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 May 2015
Amitav Radiance
About past there are regrets
With the present we are entangled
Past is yet to arrive, yet, doubtful
Seeds of unharmonious thoughts
Deeply entrenched in our mind
Now, they have grown and flourish
Becoming weak in the constant shade
Obfuscating the light of awareness
Life, we interpret in darkness
Until we cut the branches of uncertainties
Uproot the negative thoughts
Embrace the light of truth and grace
To live and grow stronger with every step
Nurture the harmonious thoughts
 May 2015
How I lie and break, broken till to the very tip of my bone
I dislike how I ate my own hate, swallowed till it reaches the gate
How the voices preach to breach the barriers of the untouched soul
Purity bleach the acidic preaches of ones owned,
rinsing the putrid echoes of THE hateful stone.

Innocence remains unreached; it’s a battle of everyday presence.
My pure essence survives the life’s impermanence.

Winning and Losing stands in equilibrium.
Life is not as tasty as the sweet brew.
no matter how much you hate yourself, never let the hate reach you heart and destroy you....
 May 2015
You make me feel nostalgic for things that never happened.
You remind me of someone who I never got to truly know.
Random person in the world,
it seems we'll only ever be granted fleeting glimpses of each other's soul.
Then we'll lay it down to rest.
Some things are best left unknown.
When bridges burn while still under construction.
 May 2015
Jonny Angel
"There's no such thing as a witch,"
Martha told me smiling
trying hard to hold the corners
of her lips from turning up
and holding her hand
over her pentagram
She dropped
a chicken foot
right next
to a circle of
six smoldering candles
& a burnt tarot card.
I knew then
it was time for me
to leave her premise.
I scooted across her yard
& locked the gate
behind me
feeling strange,
as if I were lying,
under a spell.
 May 2015
Arcassin B
By Arcassin B & fnb

I could turn a butterfly into a daffodil tear,
Growing the inside out,
Fly with me to paradise,
And forget all your peers,
Or you lose your body like poltergeist.
Feel the soft grass glide beneath your toes
The sweet flower scent rush through your nose
To paradise together we flew,
Or from my grave, crawling back to you,
And as I keep crawling,
Your loving keeps calling,
Not mad at your insecurity sometimes,
Red lights and stop signs,
Freeze in place while your ahead,
Like arriving in Oakland,
Please just follow what's along the lines,
Leave loose ends but your minds ties,
But we don't die we multiply,
We become as one,
And one in mind.
Thanks ally :) and also I'm back lol
 May 2015
Amitav Radiance
We are still alien
To this paradise
Our journey
Shrouded in
This celestial
Space, in space
Through eternal
Ever expanding
And becoming
Not even a
Glimpse of answers
We seek
As we steer
Through uncertainty
Unknown origins
And Destination
 May 2015
Amitav Radiance
Many are prisoners
Of their own contradictions
Vacillating between  
The real and unreal
Finally the masks
Wear off
Thus revealing
The real heart
Sitting on
The pinnacle
Of ego
Yet, frowning within
Through the lens
Of faulty perspectives
Life becomes
A nightmare
 May 2015
K Balachandran
In a clinic, getting treated for amnesia of the soul,
I meet her, by chance and feel a sense of deja vu,
but can't place her properly,from which age do you appear?
you sure are her. Your face is familiar, even after ages,
then you ask me whether I remember; in my brain
solar flair like magnetic energy, light up hidden spaces.
The red poppy design, isn't it a pointer enough?
"The poppy effect.My insignia won't allow to forget
though I too fall in to a forgetfulness described as divine"
In a moment, it happens, I tumble down parting
thick clouds of stardust memories,fleeting, yet haunting,
intoxicating scent of poppies, ***** haze  takes me over

youth was the country, we've been banished from long time back,
I destroyed my passport, in an angst, that can never be expressed,
I land on my legs, flying down,before her curious eyes and smile,
interplanetary voyagers, we hardly know what happens to us,
like a poem with images broken as seeds  and spawn.

I was the naked man on your bed, the day you came in
under the cover of darkness, made love heartily till the morn,
you mourned aloud, I didn't stop you, no taboo,threatened me,
and you said, would never forget the play of natural instincts.
in many places we met, in some strangers, others as lovers,
each night different, with our bodies regaling in ****** finger play,
we sat opposite, had dinners, joked about blind dates, being swapped,
promised to be in touch soon and properly date, though not compelled,
to find out more about ****** habits and ,decide where to meet.

At the time of a heist, notorious, we meet in a diamond showroom,
you thought I am the kind pin that pulls the string.A mole I suspected
you were, though confident in duping you one more sweet time.
In this world of make believe, you can take me as any avatar you think.
Converging in each other's eyes, we reconcile and forgive. for this life
You whisper, "Ï knew you were a nihilist"Ẃe were, that and more,
exploring the core,till the essence inexplicable, will be  clear.

Appreciating a glass of fine wine, we sit opposite,to each other.
we shake hands and I see you off, from an underground station,
to a galaxy, light years away,called Pinwheel, a cosmic  spiral,
then, I realize, we don't exist, you , me or whoever think they are,
when we insist, we exist, forget it brother,only eternity, nothing else.
 May 2015
Lust is the wind in my sails
Tossed on the waves of her salty sea
I’d bring her about and cast my sights homeward
But I’m overtaken by the appetite she strikes in me

When she casts her attention
I’m caught in her net
She shares her provisions
Well beyond sunset

To be lost on her seas
Or cast away on
Her island of pleasures
I’d hope to stay long

Deep is her depths
I partake in her treasure
When I get to her floor
I'll implode under pressure

Yet still my lust
Burns on her surface
Her touch feeds the fire
Her depth gives me purpose
 May 2015
Amitav Radiance
Those silent moments
When we gaze at the stars
Capturing then in our eyes
Our blissful soul wants more
From beauty of the night
Moon guides the way
Two souls lost in solitude
Sublime night plays host
Encourages the two hearts
To coalesce in flowing love
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