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 Oct 2015
Ann M Johnson
Somewhere in the middle is the place I don’t want to be
   I wonder what happened to me?  It is not like I want to repeat my awkward teen years especially those strong emotions and my bad acne
  It is just that the years seemed to fly by too fast
It seems like in a blink of an eye I was 20 than 30 than 40, Oh my!!
A neighbor recently told me “Over the Hill starts at 28”, man alive I hope she’s wrong. If she’s right I’ll take a big breathe and be strong
This road of life that I travel on, speaking of roads, I don’t want to be in the middle of a road either. I once heard a comedian say,” In the middle of the road is yellow lines and dead skunks (I say, oh gross!) If I find myself in the middle of the road my friend’s, I will quickly cross.
  If I am in the middle I will cope at all cost. I will live the time I have left to the fullest I can. Make the best of every opportunity and learn all I can.
  I will make a bucket list in case I kick the can. I will live in the moment but still plan, plan, plan.
  I will continue to let my loved ones know I love them and my friends too. To all you who are reading this I want you to know I appreciate you too! Please forgive my babbling, I recently had a birthday which made me take in account the years that have rushed by
  Well I could live another fifty years, maybe even more, “they say that time fly’s when you are having fun”, I am not sure if it is true or not, but watch me as I try
Recent birthday brought this to mind
 Oct 2015
She wanders,
guided by her lost soul.
She spills arts,
coming from her pure heart;
She writes words no one can understand,
yet she speaks it like it was kept in her mind
for so long, just waiting for someone to find it.
She is a masterpiece of her own,
but she has a heart of stone.
 Oct 2015
Justin G Diaz
You try to say what’s on your mind
You try to reflect to them their fine lines
But they don’t want to hear it
They don’t hear what your hearts trying to say
They just hear what they think the mirror portrays
There's just so much beauty there and you want them to know it
But all they want to do is bash themselves and retort it
The kind hearted guy seems to never win
Even though all they do is put their heart and thoughts out on a limb
She says “ew no”, but in your head you just shake your head and digress
Because she’ll never fully understand the way you see her
And its just too risky for you to fully confess
All you feel from them is the vibe of the depressed
And you wish you knew why because your feelings for them are more than could ever be expressed
 Oct 2015
Picture this
people  in
this  void, all
will  be  annoyed,
one  is  in  the  dark,
two  hold  secrets  that
are  cold,  three  will  be  in
pieces,  one  wears  a
blind fold, two have
been cheating,
all    parties
have been
I want to know
What it's like
To live a happy life
With no bruises to show

Where every face
Holds a smile
Without the façade
Of a happy soul

Take me away
To a happy place
Where every day
I can find peace
 Oct 2015
Camron Elliott
People Welcome You Into Their Lives,
Then Why Won't You.
 Oct 2015
Jacob Christopher
Hello my dear, how are you?
It's been too long since we last spoke.
I'm running short on happiness,
I'm running out of hope.
I won't ask you where you've been, where you've gone or what you've done.
I just need your company,
some luck, and a little love.
Ask me how I'm doing
and I'll never find the words.
Every day without your touch,
is just another day that hurts.
I can live without you, I'll move on and I'll be fine.
But every where I go just know you're always on my mind.
 Oct 2015
Danny Price
*******, words constricting
Woke up, wrong place to live in
Now I find myself hustling
But I can't keep from tossing in
My bed at night
Don't want to breathe and I've got to fight
With all my might crack the walls
And shed some light
On the wrong side of the long night persisting
Inspite of our Hollywood vinyls
And pop star idols
'cause at midnight they bite us
And drink our love.

Imagine work paid off  
And you're never laid off, rough appearance
Won't make them scoff
What if tough heights didn't last long
Or burn so strong, didn't scar your tongue,
And good fun wasn't modest
Like Bollywood's hottest
We'd live the lives loudest
That we could be proudest of.

We forget it all, they've set it small
Well we're all not tall, we just bend down
Let them move your limbs in any given position
Because life's only
A luxurious possession after all.
Thought I'd experiment a little.. This was lots of fun!

— The End —