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 May 2015
Kerli Tulva
The night-cold air embraces the soul
Drifting along, jumping over the imagination hole
Nothing seems reality. Where is the whole?

Stepping out into the bare world
Taking the melancholy along
Hovering around like an invisible bird.

Under the whopping sky
Standing in the middle of the universe
I rise my hands to pick a black rose
And let all the gleaming petals disperse.
 May 2015
Seán Mac Falls
He wrote in the mornings, she recited to him at night,
He always made breakfast, she made dishes disappear,
His garb was quite frumpy, and hers, made of spun gold,
He struggled with fashion, song birds would dress her,
He thought his poems looked best in moving candlelight,
She made all the fires and lit candles with her eyes.
Once, he was embarrassed and said to her,
'How can you live like this with me in a hovel?'
She said it reminded her of Plato's Cave.
At readings he looked out and saw sinking eyes,
Now he has her read all his poems, it works
Wonders that way, and after-parties are strange,
Everyone keeps staring and asking for her
Name.  She gives cryptic answers and winks
At him.  The poet was running out of words
And thought his days with her were waning.
But she said her heart was kept in a precious
Box of symbols, of words, only he could write.  
She said that it was written in the sky, that poetry
Was dying and that he was the cure.  He told
Her that the stars were lost at night, and fading
While she sparkled unfailing, and many times
They tasted each others tears, many times
The world stopped spinning, he knew
It was her, she felt it was him.  To all
Others, their one bedroom flat was small,
Yet to them, it was the Palace Athene.
 May 2015
Amitav Radiance
Wake up with the morn
Inhale the fresh air
Soak in the light of dawn
Taste the dewdrops
To soothe the parched soul
Dreams are new
Waiting to take flight
Chirping birds talk to you
Listen to them closely
How dreams take flight
Nestle your dreams with care
Wide open arms of morning air
Welcomes you in her world
Wide eyed at daybreak
Capture the beauty of this world
 May 2015
That dream that I had,
It was a blurr
But your face i see ever so clearly.
Everything was white
You smiled at me happily;
A premonition as you see it.
You told me,
"Maybe I dumped you on that day."
The truth is,
You held my hand clutching it tightly
You were wearing your wedding dress.
**And it was our wedding day.
The rest of what happened in my dream.
 May 2015
sound of running puddles• the          as they make
window pane•             their way out
   pelting my                         of stagnant
       the rain•                    troubles•listen
            sound of         the calm
          the                calling of
               listen                     the moist
            •                          breeze•as it
                 whispers its hopeful
        promises and decrees• the chaos in
   my heart •  heals it-    
self everyday  be-    
fore again it gets    
torn apart      

Begin reading from mid left of the poem
and work your way round.
 May 2015
Amanda In Scarlet
'I love you' means more than itself, it means nothing, and everything. It means that I cannot now live without your voice in my head and my heart, whispered softly in early morning, lucid dreams in which your skin finds mine and we are suffused with warmth and a gentle, deep arousal that is beyond everything; utter rapture.

It means that you have infiltrated desires and abilities that I have always had and never known, and gifted them to me with a deft flourish and a heartstopping smile, halting me in my tracks, making me aware of myself and of you and the myriad possibilities that are all caught up in us.

I tell you in the spaces between these words that you are my dearest friend and only love, that I do not exist in any real way without you; you make me true.

'I love you' cannot mean these things, and yet it means all of them, and everything, and nothing, and when I say it to you I hope that you will hear the catch in my throat as the words fall into your waiting hands, my gift, all and everything I have; now yours.
 May 2015
Francie Lynch
When I put you
Down to sleep,
I know you'll
*** and **** and peek;
But close your eyes,
Quiet your mouth,
And be as cute
As all get out.

Sleep, my Baby
Through the night;
Fill your head
With pleasant dreams
While all is yet
As it seems.

Through the dark
And the shadows,
Wake to sunshine
Kissing meadows,
To songbird music
Sweet and mellow.

Arise, my Baby,
Walk with me
And with some help
You will see
The worldly wonders
You'll share with me.
 May 2015
Liberty perched on a pedestal
balancing progress and evil
Holding high the palm of peace
over those who hold it so dear

But peace comes dropping too slowly
with all due respect to you, William
An unsettled and urgent promise
cloistered within vows of possibility

Willing victim of romantic culture
betrayed by the keeper of souls
Romance is no idle distraction
Intimacy, a vocation

Long afflicted by...
the sounds of music
the scent of linden blossoms
the taste of sea salted skin
the feel of sultry midnight air
the sight of sun through closed eyes...

Dreams once silently withering
liberated to wander freely
Uprooted from the stagnation
of emotionally depleted soil

Transplanted to aimlessness
where all roads lead to roam
Preferring the role of explorer
to the vagrancy of a lost soul

Strolling through this beautiful city
as having traveled throughout life
Observing without participation
part of a whole yet not wholly a part

An accomplished failure on a quest
to achieve simplicity of purpose
To savor those moments of stray peace
that ephemerally cross this path

...all the whilst searching for that bee loud glade
 May 2015
Prabhu Iyer
Rain snaps at the distance
one more wet dawn, I sit
longing by the porch,
as the leaves rustle

Of realms ethereal,
Senora, how would I
honour you in my
coarse, this peasant home?

Do not but assume this
frail form, that caprice can
find shelter, human
in you: I can't bear,

I will wait an aeon,
if only to grow eyes.
 May 2015
A lightbeam came down to your crown
As your gentle fingers caressed the keys
I knew it would be extraordinary
You bowed your head and smiled
I sat on the edge of my seat

Then as if someone was whispering notes
In to your ear, you played
My heart tore open and I smiled
With my whole being
Tears ran down my face
Soft, happy tears

What your music told me
Will remain a mystery
Sure I could ask
But I'd rather not know
In stead I will come to hear you play
Let your soul touch my heart again
Renee's music <3
 May 2015
Mike Essig
The extraordinary man
woke up as ordinary
as a ***** shirt,
checked his horoscope
which told him
to go back to bed.

He ignored it like
a weather report
just as often
wrong as right.

His coffee tasted
flat as ironed dreams.

The world
appeared unchanged.

But he was exhilarated.

He reveled in his
new ordinariness.

It hinted at a rebirth
of possibilities:
new boots, new roads,
a new moon
at which to howl.

A new way to be
in the same world,
but reborn.

An unspoken prayer
somehow answered.

Nothing is
ever over
until it is.

 May 2015
Eclectic desires
Baubles and shiny things
Drawn into
The atmosphere of a
Magpie's dream
A cosmic trek
Through psychedelic universes
Of color and smoky whirls
Disjointed figures
Take shape
A journey
Of madness and ecstasy
Threatened identities
Spark fearful fires
Of anger
Feet un-tethered
Wings spread
Beauty birthed
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