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 Feb 2016
If we love someone,  
We express it,  
If we hate someone,  
Then we say it,  

But you chose silence,  
To destroy me slowly,  
Your silence has kept me on a string,  
The string of uncertainty,  

I'm not sure what this silence means,
Do you still love me?  
Or you hate me now?  

If I walk away from you,  
I'll be thinking of coming back,  
And If I walk towards you,  
Maybe I'll make a mistake,  

You have left me alone on this string,  
Anyhow I'm destroyed, destroyed of uncertainty ....

© 2015-AROODY
I believe that uncertainty is a destroying feeling,
 Feb 2016
Karina Norris-Veirs
I peer into the hole
Six foot deep
Upon inside
My doppelganger, me

I shovel dirt
Till my hands bleed
Into this hole
Six foot deep

Cover me up
The old me has ceased
Risen from the dead
The new me set free
Blood, gore
***, *****
High, drugs
Thief, mugs
Anger, harm
Cut, arm
****, *******
Looser, *******
*****, ****
Slutty, shunned
******, ugly
Smart, nerdy
Stupid, dumb
Perfect, come
Gay, handy
Ignorant, trani
Black, ******
White, *******
Lost, dog
Fat, hog
Illegal, immigrant
Immoral, rent


We all give labels to everyone
All of us, let's have some fun
Let's go out and **** someone
Who hurts you, don't let them run

Make all pay for labels begun.
 Jun 2015
from our dream of separation
to heed grace's call
to find the peace
and the happiness
which we seek
in all the
“Your inner purpose is to awaken. It is as simple as that. You share that purpose with every other person on the planet - because it is the purpose of humanity."     Eckhart Tolle
 Jun 2015
Path #1

Forgiveness is the sinking
head into heart..
The head dwelling in separation
concedes logic's demands
but confronting questions
time after time:
Why? and What?
Surrendering at last
to the sinking..
the Heart...

Path #2

Forgiveness is downloading
of new software..
Our old software
employs the ego rampant
rendering forgiveness
a difficult dream
searching in forlorn places
finding only traces..
New software finds it all
Here and Now...!

Path #3

Real forgiveness is Now
not in time..
Events in the past
seeming in need of
are only known
and what of the Now..?
it's other name
our true identity:

Path #4

is an iteration
of Forgiveness..
a shading and
concealment of
formulated light..
Our awaking brings
the repentance
the return
the feedback
to never absent

Path #5

A shock it is
to learn that
Forgiveness is not personal..
It is a realization
of a substance common
to all concerned
transparent and eternal
the real Self..
With that realization
duality of conflict
dissolves in the

Path #6

Quantum forgiveness
is the only
A leap into
infinite non-locality..
The suddenness arrives
within painful progress
or perhaps
strangely enough
out of the blue...!

Path #7

an experience of sealing
our separate brokenness..
It is mandatory..
Yet the sealing
can be accomplished
only by those who see
there is no need
for the sealing...

Path # 8

in a separated
dualistic reality
seeking forgiveness
in thought and time
is not satisfying..
The lingering pain
from a fruitless search
for forgiveness in
all the wrong places...

Path #9

is a restoration of
peace and happiness
with new clarity:
The Awareness of
peace and happiness
was never in need of

Path #10

We need to see clearly
that all relationships
take place in
infinite Awareness..
But wait..
not in .. but as..
All those hurts
are constrictions
of Awareness
crying out their
illusory separation...
 Jun 2015
A writer
is someone with an old soul,
a young heart,
and a timeless mind.

 Jun 2015
Her lover was faithful
But it was not kind.
It took all of her dreams,
And left them behind.

Now she's withering,
Like a dying flower.
The addictive white dust,  
Stealing her by the hour.

Her family disowned her ,
Her house reposessed.
But her white dusty lover,
Oh,  it loved her the best.
 Jun 2015
Brandy Nicole
Mother of the year
they cheer
If only they knew the
skeletons you hide
with your rotting teeth and heavy bags
Mother of the year
What lovely kids
They cheer
Not knowing the silence is fear of her whip
and no food to eat
Oh mother of the year who stays high
Mother who gives drugs to your child for pure entertainment
Mother of the year
Not from what I hear
Not about my mother but about something else
 Jun 2015
It fills me up with fury
A cold and silent rage
That spills out only from my eyes
And now onto this page

The anger is not because of her
Nor is it because of you
It's simply because you have a past
That makes the hate seep through

I should look at the present
And the future we have ahead
Forget the ghosts we both have
Dwell on us instead
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