that obstacle is  not a barrier to making friends as I feel
It is good to have friends of all ages
I wish that the previously unknown faces will become my friends in class  
Test anxiety that I hope to overcome
The end of my summertime  becomes Fall
I am starting a New School on August 24th, 2015
 Oct 2015
Crystal Wright
We shall go and ride into the snow,
We shall see the rivers flow, they flow thru me!
Take a candle my love,
Take an ax my love,
We shall burn our way thru hearts and chop away above.
Take your coat my dear,
If you intend to get in here...
You see you're not the only one who can't find me.

We shall float downstream in a boat,
We shall charm the Cobra with deceit.
We can try to take the Dragon's gold,
Or we can steal the Cats from our feet.
Take a candle my dear,
You might burn your way in here,
But I doubt the fire will get thru the stone...
Take that ax my child, but you just might drive me wild,
The blood and steel won't let me feel alone...

Many thousands of years it seems,
Has led me not to believe in dreams.
So if you will excuse me now,
I must let Them know somehow,
That They can't get to the stitching from the seam.

Take your coat my love,
But you shouldn't expect too much...
You see you're not the only one who tried to get inside.
Take that ax my dear,
And plant it here.
I know you will be happy to see me gone-
In the long run.
And promise me,
That you will sit,
Copyright 2015 - Crystal J. Wright
 Oct 2015
Dreams of Sepia
Wiling away someone else's
restless hours as they serve you
your elegant cafe au lait
you're flicking through newspapers
or maybe waiting for a friend
or a lover
or maybe contemplating
your next masterpiece
scribbling or drawing
on a folded napkin
or in a notebook
& watching someone
get out slowly out of a taxi
as someone rides by on a bike
& the first umbrella goes up
& it starts to rain
& the music is jazz
or blues & you're
dreaming of something
just people watching
& the hours pass
by almost invisibly
as if afraid to disturb
 Oct 2015
Jacquie Bullinger
Another new year,
But it's still not the same.
I'd rather relive an old year,
One where I can hear you say my name.
Written 1/1/2012
 Oct 2015
Kelly Rose
I am the Poet, hear my siren’s song
My woven whispers ****** ways and words
Mesmerizing, you will feel you belong
Be part of an inner circle and be heard

Write with me, no lines will be false or blurred
Together we will create and be strong
There’s no need for pleasure to be deferred
I am the Poet, hear my siren’s song

I have been sad and alone way too long
Belonging together is most preferred
Creating brings joy, won’t you come along?
My woven whispers ****** ways and words

Take a chance and your senses will be stirred
Part of our circle, not lost in the throng
We are more together, grace is conferred
Mesmerizing, you will feel you belong

All ideas are welcomed, no thought is wrong
Just know this; your spirit won’t be interred
May our venture be successful and long
Be part of an inner circle and be heard
I am the Poet

July 21, 2015
something new and different
 Oct 2015
too many poems
too many poets
describing the
same **** feelings
and yet
throughout the centuries
none of us
have ever found
the right words
// spent my whole life tryna put it into words //

thank you so much for the daily ♡
 Oct 2015
Cecil Miller
Once you give yourself to me.
There is no way that you are free.
Mine are eyes that see my prey.
Welcome night, and grieve the day.

I've loved before,
I'll love you more
Than anyone who let you go.

Don't move, don't blink,
Don't cry, don't think -
You can let your free will go.

I love you like Ed.
I love you like Jeffrey.
I love you like John.
I love you like Luka.

Things are going to change for you.
There is nothing you can do.
There is nothing you can say.
You can never get away.

Don't be afraid.
You're in my shade.
I'm never gonna let you go.

You're mine tonight,
And all the nights -
I'm never gonna let you go.

I love you like Ed.
I love you like Jeffrey.
I love you like John.
I love you like Luka.

It rubs the lotion on its skin,
Or else it gets the hose again.
It rubs the lotion on its skin,
Or else it gets the hose again.

It rubs the lotion on its skin,
Or else it gets the hose again.
It rubs the lotion on its skin,
Or else it gets the hose again

I've loved before,
I'll love you more
Than anyone who let you go.

Don't be afraid.
You're in my shade.
I'm never gonna let you go.

I love you like Ed.
I love you like Jeffrey.
I love you like John.
I love you like Luka.
I have been working on this song a few weeks. I just finished it.
Yes, I know it is very, very dark but don't anybody get your knickers in a budge. It's not a love story. It is not real. If you understand certain references, don't get freaked. The title came to me. It had some alliteration that I thought sounded good, so I built it around a soft techno-club beat that would have been heard in dance-a-terias in the early 1990's. I, of course, retain all ownership and rights to all my work. Please do not use it to buy, sell, trade or for fundraising for this or any other sight.
 Oct 2015
I see diffeRent
I no longer sEe
within Every
inCh looking up at
The mirror and
tO scream until the pieces fell
uNto the floor, as I try to find myself
 Oct 2015
brooke myers
not like all the others.
not greedy.
for once in my life i found
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