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 Jul 2020
my heart says.

it succumbs to you.

the pain is so much like the pleasure
i can't distinguish it.

where are you?
do not hurt me.

your beauty,
it hurts.
 Jul 2020
i hate the way i tremble
even as your knee brushes against my toe,
as if a simple gesture was enough to make me fall again.

i hate the way your eyes crinkle at the corners when you laugh,
the way you talk so easily,
words gliding from your mouth
so distinguishable i can almost feel them land on my skin,
like water droplets when it is drizzling.

you are dangerous,
you with your delicate beauty
like a wash of gold upon my eyes,
like the lifting of a curtain in a dark, dusty room.

i am blinded by you.
and i hate being blind.
 Jul 2020
don't hurt me,
my heart cries.

but the tears are only of blood,
and you,
you are made of light and fire.

how come i can see it--
see the way your eyes feel like a summer day
and the salt on the breeze
and the wind whipping my hair in tendrils around my face.

i can't see, i say,
but you don't listen,
and neither does the wind.

so i stumble and i fall
but the waves are there to catch me.

but even then are they my friends?
 Jul 2020
what power you do have, you use it willingly.

don't you?
how could you know you don't hurt me,

with those long lashes like unused paintbrushes,
brushing against your cheeks so soft i can feel it,
like butterfly wings.

let go of me, my heart says to you.
you smile back and it's so cruel, so cruel,

that i relish in the pain even though i know it is poison.
 Jul 2020
i hate the way i love you.

i hate the way you smile,
i hate the way you laugh.

i hate how i know you have a dimple,
there, right there, on the side of your cheek.

i hate how you are like sunlight hitting a shimmering puddle,
as if you had the power to lift clouds and calm storms.

you don't have that power.
part 1 in a series

— The End —